Page name: Valusia XXII [Exported view] [RSS]
2018-04-01 11:34:42
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
# of watchers: 2
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Valusia XXI

Early before the sun rose, Lily felt Da'Karis gently shake her awake. "Come Lily it is time we begin our day, our first quarry likes to start his day by watching the new ships arrive. And if you desire food before we leave you must be quick." He was already dressed and had clothes set out for her as well, today was locating the targets and he hoped they both would do well at finding them.

"How long until sunrise?" Lily asked softly in a sleep muddled voice. She sat up and yawned covering her mouth. She started slowly but once she woke she moved quickly, doing all the necessary daily tasks she needed to perform to start a day. Pushing herself a little she chose to discard her night gown and dress while Kar was in the room and not behind the changing screen. It took her short time but she got much done, and was soon ready for breakfast. It helped that her hair was just above her shoulders in length.

"At least two hours." he explained before returning to his project. The compound he was working on would be easy to trace as the target moved about the city. Lily would just need to follow along behind him from the rooftops. He did stop to watch her change, enjoying the view of Lily's form from under her gown. His own equipment was ready to go, just needing to put the compound in a delivery system.

Lily ate quickly and was soon finished and gathered the dishes so it would be easier to clean. She then began to arm herself, and finish her preparations for the mission itself. She had blushed heavily as she had dressed but she was trying very hard to keep the promises she made to Kar. One of them was being more confident, so she was trying. she had her bow ready and her quiver, she was pulling on a scarfed hood for shade protection and to help her blend in better.

Moments later they were moving along the narrow streets of the city, him amid the people and Lily high above. As the sun rose Lily got a wonderful view of the cities high buildings. Da'Karis moved easily between the people to the exact spot he had been told to look for their target. Looking up he saw Lily above him and smiled to himself, she truly was becoming exceptional for her training. Stopping inside a doorway he watched near the docks for a good hour before sighting the man he was looking for and then he started to follow him.

Lily kept her eyes peeled on Kar for the first part of it. Then once they reached the docks she was paying attention to his body language. when he began to move she moved as well. she was taking his training seriously and with her own Ranger training she was one hell of a shot. Now she just needed to use her other honed skills to keep up and navigate the rooftops and those below.

Da'Karis saw his chance and jostled the man, "So sorry sir." The man grunted and turned left, Da'Karis kept going and when out of the man's sight he signaled Lily to stick with him. He then turned his coat around and so looking different turned left as well to catch up to the man. Once they found the right spot they would incapacitate the target and move him to a better place to question him.

Lily stuck close above. They were beginning and Lily had seen the target Kar and had jostled. She kept half an eye on the rooftops around her and the other on the streets. Things would move quickly now and she would need to be able to keep up. She needed to have his back. She was focusing with her whole being now and was focused on the task at hand.

It did not take long for Da'Karis to note the target met with another couple of his friends that eventually would die along with their leader, but he did not meet with his leader. It wasn't until an hour before twilight that Da'Karis found his chance and captured the man near an alleyway and looked up to see Lily was near. They would take him through the underground to a spot where he could answer questions.

Lily dropped from the wall where she had climbed down. She had seen him move, and saw where he was headed and made her way down to meet him. She tried not to make too much noise as she landed either. She was getting much better at sneaking around clearly. While she couldn't help with the interrogation she could keep guard or... something.

Da'Karis spoke softly and from Lily's vantage she could see the other man was visibly scared of him. The interrogation lasted barely a few minutes and then Da'Karis killed the man and wiped his blade on the man's cloak. When he stood he looked at Lily, "He told me where we can find his friends, luckily they will be there for several days while they wait to sell the newest girl they captured. We will see the building and then under cover of night assault it and kill them." he laid this plan out with no emotion in his voice, just like the night they first met.

"Painfully I hope." Lily said gritting her teeth and gripping her weapons until her knuckles were almost white. She still had nightmares about being tied to that awful bed. She was glad the interrogation went quickly to be honest seeing human blood was still something... relatively newish to her. Seeing their bodies dead was not a comfortable sight for Lily. "For now what do we do?" She asked knowing he would have something planned for them.

"We first check the hideout and then plan." Da'Karis said walking out of the alley. It was several blocks before he spoke again, "Lily I know seeing the killing of people is hard for you while I look upon them as might an Andorian looks at the killing of Orcs. To me, the targets I kill are subhuman and deserve to taste of my blades, does that bother you that I dispassionately kill them so?" he asked stopping to look at her for a reaction to what he said.

"Mmmmm." Lily made the noise while thinking of her reply. She had put her weapons away and her cloak covered them easily. "Honestly seeing subhuman's dead is just as uncomfortable really... I've just seen more of them. I think... when in self defense it doesn't bother me because I deserve to live and I've worked hard to make sure I do. Of course... if they are fowl men... who enslave and torture I also don't really think they have a right to their lives as well." Lily paused a moment and looked directly into Da'Karis's eyes then. "And then there are some who fate and put them into the place they are. They might do evil but aren't necessarily evil and they might have tasks given to them to fulfill but it doesn't mean that it is necessarily what they really want to do. I just respect life that's all. So all deaths bother me to some extent." Lily shrugged she had been speaking slowly and thoughtfully wanting to express what she thought and felt properly to the man she loved. "Besides... you look crazy fine when you are working." She winked and continued to walk past him with a blush and a grin covering her face.

