Page name: Valusia XII [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-11-16 00:34:06
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Valusia XI

Lily tried to roll over and instantly knew there was something really really wrong. She was naked, there was someone behind her naked as well... and his arms were around her holding her tightly to the MALE body. After a few sharp inhaled breaths of panic though the scent of Spice invaded her head and all her senses making her realize she was in Kar's bed. And he had come to bed... after they had. SEX!!!!! Lily went very bright red from navel all the way up to her hairline. She took a few deeps breaths to calm down. And once she was calm again realized her legs hurt. and... other places. Not bad just like she stretched too much. She turned her head to look at Kar a moment wondering if she had accidently awoken him. More then likely it was later then she thought it was, even though the sun wasn't up yet and he was probably wanting to get up and go out already.

He was awake and had just been enjoying the sound of her sleeping and was aware she was now awake and panicing. De'Karis leaned forward and placed his lips against her neck, "be still and relax Lily, we are both covered and will remain that way until we decide otherwise. So, if we continue this will you always turn red anytime we disrobe or begin to have sex?" A little later Lily might want to use the hot springs again to aleve the ache she must be feeling that came with the first time. "Are you having regrets about our joining Lily?" he asked not knowing if she hated him for joining with her.

"What no!?!!! No. I liked it. I want to be with you. I just... realized we had sex was all. I mean I know we had sex... just... you know the whole idea of it hadn't hit me until just now. I don't know about my blush... it seems to have a mind of it's own I swear! But no. I think I'll get better... after a few dozen more times." Lily said thoughtfully, she wanted to assure him that she had loved it and that she was happy with him and what they had done and she was honestly trying to be thoughtful about telling him it might take her a few dozen times. After all Grandma Lai always told her she blushed just like her mother did at Altair those first years.

"a dozen times? well if that is all." he said drawing a small circle on her stomach with his finger. "you should most likely go and soak in the hot springs to take away your ache. there will be no training or mission today, to much has changed between us and we need time to adjust to it." Almost teasingly he lifted up the blanket and peeked underneath just to see if she'd blush or make something of it. His other hand was still against her skin to skin and he smiled in spite of himself.

"NO!" Lily blushed brightly and immediately and she shoved the covers down over herself. She didn't mind his touch or being against him bodily, but for some reason him looking was far to embarrassing to let happen. But the smile was noticed y her and she wondered if he was going to tease her all the time now. "Did I mess things up for your plans? Be honest." Lily asked softly holding the blanket over them both tightly and snugly. So he didn't try to peek again. She was smiling a little too, she had a feeling she'd be doing a lot of smiling in the next few days. Unless something else happened to them.

He leaned over and kissed her again letting his hand against her skin rub down to her hip, "No, I have been looking for this man for a while and until I found you I didn't know how to find him. So, it is advantageous that we wound up meeting." he said then lowered his kiss to her neck. Outside the city was still moving at its normal pace, in this room though the world seemed to stand still, and Da'Karis was focused on Lily. "So, after a little while shall we go to the hot springs so you may soak for a short while? Then we can adjourn to whichever room you wish either together or alone." The only thing blocking her getting out of his bed was the fact they were both naked and clothes were out of arms reach.

Lily's blush softened but never left her face. "That... would be nice but um... are you alright?" Lily asked she knew men had problems in the morning and she wanted to make sure he was alright before they decided on anything else. "I'm glad I could help..." she said softly leaning up and kissing Kar's cheek, it was so far the closest she had gotten to going out of her way to get physical contact with him. She had always let him come to her if that was what he wanted. She was worried she might upset him.

"I am fine, my morning state not withstanding and I think we will have to work on getting past your blushing as it may cause difficulty in our work. So..." he said gently tugging at the blanket and giving her a small wink. They would have to come to some sort of understanding, and more so they would have to decide what would happen when she was ready to return home. "You should write a letter home letting them know you are alright, I can have it sent through channels so they can't trace it back here." Her family must miss her terribly and he would not treat them in such a way that would prolong that anguish.

