Page name: Dormitory 390 [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-08-18 13:58:46
Last author: Veltzeh
Owner: Veltzeh
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Dormitory 390: Kaider Getalahan's room

Dormitory 390 Hist1

The room seems to be a some kind of storage room for all kinds of small and not-that-small technological devices; the general idea of the room is a miniature chaos.
The walls are light bluish gray, the ceiling is dark blue with a skylight window on it. The curtains next to the windows are violet, and in addition to venetian blinds, over the windows (also the skylight window) there seems to be a weird mechanism that can be pulled down to stop any light coming in.
There are comic books, clothes, computer parts, other electronics and tools on the floor, but you can still walk among the stuff.
Straight in front of the entrance door there's the back of a middle-sized shelf, behind it the bathroom door and a clothes shelf, and next to the bathroom a high, messy bunk bed with quilts hanging over the edges. Under the bunk bed can be seen a general working desk and chair with some "enhancements". Next to the working desk there is a computer table with a computer, scanner, printer, two screens, two keyboards, three mice, amplifiers, digital camera, tablet and some really strange-looking components on it.
In the middle of the room there stands a telescope, also a bit weird-looking.
In the opposite corner there is a fairly comfortable-looking armchair with four remote controls and two joysticks sitting on it, and a shelf attached over it in the corner.
On the left side there's a long bookshelf going along the whole side of the left wall. At the end of that shelf can be seen a big, flat TV screen. There are five more joysticks under the TV, as well as a DVD player, VHS player, video game consoles, stereos, CD player, mp3 player, cassette player and, on top of all, even an ancient LP player!
The door is locked and rigged to a security system by default since Kaider got a little paranoid a couple of weeks ago.

Monday, October 31st

Kaider woke up and after eir morning routine, dressed in eir usual clothing and left to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

A lot later, Kaider came back and instead of starting to get ready for the silly costume party, got lost in the internet. Ey only remembered the party some time later, but figured that ey still had enough time. Ey decided to go with eir own idea first, so ey went and shaved part of eir hair and then put together a suitable get-up from eir and eir siblings' clothes. Satisfied with it, ey went to X-Men Hall East 3rd.


Kaider entered and started doing something ey truly found fun: watching TV and snacking.

From here you can go to X-Men Hall East 3rd. Or jump out through the window.

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2005-06-10 [Veltzeh]: Well replace them with the plurals >_> that should be less awkward...

2005-06-13 [Veltzeh]: Four Sprites? O_o I thought it would be like, one 1,5-liter bottle and two mugs >_> So um... do you mean those aluminum cans, or 0,5-liter bottles, or what?

2005-06-13 [Roma]: OH! The cans, sorry! XD That's what I'm used to around here. XP

2005-06-13 [Veltzeh]: I only ever see the 1,5-liter bottles ;)

2005-06-13 [Roma]: Wow - we have all three choices here, but I only ever really see the .5 iter bottles in vending machines and gas stations. The big bottles are everywhere, but the cans are most common in the grocery stores! Woah! Culture shock! X)

2005-06-13 [Veltzeh]: Lol. Well, there are cans and 0,5-liter bottles in grocery stores, but mostly they just have biiig piles of tons of 1,5-liter bottles of all sorts of sodas. The cans are most commonly found in little shops and gas stations >_>

2005-06-14 [Veltzeh]: Bleh, I don't bother to think up a movie name >_>

2005-06-14 [Roma]: It's probably better that way. Then we can make up events in it! Oh my! We're movie writers now! XD

2005-06-14 [Veltzeh]: Gläh, I meant that I won't bother making up anything about any movie and just have it as "they watched a movie" XD

2005-06-14 [Roma]: Teehee - I'm not saying that we actually make it up, but we could randomly insert scenes that would make Vlad think something funny or something like that. Just to spice it up or something. XP

2005-06-14 [Veltzeh]: I guess now we just let them sit there for a while ;)

2005-06-14 [Roma]: Haha - yeppers! XP

2010-08-25 [Veltzeh]: Could I have a say about whether Adrianne can teleport through the window?

2010-08-25 [Flisky]: Yeah. I can change it.

2010-08-25 [Flisky]: I just wanted to get it done before I left. (We're moving again and I wasn't sure if I was going to have 'net access there.)

2010-08-25 [Veltzeh]: I'd say the curtains and blinds are closed so that she can't see in.

2010-08-25 [Flisky]: Is the ledge open? (The ledge on the inside of the room. I assumed there was one since most American buildings have them...)

2010-08-25 [Veltzeh]: I don't know... but that wouldn't be seen through the blinds, right? I'm under the impression the blinds are either between windows if there are several or right over the innermost window.
And where goes the line on how small a space she can teleport into? X) Nightcrawler's description usually says he displaces gases and liquids, but a curtain is neither, and there wouldn't be enough space between window and curtain.

2010-08-25 [Flisky]: Most of the time the blind goes over the space, because people typically keep plants and such...It covers the entire ledge and window. At least the ones I've seen.

And she can teleport into any space that she can contort her body to fit into...

2010-08-25 [Veltzeh]: So the blinds are on the wall instead of being actually with the window? That is very weird. O_o
At least her head would need about 20 cm space on the ledge, and that's a rather massive distance for that kind of spot. Anyway, I have my opinions about architecture and structural engineering and I don't actually want her to get in, so I would of course say the space is too small...

2010-08-25 [Flisky]: Hmmm...okay...

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