Da'Karis caught her hand and moved them into a doorway, "I'm a monster Lily the thing men who do dark things fear catching up to them. I don't want that to scare you away from me, or taint how you believe me to be. I find your opinion of me matters since you are important to me." he explained before leaning in to kiss her deeply.

Lily wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in closely as she deepened the kiss. Snaking her tongue into his mouth to try and coax him into her embrace further. After only a few moments less than she would have liked she broke the kiss but kept him close. "You are a man that fate has created. There is a use for you... and it is to purge this world of those men. I find you a noble man. Honest, Kind, Strong and Just, even. In your own ways. If you are a monster... than my family is a horde of them. I don't mind a little bite in my men." Lily said her face blushing again as she spoke, her eyes too seemed to sparkle in the sunlight as she stared into his face intensely. Her lips also were red from their kiss moments ago. she clearly wasn't keeping her distance from him, even after what had happened to make this conversation between them.

He kissed her once more and then they moved out among the people of the city. It took them over an hour to arrive at the place the man had told Da'Karis about, it was a two story home with a wall around it. From the street Lily could see one man sitting by a well and another by the main door of the house. That left the other five men either inside the house or out and about in the city. While Lily looked at the house, Da'Karis too was formulating a way inside and the best time to move in.

"I have a suggestion... and you might not like it a lot." Lily said softly to Kar. she didn't know if it would work... but she had been practicing a lot lately and was confident she could do it. the distraction part was going to be...the issue? or solution. If Kar let this happen. It would hopefully bring most of the men outside... or at least let Kar get inside at the very least.

As they walked around to the other side Da'Karis took her hand, "Tell me your plan Lily." He wanted to encourage her and at the same time they needed to keep moving, lest they draw attention to themselves. The rear of the house also had a door and a small pen for fowl along with a small garden. Far too much of a possible noise, her idea and their plan would have to use the front entrance.

"Well... Though you've been teaching me your trades skills... I still train with mine as well... and if I use my animal form spell... I could slip in and cause havoc within the house and it would give you plenty of opportunities to get inside." Lily said holding his arm close to her body. To anyone looking they just seemed like a close couple of lovers walking. "after all no matter how hard I keep trying... I still look like a damned dog when I use it." Lily said looking annoyed that her shape hadn't gotten much closer to that of a wolf like it was supposed to.

"If you wish to try, and then when I do get inside what will you do?" her plan had merit and he wanted her to elaborate on it before he made any suggestions. While her help was great, Da'Karis still wanted to make sure she was safe and unharmed.

"I was thinking find a spare maid uniform and join you? you know as support killing anyone who tried to get away." Lily said with a shrug. Honestly she figured she would have to fight her way through the house either way. She could sneak some... but she was a fighter more than anything else.

Far enough away from the house Da'Karis chuckled, "I doubt a house like that has any maids. But your idea to handle any escaping enemies has merit as well. "You will need to be near the gate, as that seems to be the only way out of the sparse grounds."

"Then I will cause my distraction and take care of the gate. You do what you need to inside, then come get me and we can sneak off before the authorities arrive to investigate." Lily said with a bright smile, as if she weren't planning on killing people and steal into a house and do many other illegal things. But then again... this was Lily Ravenwood. She was certainly no wall flower.

Da'Karis let go of Lily, "I will go around back and slip inside. Be careful and stay vigilant, any escaping members may bring reinforcements."

"Good luck getting what we need." Lily blew him a kiss before beginning her spell. It took her a minute but then she shifted to that of a canine form. While no wolf by any means she looked liked a golden retriever mix. Long blonde hair and slightly wolfish body shape. she shook herself and then bolted over to the gate. Looking around and slinking behind the guards carefully she then got into the yard. She would head for the kitchens. Since that was where dogs usually liked to go at houses. It was where she would start too.

The single guard at the gate was more concerned with a woman walking past and she made it to the house. From her spot she would need to wait for someone to enter or exit to get inside. It didn't take long for her to hear the rhythm of someone chopping wood in the rear of the house.

Lily snuck around the side of the house to see who was cutting wood and whether or not they had left the door open. It was a warmish day, kitchens got hot, she might get lucky. Or if there was a window open, she could jump it. After all she was a person with a dog body there was a lot she could do that dogs couldn't.

Success, the kitchen door was open and one of the men was splitting wood for the stove. The kitchen was nicely appointed and empty when she got inside. All Lily needed to do was find something to make a distraction for Da'Karis, her eyes fell upon a shank of ham laying on the table. If there was nothing to make people run after an animal then it escaping with their next meal.