"Oh yes I see that going well 'dear mom and dad you were right I was kidnapped and almost raped and sold as a slave but I'm fine now I'm working as a tavern wench and sharing my bed with a killer. Love and affection your oldest heir daughter.' Yes I see that going over really really well." Lily shook her head and scrunched her nose at even the thought of her parents reactions to her letter or any letter she might be able to send to them. Even her Ravenwood insignia ring was gone. "You write one for me. I'll sign it and... oh... can't send a lock of hair we colored it. I'll think of something to send along with it." She said with a small smile she leaned up and kissed his lips softly, she had been wanting to all morning but... well hehad winked at her so it was all his fault really.

Da'Karis reached across her into the small stand near the bed and put her signet ring back on her finger, "It had not been sold yet because of the family crest on it. And how about 'Dear mother and father I am alright having made it to my destination please do not worry about me I have met some companions who are veteran adventurers. Just like you mother when you were younger, I promise to return home before long, Love Lily.' Add a few things in but nothing about Gerard or the rape and slavery." he said kissing her again as well. "But, I think for safety sake you should leave out sharing the bed with an assassin might increase their dread about who you might bring home with you." he added as an after thought. His name would be something else to leave out as well, since the name Da'Karis might be traceable back to Valusia and him.

Lily liked the kisses and his ideas were better then hers. "Fine... But my mother won't like it... and I know Daddy hasn't even heard about my being gone or there would be friends and workers of the family out searching for me everywhere! Um... You have parchment or paper and a quill and ink right?" Lily asked she wondered how much those things even cost if she had to buy them on her own. She hadn't that much money saved up yet and working with Kar left her without working at the Tavern which meant no money. "But... Kar if we aren't going out today... what are we doing?" Lily asked then a small blush starting to creep up into her face at a small thought of staying in bed in a different fashion... in a much more intimate one.

"Yes, Lily I have them all over there at the desk." he said taking hold of the blanket. "Shall I go get them or would you like to go use the desk?" he asked her. He had not given much thought to what they would do for the day, if she was sore from sexual activity then they would spend the time learning more about one another. However, if she wished to continue the more physical learning then that to could be done as there was much neither of them knew. Lily had noticed his tattoos before but with him naked she almost wondered how many he really had. 

"Later.... what do the tattoo's mean. Everything here means something and tattoo's more then anything." Lily said offering her reason to her curiosity not that he wasn't sure he could figure it out on his own. She just wanted him to talk more really. She knew what the scars were from, whips, knives, swords, lance, she could see all of those but the tattoo's had no real meaning for her. Other then that she wanted to try not to blush as much as possible and not think about how naked they both were and in bed together in the same bed and under the same blankets so... naked.

"They are magic and cost a good deal of coin to get them." he explained them and what they could do. The one on his left shoulder when active gave him the ability to see in the darkness, his right allowed him to make a ball of darkness like Lyriel could. The one on his neck allowed for levitation and he moved the blanket enough to show her the one over his heart for healing. While he showed that one he managed to move the blanket enough to see Lily's breasts for the first time since last night. "So, tell me about any scars I might find upon you or have already seen Lily." he said his fingers spread across her stomach.

"I have one on my collarbone where I broke it, I was climbing tree's in my mothers sacred grove with my brother and I missed a branch with my foot and fell to the ground. He ran to the house and called for Aunt Arten, She's not really my aunt but a dwarf who's been with the family since the very beginning. It healed everything but this little scar and Mother forbade me from leaving the house for three days. All the clean cuts you see are either from my Daddy or my Grandfather. They both said that if you can't get hurt with a sword it's either because you aren't using it right or because you are some kind of creature who can't be hit. I have a burn on my thigh when my brother and I tried to steal something from the kitchens and he dropped in onto my leg. It's just a little scar now though. But that's all my scars." Lily said not noticing the blankets movements because she was looking with great interest at his tattoo's and then began pointing hers out to him. Though the one on her thigh she left beneath the blanket.

