Page name: Wiccan Commander's Banners She made [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-10-20 20:09:31
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Wiccan Commander's Banners She made

Here I will keep the banners I hope to get around to making. I will work on finishing off the ones I'm working on but for now all I have is:

Made by me for lycan haters my boyfriend's wiki.

Made by me for lycan haters my boyfriend's wiki.

Made by me for lycan haters my boyfriend's wiki.

I finished this one for my friend Ezra V [ZE GUY.].

I made this for my darling [nightgoth] I love you babe.

<img:> For [Praise Adonai] for the anti-huggers united

<img:> Take this If you want to. I will gladly protect my friends....

This is for the demon court my boyfriends new wiki ness join if you love to write or draw!

Here.. You can go back to Wiccan Commander's Pics or my house [wiccan commander 2525] or to W C's Pals or to Wiccan Commander's Random Stuff or to Wiccan Commander's Writings or to W C's membery wikis I know I know you don't have to remind me!!! Bye Then!

If you like the banners I make you can ask me and I will make you one but only if you want me to. And if I make you one and you don't like it just tell me.

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2005-12-16 [ZE GUY.]: also cool I like lizzie G I really think your doing pretty good

2005-12-31 [lkjhgfdsa]: i really like them

2006-03-17 [Praise Adonai]: hey, can you make a anti-huggers united banner for me pretty please? i dont have one there yet

2006-03-19 [wiccan commander 2525]: okey dokey i will send you a message when i finish it

2006-03-20 [Praise Adonai]: haha, i like that one, 's cute ^.^

2006-03-20 [ZE GUY.]: Kitties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-03-21 [Minotaur Queen]: Typo... Anti-Huggers not Ant Huggers.... Very Nice Banner... Just what our wiki needs! Thanks.. Mino

2006-03-21 [wiccan commander 2525]: thanks for telling me about the typo

2006-03-21 [wiccan commander 2525]: sorry that i mispelled it i should slow down and type less quickly

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