Page name: ask-lilo-2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-07-16 22:20:26
Last author: Hedda
Owner: Hedda
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Ask Lilo edition #2

What colors are your eyes and do you bite?

Yellow. Only if I have to. I use my voice and clows to make clear that I don't like someone first. Only vets and annoying children don't understand this and become bitten.

Lilo, help! How can we convince Hedda to make 'cat-girl' an officially recognized race on Elftown? Inquiring feline minds want to know!

More cat-girls for my human? Never! But some cat-boys would be nice...

Why can't you be a cat-boy? I wanna be a cat-boy! 

I'm born this way.

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

About 96 km/h.

More importantly, what is the air speed velocity of a cat carrying a collar and bell, chasing an unladen swallow?

0 km/h. It sits and waits for the swallow to enter the "cat-dinner-zone".

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