Da'Karis moved his hand and traced the small circular burn on her thigh, "it must have hurt being so young." He planted a small kiss upon her collarbone as his hand continued to touch the scar on her thigh. "I believe we should go and have a bath Lily, then discuss the rest of our day." he suggested. It seemed to him if Lily was distracted then she did not blush if she was paying attention to something else. "I believe if we are to continue on in this fashion I should acquire some type of birth control don't you agree?"

"Oh! I didn't even think of that. My sisters use wands but those are expensive... I know the tea is relatively cheap. I do not know how expensive cassil root is though. I can start purchasing the tea and keeping a supply with me here." Lily offered her body warming considerably to his touches, his kisses his husky voice. She had never heard him speak so much and she didn't want it to end here. "Bath... together you mean? I... I'd like that." Lily said softly trying to contain her blush at her own inappropriate thoughts still not yet realizing her small pert breasts were bare to Kar, she was after all happy to simply hear him speak and to examine him with her eyes. Her hands gently reaching out to just barely graze the edges of his tattoo's. She realized she was happy and didn't feel the need to do anything at all that day. For once she had nothing to prove and nothing to try to gain and no one to fight. It was strange but it was very nice being with Kar like this. "Do you have... another name. Something other then Da'Karis?" She asked carefully pronouncing his proper name. At least the only one he had ever given her.

He got a far away look, "Long ago I lost my name I was 'boy' or 'you' while I was apprentice to Da'Karis then when he died I became Da'Karis. It is the only name I have answered to and been for a great many years, but it was Kithmáron when I was younger." Da'Karis thought about where he could obtain the tea of any such other birth control but he could have it within the hour if needed. Without to much of a word otherwise he glanced down at her exposed nipples and smirked. Slowly he lowered his mouth and playfully kissed and licked her nipple.

Lily had listened and it was sad that he had lost his name. She wasn't certain if she could pronounce his name... so Kith would have to do. She really wasn't able to answer him about his story, she had been thinking and so had he and then he really really surprised her with what he did next. Enough so that she gasped and looked wide eyed at him, however her body was fully happy to respond without her needed to think about a single thing. Her nipples tightened and she felt heat pool in her lower belly, there was a certain feeling of wetness between her legs as he continued to molest her poor breasts. Lily moaned deeply at the pleasurable feelings she was warming up to yet again.

After a few seconds of attention he released her breast and smiled at her, "I should get the tea before we try this again and you should soak away the ache from last night." Placing a kiss upon her cheek he pulled back the covers exposing them both before he got out of the bed, so Lily would have no choice but to see and be seen. The room was cooler than the warmth of the blanket and their bodies being so close, almost immediately he thought about going back to her and forgoing the trek out into the city. But, neither of them could handle taking a foolish risk of becoming pregnant with enemies about. Glancing back his eyes slid over her body and he smiled and commented on what he saw, "It is truly divine beauty you possess Lily Ravenwood."

Lily blushed furiously when he threw off the covers. She covered herself with her hands and smiled a silly little smile when he told her that. Though she was so embarrassed she truly couldn't speak even if she had a thought to. She did however grab onto her shift and pull it quickly over her head to cover her body. she didn't feel quite so naked. However she'd gotten an eye full of him as well, and it was all hard muscles and sculpted body parts. Strong thickly muscled legs, toned and broad back. Tight defined rear end. She was amazed she had never noticed it all before and a little surprised at how voracious she was in her own mind in regards to him.

He pulled on some clothes and returned to sit beside her while pulling on his boots, "I will be gone less than an hour or so, is there anything in the city you'd like?" Da'Karis pulled on his boots and stood up, he would forego any weapons as he did not expect any trouble from anyone as he went out on this errand.