Lily would have shrugged if she still had the shoulder's for it. However seeing as she didn't instead she decided to make it as noisy as possible while getting said ham shank. She jumped on a stool and knocked it over before stepping on the plate and grabbing the ham in her mouth. It was actually pretty tasty, the taste not withstanding she banged the plate it was on onto the floor and jumped down off the table. That should bring in the man cutting wood and at least one other if she was lucky.

Sure enough she heard a voice from the doorway, "Drop it mutt!!" And the woodcutter charged at her. From the other doorway of the house another man ran into the room with a dagger drawn, "Hey that's ours!!" And so it seemed the chase was on.

Lily 'cowered' under the table until the woodman was in his dead rush, then she slipped between his legs while his hands were busy with the axe. Once under his legs she did quick jump off the back wall of the kitchen and out the door the man with the dagger in his hands had come through. Going through the house would cause much more distraction in the long run and cover any noises Da'Karis might end up making with anyone he was fighting/killing.

The men pursued Lily through out the main floor of the house until the axeman turned to his friend, "Go shut the kitchen door so it can't escape." The second man nodded and retreated to the kitchen, leaving the axeman moving to keep Lily from following, "Oh, pup you are gonna regret coming into our house. That ham shank was our dinner for a successful business deal." Behind him Lily saw a flash of movement, possibly Da'Karis had entered through the kitchen door and killed the other man, Lily could smell blood she just wasn't sure where it was coming from.

Lily led the chase. She was in some kind of hallway/entry way/first room. She did however keep her eyes on the man in front of her. though her eyes twinkled and she wagged her tail when he spoke to her directly. She then excitedly bent down in doggy fashion, ham still firmly in her mouth, as if they were playing a game of fetch together. She then bounded into another large room that she could smell fresh air coming through. If there was a window great if not... she could always kill him herself.

As she got closer to the room she caught Da'Karis' scent and as she entered she saw him beside the door, the man following wasn't as lucky and Da'Karis caught him by the throat with his blades. He looked back at Lily and nodded, "Excellent diversion, now back to your post." Quietly he exited the room and moved about the house looking for the others, two more and their leader. The second he found at the bottom of the stairs and eliminated him quickly, but not quietly as he would like. The third man charged from at him from another room with a war axe and shield, Da'Karis found himself giving ground and changing his battle stance for this man he only needed an opening.

Lily hadn't listened, especially not after hearing the tousle with the man at the stairs. During the next battle she decided to help out a little, but in trying to go into the area they were in knocked over a table with a large decorative vase on it. She didn't however get completely out of the way in time and bit back a yelp as it bounced off her back before shattering on the ground with a semi muffled crash onto the carpet. Looking at the mess of porcelain on the carpet and the room Kar was in... she decided to go back to her post. She slunk back down the stairs and through the kitchen to the gate, finding a good spot she sat and waited. In her dog form she was less likely to be spotted in the bushes. Lily didn't like waiting much, she much preferred to be part of the action, but she knew why it was this way.

When the other man looked towards the noise, Da'Karis found his opening and buried his blades and let the man drop. He searched out the rest of the house before coming out of the back door. "Time for us to be away Lily." he said heading out the gate, they had finished the job and would collect their earnings. Still, something was not sitting right with the assassin, it seemed too easy to finish this job.

Lily shifted back and followed him out the gate. This had seemed a lot easier than some of the other stuff they had done but that seemed to only make him more upset. She stayed silent as she trailed along behind him as he stewed a bit. Lily always felt a bit odd after changing her shape like that. Almost like a wedgie but... with her insides. She watched Kar walking and smiled a little. It had been fun to do something together like this.

Neither of them noticed the man watching who waited only a short while before following behind them. His orders were not to interfere with the assassins, only to follow them back to their base of operations and report back to The Circle.

Da'Karis had stopped and waited for Lily to join him, "You did very well Lily. We will collect our fee and then perhaps spend the day relaxing."

"This might sound contrite... but can we get a snack on the way? Believe it or not that ham only made me hungry and since I didn't actually get to eat any..." Lily trailed off the sentence as they were back in the market streets again now. And she was hungry, breakfast was forever ago.

"I believe we can find something along our path for you." Da'Karis said as they walked along the streets. Still the thought nagged at Da'Karis that the job had been too easy, perhaps since he never worked with another. He pushed the thought away after stopping at a stall to buy something for Lily and then heading on to collect their fee.

Lily practically inhaled the food, burning her tongue in the process. She didn't often get to enjoy street food, though she had been here for quite a while now. "That was really good! I've never seen someone cook anything in oil like that before." She commented all the while licking her fingertips to get the remnants of the food and flavor back. She was over all pretty happy about the day so far.

They made their way to the employers house and quickly made the trade before they began their way back to the inn. "I'm glad you liked it, have you any idea what you'd like to do once we return back to the inn Lily?" he asked.

