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Rules for Vsss-caps

This is the complete, perfect and divine rules for Vsss-caps
badly translated into English. This is a caps optimized for maximal
sport, niceness and drunkness. It is somewhat different from caps.


This is the right definitions of a number of terms. They should be
pronounced in Swedish - ask a Swede for correct pronounciation.

1 Mittenmugg - The mugg that stands in the middle of capsringen
    (the capsing-ring).

2 Mugg - The container that you have beer in, and caps the
    capses into. Best is to use a widebottomed mug of the
    type that you can find at the toilets at the university.

3 Caps - The thing that you throw into muggarna (the
    mugs). Bottle-capses are prefered.

4 Capsa - To caps, to throw the caps. ("caps" is used as a verb
    in this translation.)

5 Bestraffning - The punishment. You should drink your mugg. Try
    to do it as fast as possible.

6 Belöning - Reward. You should drink you mugg. Try
    to do it as fast as possible.

7 Måttning - Measurement. Put your leg forward and make sure that
    it exactly reaches your own mugg.

8 Ringen - The ring. This is all the players, their beer and
    Beutels, the muggs and maybe other things.

9 Beutel - A little plastic bag (found at public toilets) that
    the players can have on their head if they desire. It might
    be useful for a number of things we should not write about.

1433 Öl - Beer. This is what you drink. It should be 1433-3 (look
   at Systembolaget's catalog) but it can be anything drinkable, but
   it is still called "öl".

1 General rules

§ 1 Place a mugg as a mittenmugg.

§ 2 Around it, as close a possible, every player puts his own

§ 3 The number of players should be 6, but anything from 3 to 8 is

§ 4 The players place themself on a leg distant from their own
   mugg. They shall sit in lotus-possition (meditation-possition?).

§ 5 The oldest player begins.

§ 6 The turn goes with the clockwise.

§ 7 The capsing continues until there is no one left in the ring.

§ 8 All rules that can be applied for one situation should be

2 Capsningen - the throwing of the caps

§ 1 The caps is hold in the hand in a stylish way.

§ 2 The elbow, on the same arm as the hand that is holding the
   caps, should be touching the same side's knee or maybe upper leg.

§ 3 The angel between the upper and lower arm may not be more than
   90 degreas before the caps has been released.

3 What happens after the caps have left the hand?

§ 1 If the caps misses all muggs, the turn sits down and waits to
   land on the next player.

§ 2 If the caps falls into one of the player's muggs, that player
   should drink or utmana (challenge) (see 10 Utmaningar).

§ 3 If the caps hits another mugg before it falls into a mugg, it
   is called a "konstcaps" (artistic caps). It can also hit other
   things before it gets into the mugg, and it's still a konstcaps.
   Konstcaps gives a belöning (reward, see definitions) to the

§ 4 If mittenmuggen (the middle mug) is hit, the rules in 6 To Hit
   Mittenmuggen is followed, and then the turn waits to land on the
   next player.

§ 5 If a mugg is hit and falls over so that the öl is flowing out
   it is alkoholmissbruk (misuse of alcohol) and the culprit
   should take a bestraffning (punishment). The culprit fills the
   broken (empty or almost empty) mugg with öl.

§ 6 If § 5 is applicable (and otherwise), it is a hit, only if the
   caps is still in the mugg afterwards.

4 To fail to take your turn

§ 1 If no-one is capsing and all mugg are filled with öl, the ring
   can start a countdown beginning with "Tempo!", then counting
   down "Fem Fyra Tre Två Ett (some random work like KUK, but not

§ 2 If no-one has capsed when the ring has reached "KUK" (or
   whatever they say), the players hopefully will point at someone.

§ 3 The ring should be totally agreed on that it should have been
   this player that should have capsed.

§ 4 If § 3 can not be fulfilled, then players temporally lacking a
   healthy mental state loose their voting rights, so that § 3 can be

§ 5 If § 3 can not be fulfilled even with the use of § 4, apply
   the rule 1 General rules § 5.

§ 6 The player who should have capsed gets a Bestraffning
   and the turn goes to the next player.

§ 7 Players do not have to point if they do not want
   to. (Chickens!)

§ 8 Player who points will get a bestraffning if they do
   not point at the player that gets the bestraffning
   according to § 6.

5 To okynnescapsa (to throw a caps when it is not your turn)

§ 1 If you throw a caps when it is not your turn, you will get a

§ 2 The capsing (this throw) will be ignored, expect that the
   rules in 6 To Hit Mittenmuggen, will be applied and any
   Tempo-countings will be restarted as soon as possible.

§ 3 If you caps when any mugg is not drunk, not on the right place
   or empty, § 1 is also applied.