"Just the tea... and take some knives just in case..." Lily said tucking a knife carefully into his boot before standing up in front of him. She blushed and looked at his chest instead and wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. "Hurry back okay?" She said softly into his clothed chest. She for some reason really didn't want him to leave... she wanted him to... she didn't really know what she wanted to do but she wanted him around her all the time. The smell of spice comforted her and soothed her. So much so that she snuck a hand lower and grabbed that marble perfect rear of his in her hands. She moaned ever so softly and she felt the pure muscle of it in her small hands.

"You doing this will only keep me here Lily." he said letting his hands slip down and under her shift to rub her bare bottom. The knife was not needed but a nice gesture that she wished him to remain safe and return to her. "While I am gone get into the hot springs and relax then come back up here and relax." he whispered letting go of her bottom. Once she let him go he crossed to the door and left heading down the stairs and out the back, Lily asked him to hurry and he would not disappoint her.

Lily blushed softly once he was gone. She wondered is she was just like her mother after all. Even though everyone said she looked and acted like her father. Well not completely like her father but still. Lily smiled thinking of Kar or should she think of him as... Kithmaron. Probably Kar... or maybe Kith. She walked over to his desk and got out his writing supplies and quickly wrote her note home. "Dear mother and father, I am alright having made it to my destination. Please do not worry about me, I have met some companions who are veteran adventurers. Just like you, mother when you were younger, I promise to return home before long, Love Lily. P.S. I'm sorry I worried everyone but I swear I am fine, please don't worry I have made really good friends where I am. Sending all my love. Lily." Lily left it to sit and dry before she grabbed a robe to throw on over her shift. She then headed down the stairs to the hot springs. She then undressed and slipped into the water, groaning softly as the hot water began to sooth the ache in her lower back and hips and thighs. This was a fantastic idea, she only wished Kar... or Kith was there to keep her company after he had been talking to her for so long and everything!

He had returned by the time she was down with her time in the hot springs and had swapped out the sheets of the bed and put new on it. Lily could smell the tea already brewing, it was familiar, during her childhood she had smelled it several times. Altair and Alehial made sure the children knew that if you could not wait until marriage then at least learn how to keep yourself from getting pregnant. Seeing Lily in the robe got Da'Karis thinking about how they had fallen in together and how things had changed between them. "You seem well relaxed after your time in the springs, perhaps one of these nights we will go together." he said hanging up his cloak and putting the knife from his boot back where it belonged.

"I would like that a lot." Lily admitted with a soft blush but a happy little smile. She was glad it didn't look like he had to use the knife, but like her parents always said even stepping out of your room could be an adventure sometimes. Like with the demon rat invasion. "I wrote the letter to my parents we just have to find a way to send it to them without them finding out where it came from to begin with." Lily stated as she looked at him and then the table. She wondered if he wanted her to call him Kar still or something else. Like Kith. It could be his secret identity.

He walked over and scanned the letter for anything that might give her location away, "It reads very nicely Lily they should be rather relieved that you are safe. I know a couple people who will make the arrangements to get this to Andor in a couple of days from Illian it will keep them guessing." Da'Karis turned and met her eyes and walked back to her, "You are thinking about something rather hard, speak it so that I might put your concern to rest." Quietly his hand slipped inside her robe and rested on her hip, her skin was still very warm from the springs and smelled of the lavender oils that Rosi kept down there. 

"Did you want me to keep calling you Kar? Or Kith... I know your title is Da'Karos-" she had to pronounce it slowly and carefully. "And your given name used to be Kithmaron... but they are both hard for me and no one would know a Kith around here would they? Or would you rather I keep calling you Kar? And... what are we going to do to get used to us being together? I mean... is it going to be us in bed all the time or excersizes or what?" Lily asked speaking all her fears at once. She spoke quickly but then again she didn't go on for as long as she used to when she first arrived. She also seemed to speak more carefully and not put everything in her head out of her mouth. It seemed that perhaps being here with Kar was helping her and she didn't even realize it. Though she did hope that Kar didn't notice her letter was almost word for word what he had told her to say.