"Well I should probably clean up, and do some maintenance on my gear... and practice... probably the eleven steps. I haven't in a while and mom would kill me if she found out... that... I also didn't do that... along with everything else I've done she would kill me about." Lily giggled softly. Though if she did ever have to face her mother she'd be terrified. she had been slacking a little playing around with Kar.

"Something tells me that she would be happier to know that you are safe and learning to stand on your own." Da'Karis said. He was curious what the Ravenwoods would think of Lily and himself, it wasn't something normal and therefore they might not be as accepting as Lily thought.

"Yes and No... Mom wants to take care of everyone, like all the time. She can't relax and thinks everyone needs something, a mother, a teacher, a mentor." Lily said with a slight laugh as she walked on. She wouldn't be happy with my boyfriend because she didn't get to meet him first, dad would be really mad... but you know what it doesn't matter! We are together and happy and managing that's what matters!" Lily said with a bright smile for Kar.

He took her hand in his, but said nothing else for the rest of the walk to the inn. It was reassuring to see the smile on Lily's face and hear her words. They went up to their room and Da'Karis took her cloak and his coat and hung them up then went to put the money with the rest, He was already planning on getting a couple new pieces of equipment for Lily.

Lily washed her face and hands, "Would you like some tea?" Lily asked removing her weapons from her body, she hadn't used any of them but she would need more spell components to shape shift again. She had been practicing and used it today so her supply was low. She hung her things and began pulling off her light armor.

"Sure," he said removing his equipment and opening his journal. The men had a particular emblem on their coats and he wanted to put it in the journal in case he saw it again.

"I'll go get some. Be right back." Lily smiled brightly before exciting the room to the stairs that led down to the kitchen. She was much more comfortable now after having been here for so long. She showed up in the kitchen and snagged two clean cups and started to get the tea things together quickly.

Rosie smiled, "Well, Da'Karis' partner has returned, a young lady brought this for you while you were gone." She handed Lily a letter with the Ravenwood seal attached, but it didn't take her long to realize it wasn't her parents but Galin who sent this.

Lily smiled brightly at Rosie but frowned at the letter. "Ca n you finish the tea while I look at this please?" Lily asks softly taking the letting and looking at it with a wary expression. Was her Uncle not done harassing her? Was the woman who looked like her mother going to keep coming around? She was full of questions. She carefully opened it.

Dearest Lily, Your mother has requested that I reach out to you again to see about having you contact her. I as I promised not revealed that you are here in Valusia, but I would like you to either contact me again to speak with her or make arrangement to see that you are safe and flourishing here in this place. All the best Galin."

Lily frowned deeper and scowled before folding the letter and putting it in her pocket. "Thanks Rosie! Your a real peach!" She said with a softer smile this time for Rosie. She would write another letter. It would be good enough. Lily was too afraid to try and contact her Uncle again. She just knew she shouldn't trust him. She was listening to her gut this time.

Rosie had the tea steeping in Da'Karis' teapot and put a couple scones on the tray for Lily. "Good news or less than?" she asked with a raised brow.

"A little less than... I'm afraid. Anyways I'd better get this up to D'karis, thanks again Rosie!" Lily said with a smile to her friend as she tucks her note into her cleavage, that was blossoming a little more than when she first arrived. She had in fact noticed a few changes.

Da'Karis was finished with the journal and had slipped out of his clothes and was washing when Lily returned. He offered her a smile, "I see you brought scones as well. A good choice, I will be done in a moment." he said drying himself before selecting clean clothes.

" Rosie thought of them actually, I'm still not much of a domestic type I'm afraid." Lily laughed a little as she set the table for them. Picking up books and returning them to their places on the shelves. She set the note on a corner of his desk. She would look at it again and construct another letter to her mother then as well.

He noticed her look and the note, "lily is there something wrong?" Da'Karis held her eyes, if there was some sort of fear he want to find the root of it.

"My uncle sent a letter... I was hoping he had given up. He mentions my mother, I was just thinking I should compose a letter sooner rather than later." Lily said shaking her head a little and giving Kar a genuine smile this time. She also blushed very lightly at the direct eye contact.

"Do you wish to speak to her instead of writing? Or perhaps he should have her write to you and then you make your decision?" he offered trying to calm her concerns. "I doubt a man like him would stop, mainly because your mother knows he is the only contact to try to communicate with her."

"He isn't the only way to contact me! I write!... Okay I wrote once and am a terrible daughter!" Lily sat in his chair by the fire and slid into an ungracful position and covered her face with her hands. "Ugh! Why does this have to be so hard?!" She groaned, not to Kar particularly.

He crossed the room and knelt near her and took her hands, "Lily I have no family so any words I could impart you would be hollow. Ask yourself does the mistrust you have in your uncle outweigh the desire to talk with your mother or simply read her words?" Da'Karis didn't want Lily thinking herself a horrible daughter, it made him feel like he was holding her here rather than her getting to return to her family.

