Page name: Fantasy Fans [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-04-11 20:01:39
Last author: Shikitty
Owner: Shikitty
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 -NEW BANNER- >_> I know I said I wouldn't use the computer but I had extra time in Web Design so I made one... O_o Its looks bad saved under JPEG but Its okay I suppose... x_X 


((If someone changes something without my knowledge, I will smite you! Please get my permission first before you change anything because I don't want anything bad happening to this wiki due to all the hard work my friend [Lucciel] and I have put into it.))



  This is a wiki for everyone who likes fantasy!!!!! If u like fantasy just e-mail me to be put on this wiki!!! Everyone is invited to join and take the pics! (once i put them up ^.^) Well have a fun time and enjoy this wiki!!! ^.^ ^.^
Parts of wiki: fantasy fans, assassian's guild, barrax of the dragonriders, knights table, archers tree, council of fantasy, Fantasy Fans - Artpage.

The Horizon - A place to Roleplay 


Greatings and well met, I am Ari the Lead Dragon Knight. I am posting here so that you all know I'm going to be putting this wiki along with the others attached under construction as I work on them under Kisha's command here along with some of my own Ideals. If you have any Ideals please message me.




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Artwork has been moved to Fantasy Fans - Artpage.

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2007-04-09 [Shikitty]: ((No prob! ^________^ I was speakin to my mom for a bit but I'm done now.))
Chaos turned his gaze toe Rui. "I'm collecting dear chosen. Due to those pests destroying my world, I have to gather more blood to fix it." He sighed as the soldiers were fleeing. "Of course their gonna flee, they're afraid of my power."
Obsidean lokked to Ryu. "Wrathien overworked himself again bother...I told him not to but he did anyway..."

2007-04-09 [Lucciel]: (( toe? XD )) "ahh, well they should stop moving... it's annoying. Should I stop them from running?" He tilted his head a little to the side, brushing short dark red hair out of his face.
Ryu shakes his head. "eehhh you shouldn't so that Wrathien, you'll make Obsidean go into mother hen mode. He's annoying like that.

2007-04-09 [Lucciel]: (( >_>;; I should update this page soon... and make a new banner ))

2007-04-09 [Shikitty]: ((*Nods*))

2007-04-09 [Shikitty]: ((>.< I posted but then et went down.))
"Do what you wish Chosen, I have no reason to old you back." Chaos turned his head toward the camp. "There is an angel in Wrathien's tent. I wonder what he's hoping to accomplish with him in that state."
Wrathien grinned tiredly. "I was only seeing what the angel would do if I provoked him but I guess it was a waste of energy. Chaos can play with him now..."
Obsidean glared. "Shut up brother before I decide to eat you."

2007-04-09 [Lucciel]: Rui nodded and darted foreward quickly streching otu his blood colored wings, cutting the leg muscles of running soliders without care for the side they where on. At times like this Rui was glad that his wings had the ability to turn into more like blades. He was also glad that his empathy gift was small wnough that he could block it.

"Tch, your no fun brother, well at least Chaos can have some fun. Although that pet of his... whats his name... Rui? Well since Rui has finally stopped trying to run from Him he may interfer maybe not." Shrugs

2007-04-09 [Shikitty]: Chaos watched as Rui attacked the people. He grinned as blood spilled from the wounds he inflicked leaving the soldiers screaming in pain and unable to run. "Don't be so easy on them Chosen, I'm sure they're dieing for more pain then just that." He smiled caringly at Rui.
Obsidean smirked. "I doubt Chaos would let him get in the way of his fight. You know how he is when the person is too strong for arrogent little Rui."

2007-04-10 [Lucciel]: "Tch fine." He paued a little here and there either inflicting more painful wounds no the fallen, or making sure that his bladed wings where coated in a painful poison that attacked the muscle tissue slowly dissolving them. He does look back at Chaos once, hesitates and smiled slightly back still having some difficulty.

"Well he's also stubborn too." Ryu grins "And fun to play with, if you don't throw him around too much Chaos ussually dosn't try and hunt you down for hurting his Koi." Ryu smirked and brushed through his long silvery hair.

2007-04-10 [Shikitty]: Chaos's eye's slightly began to glow and he drained the blood out of a person sneaking behng Rui. "I don't think so." He looked warningly at others that were thinking the same thing and made them run quickly through the people running. "Good Chosen, keep up the good work and maybe that angel will come out soom."
Obsidean chuckled. "Too true but if you tick Rui off too much he also hunts you down or gives you a warning."

2007-04-10 [Lucciel]: "Angel?" He rose one brow slightly before sighing. "I better not be the bait for drawing him out. Although... With my colorings and wings I probably will be targeted anyways."

"Tch Rui's just short tempered, liek he'd give you a warning if you ticked him off enough. He's as bad as Kern sometimes, or even worse since he dosn't have a Kyo to hold him back."

2007-04-10 [Shikitty]: "There's an angel in Wrathien's camp. I want to have some fun but first I need him to come out to the battlefield. Don't worry Chosen, I won't let him near you and no you're not bait, you're just causing most of the commotion." Chaos looked down at him. "I may be targeted as well unless there's enough blood to mess with the persons view."
Obsidean chuckled.

2007-04-10 [Lucciel]: "Fun? heh" Rui said nothing more, cutting down a few that tried to stand against him. "Angels arn't always so easy to fight... I should know I was raised by three... not to mention a half mer-man and a crazy elf." He blinked as one soilder managed to cut his arm while he was distracted by his thoughts. He mentally scolded himself before focusing back onto battle.
"Ah but Kerns fun to pick on too." Ryu sighs and glances back at D'aron again.

2007-04-10 [Shikitty]: "Yes fun. Do you have a problem with that Chosen." Chaos raised an eyebrow. "I know angel's aren't always easy and that's why I want to fight him. I may have fun with a new challenge."

2007-04-10 [Lucciel]: Rui snikered and contiued to fight, cutting one person to ribbions with his wings as the soilder came too close. "I'm not saying anything."

2007-04-10 [Shikitty]: "What a little pervert. How can you be thinking something like that on the battlefield Chosen?" Chaos shook his head. ((I'm gonna stop the rp now until KnightAngel catches up.))

2007-04-10 [Lucciel]: Rui smirked and shook his head, using the small bit of powers Chaos granted him. Sealing the bleeding wound on his arm. "Cause I've been haning around you too much."
(( sounds good to me ^_^))

2007-04-11 [Shikitty]: Chaos rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I am not like that dear Chosen. You're just too immature to comprhend adult things." He looked back toward the camp in thought. ~I wonder if the angel has given up in this war.~

2007-04-12 [KnightAngel]: The angel that already was starting to change grinned. "You don't think I know who you mean? And yes I know his power... Why do you think that D'aron is not as powerfull as me?" (I'll come with more later... Just is too groggy to continue this current moment and also need to go home o.o)

2007-04-13 [Shikitty]: ((Okay!))
Obsidean shook his head. "How bout you leave us alone and go bug him. Wrathien is too weak to deal with you little angel. Leave before you are forced." He hissed angrily at D'aron and glance at Ryu.
Chaos watched Rui's fun and laughed at the pain he was causing to the enemy ranks.

2007-04-17 [Shikitty]: ((RAWR!! The rp has died! Should it be revived?!))

2007-04-18 [Lucciel]: (( who knows nee? ))

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