"Let us try something to make you comfortable and decide how best to call me." he said untying the robe and letting it fall to the floor. He then backed her up against the table and began to kiss and caress her body, "Try my name both of them and which ever you feel fits better you call me. But, if it is Kithmaron then that will be only when we are together." he explained then began to kiss lower coming to her breasts. Lily felt his hands spread her legs and begin to rub and touch along her thighs, they needed a little time before the tea was ready. 

Lily blushed softly as her robe fell and blushed again when he asked her to call his name. She spread her legs for him, she quivered at his touch. Her breasts tightened and her nipples puckered up tightly. "I-I... Want to... have you again." Lily blushed as she whispered those horribly naughty words. She never thought she would say something like that to any man. She grabbed the table with her left hand to help support herself, her right hand wound gently into his hair where she gently rubbed his scalp with her fingers in encouragement. "Please Kar... I want to feel you." She said her face getting more red the more she spoke.

Kar began to kiss lower down her body stopping to lick almost playfully at her navel then moved further, his chin brushed against her sex then she felt the warmth of his breath there. Lily could feel his hands stroker her thighs then the wetness of his tongue as it slipped inside her body and began to explore her. The taste was magical to him and he licked a little faster enjoying the taste of Lily, all the while undoing his pants so she may have as she wished. Over and over she felt his tongue rasp against her pearl, he must have an idea how this would make her feel. And when Lily would climax he would return to standing and offer his manhood to her again.

Lily gasped at each stroke her legs trembled visibly and she held tight to the table. She was almost afraid she might fall if not for the support of the table behind her. It didn't take longer then a few moments for Lily to climax thanks for Kar's skillful tongue. "Oh Gods! Gods!! Kar plase! Oh Please!" Lily begged once her climax faded some. She felt an emptiness inside of her and she really really wanted him to make it go away. He was the only person she would ever probably think of for the rest of her life to ease her ache again.

He kissed her deeply and took her hand and placed it upon his manhood, he was already ready to again join with her and wanted her to understand that. Kar then led her back to the bed and pulled back the covers, they didn't need them he again parted her legs and let her set the pace that he would enter her. Already though he rained kisses upon her lips, neck and breasts while he slowly moved forward with her hand upon him waiting to make contact. "You never have to plead to receive my affections Lily, they are yours." He whispered to her as they continued.

Lily blushed she seemed so small in comparison to him and with her hands wrapped around the stiff length it felt huge to her. She lead him to her entrance and parted herself gently for him. Slowly she urged him forward and inside of her. She moaned and tightened as he entered her. She couldn't help but to, he felt so good and how on earth could someone be so hot down there! She shuddered and wrapped her arm around his neck.

He took things slowly, until she was fully used to him being inside her it would be this way. Once he was completely inside Lily he leaned down and kissed her deeply as they became one again. How could the man who claimed to love her even think of selling her into slavery, Kar thought about the first time he ever saw her. Pulling back he all but pulled out of Lily before pushing back into her with a little more force.

Lily gasped and moaned deeply at his entry of her again, he was so gentle and careful but man the power he had was amazing! She couldn't believe a single person could feel this much pleasure in the whole world. "Oh Gods Kar! Gods!" Lily cried out as she came the first of probably a few for her. for the evening. She clutched at his arms and back she wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him close to her. Being naked was the furthest thing in her mind in that moment as everything revolved around Kar in that moment.

She felt the world revolved around him, he knew his world was her at this moment and he also groaned as they came together again and again. Lily tightened around him almost painfully, but he continued to pleasure them both as he laid his head next to hers and kissed her again.

Lily returned the kiss and for all she was worth continued the pace. Finally she couldn't any longer and she lay beneath him panting her hands one in his hair the other on his biceps. Her legs still around his waist. This is what love was supposed to be and she hoped she wasn't wrong this time as she placed her hopes on him to keep her alive and a roof over her head and loved here in this strange land full of dangers.

Valusia XIII

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