"No... they made me make a choice. I'm looking out for myself... and this is what I want." Lily said with a gentle smile for Kar, she leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "I know what I need to do. Can you help me?" Lily asked softly looking worried now, her brow furrowed and she began chewing on her bottom lip, as was her nervous habit.

"I will, but I need to know what you want me to do." he said drew her down to kiss her lips.

Lily moaned softly and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled away and painted and she had to swallow down the desire he sparked in her with his tenderness. "Stand beside me... and don't attack anyone. But... not today... tomorrow, someplace private that we won't disturb anyone with loud noises or... sudden things happening." Lily said biting her lip again before leaning forward to hungrily kiss Kar's lips. This was hard for her and she was trembling a little with nerves now that she had made up her mind. But Kar was the best kind of distraction... and support.

His hands took either side of her neck as their kiss deepened. Lily would be the death of him, but he welcomed it as long as they were together. "I would only attack to protect you my love." he managed to say before they continued to kiss.

Lily moaned. Kar really had no idea how sexy he was... and how much she wanted him everytime he uttered such words. She reached down however from his neck to his pecks, sliding down his abs to sneak her hand into his pants and fondle his manhood. She was all hot and bothered now and was wanting comfort of a different kind. She was however vlushing at how bold she was being. Not too badly because they were clothed.

His hands slid down and began to unbutton her bodice as the kissed. Da'Karis could not hold back that she could enflame his heart and soul with just a touch. once her top was open he continued down to her pants as well, wanting to get them both down to nothing so they could join together. Everytime it felt like they were alone in all the world.

Lily giggled softly pulling away from his kiss she unlaced his pants and pull his shirt up. She wiggled out of her own pants and even wiggled out of her shirt. Her blush darkening and spreading the more naked she became. They were on the rug before the fire leaning against his chair and she didn't care at all. She simply wanted to feel him against her and inside her.

Da'Karis stroked her skin as they lay on the rug kissing passionately. Slowly he turned Lily until he reached down and settled himself at the opening of her sex and she was on top of him. He wanted to get Lily to be a little more dominate and felt this was the best way. Both hands moved to her hips and pulled her steadily down until they ground against one another.

"Oooh Yes! Hah!" Lily moaned as they met fully with their bodies. Her blush was down to the top of her breasts, and a bright red however she was busy at the moment with adoring Kar's scars and tattoos. She leaned down and kissed along their edges and licked around his nipples. The more she focused on a task the less her embarrassment for in the way and besides it felt amazing.

Da'Karis held her hip in one hand and her bottom in the other and helped with the pace of their thrusting. He too was making noises as their bodies merged and the pleasure spread. The hand on her hip abandonded it's post to roam to her chest and tease her nipples.

"Aah!"Lily moaned out grinding down on him hard when be teased her breasts. She leaned up then supporting her weight with her hands on Kar's chest, she knew he could handle it. Then she concentrated on lifting herself almost off of him and roughly impailing herself on his member beneath her. Her blush was for a whole different reason now as she was concentrating hard on what she was doing. She cried out each time he was fully hilted and hit the end of her.

The next time she leaned up he enveloped her nipple in his mouth. He grunted as Lily continued to shift back and forth on his manhood. She was learning to be her own woman and taking more charge.

"Fuck! Kar! Oh Gods!" Lily moaned as she tightened around him pumping a few more times before grinding him deep I side of herself. She whimpered softly as she humped and ground herself as she tightened and clenched around him quickly cumming, her thighs too clenched his sides tightly and she fell forward againdt his chest unable to keep herself upright.

Da'Karis wrapped his arms around her and held her close to his chest as they rode out the waves of pleasure. His hands stroked the smooth skin of her back and he felt her relax fully against him. She was getting more used to being naked in front of him and he enjoyed being with her.

Lily panted heavily for a while until she came down a little snuggling against Kar. Then she realized he was still very hard and throbbing inside of her. " I've been so selfish!" Lily said turning bright red and kissing Kar fervently. "I'll keep going I'm sorry!" Lily said still bright red, she rose on her legs gasping at the sensation and her thighs shook. "Ooohh... fuck, I I'm so sensitive... haah!" She panted and moaned out as she sank down on him again and repeated the motion.

Da'Karis caught her and held her still, "Relax my love. Recover and we will do this again." He had not planned on stopping but Lily needed a moment or two to recover and the last thing he wanted to do was push her too far during lovemaking.

"I swear you are so sweet..." Lily said before kissing him deeply. Exploring his mouth with her tongue and while he was occupied she ground her hips and tighter her inner muscles around his stiff member. She moaned into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his back to keep him in a mostly sitting position, it gave her better leverage this way anyways and she began to rise up only a bare few inches then sinks back down and grind him desp.

It did not take long for them to reach climax and then ride the waves of pleasure out until they fell asleep on the rug in front of the fire. It was several hours until Lily awoke laying on top of Da'Karis still both nude. Something felt wrong to her, like somewhere something was trying to get her attention that she needed to know.

