Page name: members 51-100 Animal lovers united [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2005-09-04 08:18:14
Last author: Neya
Owner: Neya
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Members 51-100 of animal lovers united

51. [xnight_shadex]i love all the animals exept for flying ants! :(
52.[Enigmatic slipstream] something animal...
53. [Anime Addiction] I have a cute cat, but I love all animals. I'll try to get a pic of Jack (my cat) soon.
54. [Cam Static] Cam love animals more than anything else in this world.
55. [xxx falling for you xxx] i love my kitty.. and i really want a dog and another cat! horses are awesome too
56. [not another statistic]
57. [starlightgirl]
58. ["Moonie"] aww=) Just love animals=P
59.[Charlotte Marie] mesa wuv animals.
60.[The Unicorn Queen of Australia] I have a cat and a rabbit. I would have put their pictures on here, but I couldn't get it to work.
62.[Baby*Hippogriff] i got a new yellow lab named Shelby!!!
64.[Jaraq] How can you resist them!?
65.[peachesnpears] my cat tobi means EVERYTHING to me!
66.[AshPaw] I've got meself a puppy named Buddy, but I want a kitty and I'm going to name him/her shpoon!! Yay! Gotta luv all da luverly animinamals in the world!
67. [Stitched Up Dolly] I own two siberian huskies, one of them is in my profile and I want a guines pig, and kitens, as well as a small dog breed 8)
68. [Blurple Berrie] I've had four german shepards in my life, one mixed breed, three cats, a hampster, and five goldfish. Although, most of them are long gone now (*cry* We miss u my fluffy freinds! And scaly ones!), they still deserve a mentioning here. So yesh, We LUVS the aneemals!!!
69. [Ibelieveinfearies] I love animals!
70. [Christie x3Babie] I LOVE ANIMALS!! I have a dog, 3 cats, 2 birds, and a tortise!!
71. [BlackDragon] Owner of a very cute cat, one gerbil and 21 Japanese dancing mice. I'm a Japanese dancing mice breeder and I love animals of all kinds!
72. [This Profile No Longer Exists!] I have a picture of my cat sissy on my house/profile thingy
74.[Ghost the Hybrid] My famaly have 3 cats and 4 fishes.One of the cats are mine and her name is Honey^^
75. [chosenwarrior7] I love animals! I have two cats, Jamie (my fuzzy buddy!) and Lily (so squeaky and cute!), and a gecko named Geico!
77. [fadedmemory017]
78. [Frost_Tears]
79.[.X.X.Lips Of Deceit.X.X.]
80. [In a Yellow Submarine]
82[Humpty Dumpty Was Pushed] aww look at all the fuzzy things lol
83. [Bamlover1] Animals are so cute
84.[color me blood red] owner of many pets and too many too count!
85. [I_lüv_bubbles] animals r sooooo cute!
86.[Aliz] I luv animals :D
87. [666th_poison] whee.. sweet animals!!!
88. [SUSHI!] animal cruelty is WRONG
89.[chandra2]I love animals! They are so trusting!Cruelty is F'd up!
90. [emil29] i love animals!
91.[Grow Up] Pics of two of my dogs on my page. got many more animals
To see the pictures, go here:
92.[orchidflame]i love animals and hate people who hurt them!!
93. [.lets.kiss.] I love animals so cute and cuddly
94. [RedHeadWitch] J'aime beaucoup les animaux! I love animals! I'm a vegetarian too...anyone else here a veggie? :-)
95. [AbLam]Moi je l'aime aussi-I like them too. awwwwwwww, so fluffy.
96. [ChIllIbabE]
97. [caddi]
98. [MrLONELY]
99. [Waste of time]
100. [HellaGothic(i am your darkness)] i miss my baby..sara is my puppy...

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