Page name: amberxautopsy's pictures <3 [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-12-11 20:12:31
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amberxautopsy's pictures <3

i made this for my older brother in the army
hes coming home from afganistan soon
i hope...
i look uber preppy here...
i swear im not a prep, this was actually near halloween, so it worked out quite nicely
that hat is gay
me and my friend katheryn
i swear, one day we'll be lezbians together, and theres not a damn thing you can do about it

/ [scars of winter rain]

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2008-01-08 [scars of winter rain]: aint i fucking sexy
ch'yeeeah right

2008-01-08 [dillybugg]: yes u are fuckin sexy lol

2008-01-09 [scars of winter rain]: haha, well, what can i say?
haha, even though im not *vomit!*

2008-01-09 [dillybugg]: u can say "i know" lol
yes you are sexy lol *says ewwww*

2008-01-09 [scars of winter rain]: lol
yay! me puke! its from my schools food i swear!

2008-08-06 [Black_Evil_Fuzz]: Whos Dylan that you love so much???

2008-08-07 [scars of winter rain]: my boyfriend. haha
i thought that would be obvious.
but its not [dillybugg] he just happens to have the same name ><

2008-08-08 [Black_Evil_Fuzz]: sorry, i've kiunda been... i dunno...gone

2008-08-11 [scars of winter rain]: gone? mentally or physically?

2008-12-14 [Black_Evil_Fuzz]: ummmm oblivously physically but lately mentally too

2008-12-21 [dillybugg]: yup...same name =]:

2009-01-01 [scars of winter rain]: oh, lol
yeah im not with that dylan anymore.
hes a douche and he insists on making my life so fracking difficult
so i kicked him to the curb.

2009-02-17 [dillybugg]: woww'

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