Lily sat up trying to be careful not to wake up her lover. She began looking around quickly, something was... bugging her. Like she needed to do something and forgot or... like she was in a dangerous situation even though nothing had happened yet. She grabbed her pants and shirt pulling them on quickly, leaving off her under things for right now.

Even after looking around the room, Lily could not place the feeling of danger. It almost made her wonder if it was something Conner was dealing with. They never really had one of those moments of deja vu or sharing feelings.

Lily went back to Kar then on the rug and smiled. She was blushing softly but he was asleep... She reached out her hand to touch his hair in a soothing way then wanting the contact of his touch.

He opened his eyes and looked at Lily who was now dressed, "Is everything alright?" None of his alarms were sounding so the inn wasn't under attack, but something in her eyes made him concerned.

"I'm not sure... I've got this... strange feeling." Lily said before she leaned down to kiss his lips softly. She was on edge. Alert and tense. She still couldn't place it, but she had other plans today, perhaps she was only feeling anxious? She didn't relay this to Kar. She was getting better at tempering her thoughts and words.

"Strange how?" Da'Karis said after they broke the kiss. He listened to gut feelings and his senses equally, if Lily thought something was off then he needed to know what.

"Like... someone calling my name and not being able to pin point where they are maybe..." Lily said scooping up her under things and putting them away, she hands Kar some clean clothing so he too might get dressed then. Her brows furrowed the entire time as she just couldn't shake the feeling. She fiddled with the bracelet wondering if the effect was wearing off maybe.

"Perhaps it is your mind wandering since your uncle offered to let you speak or at least touch your mother's mind and hear her words. The idea of home and what is happening there is calling to you." Da'Karis said as he dressed.

"Perhaps... anyways... After breakfast did you have a place in mind for what I told you about last night? If I have the math done right... the timing we will need if about noon." Lily said nervous once again about other matters. Lily however was excellent with numbers, just not with saving money it seemed.

"Lily I trust you, but I feel we should talk about this plan of yours. Especially since you have set about the rule I can't kill. Are you planning on taking off the bracelet or going to use your uncle to speak to your mother?" he said now concerned they might get in more trouble than they could handle.

"Okay fine... I'm going to take off the bracelet and call my big brother... He might try to um take me home... which is why I want you holding my hand... it's a lot harder for him to take two people... and I don't want you to kill him if he pops in... literally in front of you." Lily said wringing her hands and biting her bottom lip, as was her habit when she was nervous about something. "I figure the only way to get my uncle off my back and with no leverage is to deal with my family myself... but by using my brother for now." Lily said looking at Kar worried he might get upset.

Da'Karis listened, "If he just pops in, how do you know he may not come alone or allow you to talk him out of taking you home? There is another way for you to communicate with your home, we could pay a spellcaster to cast a spell to allow you to speak with your mother as you wished."

"Because I'll ask him. He's always listening, he always has. He's my big brother, I trust him." Lily said simply shaking her head at his suggestion. She took a deep breath and let it out before reaching out and taking Kar's hand in her own. "I think... I feel that my mother is trusting my uncle... Because he is the only one who had proof of me. A spell is no certain thing that I'm where I am and what I say I'm doing." Lily paused a moment and then looked dead into Kar's eyes. "My brother is trusted absolutely by my family. By everyone. If he tells her he knows where I am and that I'm safe... or even that he can keep an eye on me from now on... She will trust him... and stop working with my Uncle." Lily said telling him her thinking without an over explanation or even repeating herself. She had come a very long way from the scared little girl he had rescued.

Da'Karis nodded he understood but asked one question, "And if he insists you return home?"

"Then I will leave again and come back to you. But a little more prepared." Lily said with a look of determination. Now that she had been away from the house and sort of on her own she wasn't going back. She loved her family deeply, and missed then more so. However this was where she truly felt she belonged.

"Then I have faith in your plan Lily." Da'Karis said still holding her hand. If this was the best course of action that she could see then he would follow it. Although he doubted that he could fight someone like Darryl Ravenwood at least for long. "I have an idea for where, the question is when do you want to do this?" he asked.

"Well by my math noon over here... should be just before dinner over there, he doesn't usually do too much around that time, or didn't anyways. I figure It's the best shot at this. We should eat and get ready... it would be best if you didn't have too many weapons on you when he arrives." Lily advised softly before taking a step forward and kissing Kar on the lips softly. She was nervous but resolute, she was worried about Kar and Darryl meeting however.

"I will only carry what I normally do, but I will be at peace while I meet your brother. I promise." he said returning her kiss. He would not attack any member of her family, he only hoped that they would do the same. "So, you wish to do this tomorrow or sometime in the next couple days?" he asked.

"Today. After we eat. The sooner the better, I don't want to give my Uncle anymore time than he has already had." Lily says shaking her head. She really hopeed Darryl was still... trusting. After the things that had happened to Asper and the trip to Sildea though... Lily would do her best, and she knew Kar would for her sake too.