§ 4 If two or more players caps at exactly the same time, § 1 is
   applied accordning to the principle "Better to judge than not.".

§ 5 Should two capses be capsed almost at the same time, it is OK
   if that do not break for example the rules in § 1 or § 3. This
   is not valid if the second capsing becomes an Utmaning,
   because in that case it will be an Utmaning.

6 To hit mittenmuggen

§ 1 When someone hits mittenmuggen, these rules apply.

§ 2 All the players drink the öl in their muggs.

§ 3 The player who capsed in the mittenmugg should also drink and
   refill that.

§ 4 These rules always apply regardless of how or when the
   mittenmugg was hit.

7 To ask about whos turn it is

§ 1 If you ask whos turn it is, you will get a bestraffning.

§ 2 § 1 is not valid if it is obvious that it is a rules query.

8 About utträde (going away)

§ 1 If you, before you caps, ask for utträde (leaving) you may take
   your utträde the next time it is your turn.

§ 2 To take your utträde that you have requested according to § 1
   during the previous turn, you say something like "Jag tar mitt
   utträde!" / "I take my utträte" and then you caps.

§ 3 If you miss, you will drink your mugg, turn it upside down and
   go away.

§ 4 If you hit miggennmuggen (That's the spirit!), you drink
   mittenmuggen, fills it, drinks your own and turns in upside down
   and goes from there. (In any choosen order.)

§ 5 If you hit your own mugg, drink it and go away.

9 About inträde (entering the caps)

§ 1 To be a part of the ring (få inträde) you have to ask for
   permission from the ring.

§ 2 If you are allowed into the ring, you have the right to ask if
   it is your turn and you shall get a correct answer. (7 To ask
   about whos turn it is, still applies!)

§ 3 If § 2 can be fullfilled, all the previous players get a

§ 4 Players who answeres wrong at § 2 gets a Bestraffning
   unless there is some uncertainty about the rules.

§ 5 It is the new player's turn if the last player who used or
   missed his turn, was the player that sits just before the newly
   arrived player. If the next player has begun his aiming or now
   doesn't matter. However, the new player can not of course
   protest about the ring's decision (because he is not a part of
   it yet). (For some reason, it's never your turn if you enter a
   ring with 1 player...)

10 Utmaningar - Challenges

§ 1 If someone capses in your mugg you have the right to utmana
   (challenge) the thrower.

§ 2 The idea is that you should hit the mugg that belongs to the
   one who throwed the caps into your mugg.

§ 3 It's not necessary to say "utmaning" even if it is OK to do

§ 4 If you hit the right mugg, utmaningen (the challenge) will
   continue at the other player.

§ 5 If you hit other mugg, it will be counted as a miss.
   6 To hit Mittenmuggen, is still applied however.

§ 6 If anyone is discontinuing utmaningen (the challenge) he will
   drink his mugg.

§ 7 If you miss a caps, you loose, and you drink your mugg two
   times. The rules from 6 To hit Mittenmuggen, are applied on top
   of this if that has happened too.

§ 8 If you win, you will drink your mugg if there is any caps in

11 To pylla få (To pill uf)

§ 1 In Vssscaps there is no bestraffning to "pill uf"
   ("fill up", as it is written by undrink people) your own mugg.

§ 2 To say "fylla på"/"fill up" when you mean "pulla få"/"pill uf"
   does not give you a bestraffning.

§ 3 In the beginning of the game, everyone helps to pill uf

§ 4 If the ring does not approve that someone is trying to apply
to § 3 because that person's öl is "äcklig" (discusting), then the
person with the äcklig öl should accept this and not pollute

17 Etiquette

§ 1 None of the rules in this part has to be followed.

§ 2 You do not utmana on a konstcaps.

§ 3 You do not aim for the mugg belonging to the girl in the ring
   at start, but you wait until she thinks that no-one capses at
   her and then caps her unconscious.

§ 4 You do not give bestraffning to people who are bringing
   beers for others while they are doing that.

§ 5 You do not give the master of the pub bestraffning
   when he does his job.

§ 6 You do not shout for tempo during a song.

§ 7 If you can not drink fast enough, you will sing a song or in
   another way entertain the ring.


Translation note: The English is kept as simple as possible (Unlike
the Swedish version, which is somewhat written in Grönköpingssvenska.)
and the Swedish caps-terms are used instead of English term, as the
English language is not fit for caps-terms. Beware that some Swedish
words, like "ringen" means "the ring" and therefore is used as
replacement of "the ring", so there seems like a "the" is missing, but
it is not missing as it is a part of the Swedish word. If the
"the"-form of the Swedish word isn't commonly used (like
"bestraffningen"), I have just written "the 'Swedish word in basic
form'" (the bestraffning) as it works better in English text.

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