Page name: demon writings chp 4 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2007-04-03 00:19:51
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Chapter 4: A night of warm rain
Time: 6:46 a.m. / Friday / 8-29-82
age: 15

I continued strolling down the street. The time is getting less and less obvious to me, because the sky pretty much never changes except when it rains. I heard a loud crack of thunder and the skies began to shift.
“ Aw crap…”.

“ what’s wrong caita?” I heard yai asked.

“ …..nothing really….just a few sweet memories is all…”

The clouds darkened and the wind began to pick up. I squint my eyes trying to keep my vision from failing me. A bolt of lightning struck the ground near me as I took another step, causing me to jump back a bit.

“ok that was strange….”

From the very spot the lightning struck, a red glowing orb began to shine with an unfamiliar power. The orb floated up to eye range and pressed itself against my forehead. It feels almost as if its talking to me….in fact I think it is.

(let’s move to a better place….) I heard a devilish voice call to me.

Everything is going white, I can barely see my hand in front of my face. I looked around, but there’s nothing here.

(you are correct, nothing is here, but at the same time everything is here….)

Suddenly everything turned black and two fiery red eyes were in front of me

(Never has any demon even survived making it to this point in their self conscience, what’s your name?)

I don’t think I’ve ever been talked to by this many spirits in one day in my life! It’s like they don’t have anything better to do with their time!

(so what exactly is that supposed to mean?!)

I really don’t think spirits should be allowed in other peoples minds….but anyway, my name is Caita Zatomi, who are you?

(I am Kokuo, the king of all devils. All that which is considered inhuman or evil about any demon is contained inside me….)

Ok……so all demons draw strength from you?
(mostly, all of the demon kind in Sinrea are my children…)

Interesting….so to what do I owe this honor of having the almighty king in my head?

(I saw it….you were killed and somehow poured your soul back in your own body….do you know how lucky you really are? Do you know how many have tried to resurrect others and yet you have come back on your own? I don’t think you really understand the power you actually possess……)

that’s real cute and all, but you don’t gotta tell me im strong. I figured that much out when I turned ten, but I do appreciate the compliment. While we’re on the subject though, one of your kids has been using weird magic and sealing off souls for all of eternity.

(I saw that too, but that girl isn’t one of mine, meaning she may not be from this plane of reality. Did you hear her mention where she was from?)

Nope, she just killed off a room of men and sealed me away for a few hours.

(hmmm…..well nothing I can really do about that, but never the less I will be residing here for a while until I feel that you, my son, have reached your potential as a demon)

Well isn’t that nice of you……but I’ll feel weird showering with you in here….

(very well, then you will have to find a host of some magical property to hold me while you……what was it? Shower?)

And I would get this where?

(reach deep into your soul…..find what you need…)

I focused on what he said and a black chain with a red diamond on it materialized in my right hand.

(good, now get up)


Get up!! I heard Yai’s voice yell out to me. Suddenly the world around me shattered and Sinrea re-rematerialized as I found my self on the ground, right outside my house. The rain was pouring now and I was soaking wet.

“So exactly how many times a day do you pass out?” she asked.

“I don’t know, this normally doesn’t happen too often….”

I jumped off the ground to my feet and heard a strange jingling. As I looked around my neck, I saw that the chain I had envisioned was there. I don’t want to say anything weird that would freak yai out, so figure I‘ll keep it to myself for now.

I pushed the door to my house open and walked open. The living room is perhaps the single messiest room in the house. There are clothes and candy wrappers everywhere pretty much. The TV is still on in the same channel as when I left last night, which is the cartoon channel that Utada loves to watch. Im surprised she’s not still watching it right now. Actually she’s probably at school….where I should be….but now im too tired to go, plus id just be late anyway.

I stretched out across the couch and turned the TV off.

“you passed out twice and still wanna sleep!?” I heard yai ask.

“well you may not pass out too often, but it isn’t fun and it doesn’t rest you up too well. Now if you‘ll excuse me, im gonna take a nap…..”

I closed my eyes and passed out once more.

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2007-04-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: nice and short, I like it though.

2007-04-04 [shadow frost wolf]: not too much time to work last month

2007-04-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: I'm starting 5... already!

2007-04-05 [shadow frost wolf]: soon i'll start mine too, most likely during the break

2007-04-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: yay a early release!

2007-04-06 [shadow frost wolf]: we got out at three

2007-04-08 [~Spirit Fox~]: ???? no a early release, as in your typing a chapter earlier than usual.

2007-04-09 [shadow frost wolf]: oh well thats good too!

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