The portal deposited Alehial and Galin back into the mansion in Valusia that he had been sharing with Sarah. "I shall go find some of the staff and have them get you a room and anything else you desire then in the morning we will go see Lily." he said stifling a yawn. Then he left the room and gave the house staff instructions that they would follow without fail.

Alehial nodded her head looking around with wide eyes. For all her travels and adventures Illian was the furthest she had ever gone. She recognized the silks though, and knew where she was was. She moved around the room looking at everything with a small happy smile. She exited the room looking around curiously, would anyone try to stop her from exploring? She would find out. But she would need clothes appropriate for the weather! It was hot here.

A few minutes after exiting the room she bumped into a maid, "Oh excuse me mistress, Master Galin told me to come fetch you to a room where you can rest and change clothes if you wish."

"Sorry... a change of clothes would be great. I don't need to rest... I would like to explore around here though. Any suggestions?" Alehial asked grinning mischeiviously, as she looked at the woman who was clearly a native. Alehial reached forward and touched the girls arm. Her skin was so dark compared to alehial's fair skin.

The girl fell into a submissive like pose and looked at the ground, "The house and grounds are open, there are guards at the gate of course. There is no where you are forbidden, except the Master did ask that you remain until morning and then he could take you to the young lady you wish to see."

"Hhmmm... a Change of clothes then and a room for me to change in. Perhaps a snack as well." Alehial said her tone immediately more commanding, it was a trained response now that when someone behaved lower ranked she became what she was, Duchess, Lieutenant, Head of House, Mother. All Dominant leading roles that Alehial filled easily.

"Of course my lady, this way." the maid turned and led her upstairs. The room was across from Galin's and was well appointed. The maid opened a wardrobe and turned to Alehial, "I can hepl you change mistress or have the cook make food for you, or if you wish I will come back after seeing the cook and help you."

"Cook first. Then you can come back and help if I need it. Bring a drink back as well. Nothing alcoholic though." Alehial orders stepping into the room and looking around at things. She turned to look at the wardrobe then and began to plull out some things. They all seemed sort of big to her. Once the maid had left the room she attempted a dress or two. She grumbled however to find they were all too big. However there were a pair of dance pants that were adjustable and a somewhat decent top that covered her sufficiently. However her midriff was bare and her chest and arms. The pants were somewhat see through as well but she wore bottoms of a ambiguous color so that was okay.

The maid returned with a tray a large pitcher and a glass were on it she kept her eyes low as she set the tray down. "Were the dresses not to your liking mistress?" she asked waiting to be told what to do next.

"They were too large! I am not so tall nor so wide." Alehial shook her head dissapointed in the clothing choices offered. Though she knew elves in this part of the world were quite rare half elves still too. It would be hard to find adult clothing that fit a slim but full bodied woman like Alehial. "What have you brought me to drink then?" Alehial asked trying to figure out how she could wear a weapon or two in these clothes. "If there is a maid who can sew, or a seamstress bring her. We can modify some of these to fit I'm sure." Alehial said looking over some of the other clothes.

"The other maid is better with altering dresses than I am m'lady. The drink is called limonade, made from lemon juice and sugar water. If it displeases you I can get something else." the maid replied. She waited again for Alehial to respond, but it was easy to see that the maid was timid around her.

"Bring the other maid then and we shall get at least one dress to fit. I'll don my pants and armor later so it matters little." Alehial said dismissively, she wasn't worried about a whole wardrobe. She took a glass though and took a cautious sip. She hummed thoughtfully and took a better drink. "I like it. You did good girl." She nodded her head at the maid. Alehial was cautious about this girl who worked for Galin... in this house Galin seemed familiar with.

"Beg pardon mistress, the other maid is asleep. It's barely three bells." the girl said meekly before stifling a yawn. I could borrow one of mistress Sarah's dresses for you, it might fit you better." She knew she might get into trouble entering the lord and lady's chamber, but Master Galin had said see to Lady Ravenwood's wishes.

"Fine. Go to bed then. Wait... who is Mistress Sarah?" Alehial dismissed the girl then stopped her upon hearing some interesting news. Who was this woman that had apparently been to this house and with Galin? Alehial pondered while waiting for the maid to speak. She still had her wits about her though and wouldn't probe for anything too specific.

"She helps Master Ravenwood, he arrived with her and she was here for sometime then she left for a trip. I know not much else mistress." the maid said.

"Very well. Off you go to bed. I shall retire as well." Alehial said waving her hand and smiling at the girl. "Have a good rest." Alehial offered as the girl left. Once she was positive the girl was gone Alehial changed back into her pants and shirt and grabbed a few of her daggers hiding them on her person. She went to the window then and proceeded to climb out as carefully as she could. She needed to be quiet and stealthy so she could take a better look at where they were and the house itself.

The inside of the house was much like any well to do family house might be, but they were not noblity. The gardens were beautiful and gave Alehial a pretty good idea they were across the ocean although exactly were still aluded her. It was a coast city, she could tell y the salt on the air and the buildings to the north below the house was a small vineyard and barns for livestock.

