Page name: Meet My Family [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-08-05 02:43:07
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Meet My Family

Yep, me and my family went on holiday to the South Coast. Here is a collection of random photos that have nothing to do with anything! Holidays are fun X3

Brother on the beach.. the only cloudy day!
Me on the beach, brother running like a ninja! XD
Me and Ethan in the car, being bored
Archery at the medieval place..
I personally preferred the horses :p
The horses again
Campsite thing
The downs :p
My dad and my nan on the bridge thing in nan's garden
Me and Ethan in the car, being bored again xD
The house we stayed in!
I'm cool, taking a picture of myself in the mirror.. wait..
The path to the back gate *dun dun duuun*
Me and Ethan in Chichester, once again bored with the camera XD
Me trying to take photo's on the beach at night XD
Sunset on the beach, prettyful.
Reflections are fun.
Brother and me, beach at night
Shame this came out blurry.. Me in my trench coat standing on a pillar thingumy..
Ze back garden. Preeettty.
Me climbing up the whatsit. The thing the plants grow on.
The evil and weird looking moth. I called it a T-Moth XD
The beeeach. Lovely blueness!
Beach again.
He's not a nazi, he was throwing a stone XD XD
Skye and Alfie :p
Ethan and Alfie
Skye and Alfie again.
Ethan and Alfie again XD
Skye and Alfie's butt.
Alfie trying to look intelligent.
My mum, failing at looking intelligent XD
Sue, talking or eating or something..
Ethan and Alfie AGAIN!! I got too many pictures of the dogs.. and my brother..
Ethan and Alfie..
Sue, Nan, Ethan and Alfie.. Not sure what was going on XD
I love this picture XD Alfie leaping!
Skye-bye rolling about like a wazzock.
Me and Ethan, bored once again.
Ethan being himself.
I think this was Ethan's attempt at photography... My face XD
My Daddio, looking serious for once.
Dad, Alfie, Ethan, Skye, Sue, Nan and a bit of mum XD
Me and Alfie
Nan's house.
Then Dave arrived with his new mower! No one could figure out how to get it out of the box, never mind use it XD
Ethan, failing at putting together the mower..
"What does this wire do i wonder?" Nan thought it was liqourice the wally..
Dave tried to get it out of the box..
..And failed. So Sue helped.
Got it out at last, and Ethan sat on it and broke it. All that fuss for nothing.
Then out came the bubble wrap.
Fighting with the bubble wrap..
And the journey home.. Traffic was abysmal..
I was bored and felt ill.. Dad was.. Looking like a maniac o_O
Brother was also bored, so took emo-from-above photo.
And i had coffee.

/ [Beki in Wonderland]

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2007-08-05 [Timi_Filth]: great pics. love the 1 of the sunset

2007-08-05 [Beki in Wonderland]: Thank you ^____^

2007-08-08 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: hehe sounds like you had fun.. i need to develope my pics.. i think i'll go into town (mold) on friday.. wanna meet up there?

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