Page name: vta09p [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-02-13 04:09:27
Last author: Artsieladie
Owner: Hedda
# of watchers: 2
Fans: 0
D20: 4
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This poll was Valentine Art 09, Page 1 to let the followers of the contest judge if this followed the theme:

[moira hawthorne]'s 'Aodh's Moonlight Song'
my faery musician and his guitar Méadhbh Aoibh lovers separated by form but always together...
she was mortal as a woman till she became the soul of his instrument so she could remain with her immortal love.
I asked [wicked fae mage] if I could use the photo of [occult rogue] she has on her house as reference for a painting...

3103) Elftowners: Do you feel that the submission:
<img50*0:> in accordance with the theme -
Forbidden: Not allowed; prohibited? (Administrator: [Artsieladie])

Number of voters: 17
* a) Yes.
Number of votes: 11 (65%)

* b) No.
Number of votes: 6 (35%)

[moira hawthorne] withdrew her submission and the poll was inconclusive.

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2009-02-13 [Artsieladie]: I just changed 'withdraw' to 'withdrew'.

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