After her short disappointing search around the house Alehial used her Animal shape, and turned into a bat. She didn't practice much and it took a little while but she eventually made it back into the window she had climbed out of and into the bedroom. As soon as she was she changed back and landed as softly as she could on all fours in her regular form. She would need a nap before the day truly broke and she had to deal with Galin again.

A short while after the sun was up, a small knok at her door awakened Alehial, "Mistress? My name is Simone, I was sent to fetch you for breakfast if you so wish. And then to assist in finding some clothes that fit properly."

"Yeah... that's great. Be right out." Alehial mumbled sleepily, she hadn't gotten more than an hour of sleep, and it was well into nightfall at home. She was disoriented and lay her head back onto the pillows. She was struggling to wake up properly but soon enough she woke. Having no other clothing other than her pants and tunic or the dancing outfit she left the dancing outfit on. She washed hands and face, and left her hair down. It needed brushing and she couldn't braid it easily if it wasn't. She opened the door to her room then to head to the dining room she had found last night.

Simone was waiting along with a butler who introduced himself as Marques who waited until Alehial was seated before asking for her breakfast order. Galin was not in the room, but she did see a recently emptied plate and napkin at the far end.

Alehial asked for a salad, and whatever juice was local. She was curious what Galin might be doing. She had sort of assumed he would take her captive or even would be up her butt and in the way keeping eyes on her all the time.

Marques looked at her with a nonplussed expression, "It is morning here, as such Quiche with spinach and local cheese is breakfast for today and along with it there is muffins and several fruit spreads and tea, Royal Red from the masters larder as instructed by Master Ravenwood.

Still no Galin though, just this bizarre butler and maid. Alehial had not seen the girl from earlier nor the cook.

"As long as it isn't poison, I'll take it." Alehial said with a shrug, she was used to a little more respect not to mention some manners, but this was Galin's house after all, it should have been expected really.

He returned with a plate on which what looked like a piece of pie was sitting, however once in front of her she could smell the eggs and cheese. Then poured her a cup of a beautiful red tea, after which he got some small muffins and a couple different fruit spreads. Once set he went to a small chair and took a seat.

Alehial took a few bites of the pie looking food. It was really good surprisingly, she tried the tea as well, it wasn't to her taste really but she ate and drank maybe half of what they brought. She didn't even touch the muffin, she was more than fed with the breakfast food. She had been eating so little lately that it filled her, Altair and Conner would be appalled she was certain.

Marquis took her plate and cup as well as Galin's, "Would you prefer something else mistress?" ABout the time that he was leaving the dining room Simone returned, "Shall we got and alter a dress for you M'lady?"

"No thanks. Ah Simone. Yes something better than this would be great." Alehial said standing quickly. While she didn't mind the clothes at all, she didn't particularly want Galin to see her in such revealing or suggestive clothing.

They went into another room where Simone had some clothes laid out, "Take your pick my'lady. Then we will take care of altering it to fit better." There was a a couple different styles and colors even pants and tunic.

"Mmm these and those." Alehial said picking a medium blue colored dress and the pants and top. She knew Altairs favorite color was green but none of these were that and she preferred soft blues over the reds and yellows that were here. "I shouldn't be here too long so that should be enough." Alehial said.

Simone took to working and in short time had made the measurements and set to work on them. "I do not know when Master Galin will return, until then you have access to the house and grounds."

"Can you tell me where I am Simone before you go?" Alehial asked softly, she wasn't sure what was going on, or where Galin had gone either for that matter. Alehial wondered too where that first maod had run off to. Ot seemed everything here was going to be if not suspiciously then highly dubious to Alehial.

"Yes, you are in Valusia just about three miles outside the port city of Asemita." she said then paused to see if Alehial had any other questions.

"Thank you... that is all I needed." Alehial said with a smile for the other woman. Alehial waited until she was gone before letting out a large sigh. She needed to go out and commune with nature, but she didn't really want to deal with that butler again, with his short snippy words and his telling her what would be going on. She instead brushed out her hair and braided it, washed her hands again. She opened her bedroom door then and headed to the front door, there would surely be a spot somewhere in the garden she could commune.

Sure enough in the middle of the garden she found the perfect place, the only element missing was fire. But it was a nice area and she shouldn't be disturbed for long.

Alehial settled into a comfortable position and began her communion. It would take at least an hour and she had her spells all chosen. She had a dagger about her person just in case she might need it even while in the gardens.

Valusia XXIII

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2018-03-28 [Sheamus Finn]: Before I respond to your post, why doesn't she use animal form and fly out then get a good ariel view? (in case you wanted to change something)

2018-03-29 [Nuktae-tal]: Her only flying form is a bat lol

2018-03-29 [Sheamus Finn]: it is night time

2018-03-29 [Nuktae-tal]: She wouldn't see anything. It would all be echolocation. Also that's how she plans to get back in the building. So better to not waste it now.

2018-03-29 [Sheamus Finn]: I see

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