Wandering in Paris
Last july, finally [
Moluco] and I were able to go and visit Paris. Whatta place! Very cosmopolitan city, so diferent in diferent areas that looks like you're travelling from one country to another. Fortunely, we were there with [
smeet666]... nothing like having a native guide ;)

To begin with, the Eiffel tower. Believe it or not, I was able to go to the top... even with my acrophobia. But, oh, what a view! ^^

Montmartre, the first turistical place we visited in Paris. And appearently, the only hill there is in the whole city XD
Very beautiful, uh?

The Louvre... the oh, so beautiful Louvre. However, I must confess that I don't really like those crystal pyramids... they ruin the whole place! And besides, it's very awful to be there listening to the tourist talking about the DaVinci code...

The Sena by sunset... wow... yep, sometimes you can think it's romantic, or lovely. For me, it's just a big river still alive!! Hey, be patient with me... I'm mexican, we don't have lovely rivers in Mexico city... ^^;;

I think this is a hotel... what a hotel! It's very turistic just to go there and see it from the outside... I love this photo, because the eyes of the sculpture were looking at me... O__o
And back to the begining, the Eiffel tower by night. Beautiful, uh? This day, we were taking photos in he middle of a storm... rain, and thunders and wind... I loved it!!
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the Hitchhiker's guide of the Elftowners
Wandering in France