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jace^_^ (feelin good)

Member #129904 created: 2005-04-13 01:04:50Simple URL:   

Name: james hathaway


its jodie!!!! yay!!!!




Elftown work
Building worker

Elftown titles and orders

lindsay's boobs!!!!!!! ;)
cars(not japanese 4 wheeled mopeds, the real ones)
females(no matter how confusing they are)

rudeness(if im rude to you im sorry T-T)
pushy people
young people(including me)selling themselves short by being depressed for stupid reasons(if you have a problem with this statement please message me about it)

from [cobalt_cyntex] :

[this is james.. he is the coolest person i know! he is into cars and motercycles and art.. allthough i do gotta admit some art is better than some of his other stuff... but ya gotta love him.. i do!! he is my baby.. he has a great personality and he is very kind.. cept when you make him mad.. he has a tendancy not to like people who use "sexy" or "cute" or "hotty" on their houses.. he is a christian and if you dont like it ... oh well for you.. respect his religous oppinions and he will more than likly respect yours. just one thing.. dont be dumb..]

i'm 5'9 and about 215lbs i dont have long hair anymore its about 6 inches shorter..... oh yeah blue eyes just mundane... well about me...

Do I:
smoke: yes
Have sex: not anymore
Sleep with stuffed animals: no... well my g/f gave me one but i try to ignore it most of the time.
Live in the moment: I try to.
Have a girlfriend: yes and i love her very much! she is [cobalt_cyntex]
Have a dream that keeps coming back: Yes.
Believe there is life on other planets: no
Remember your first love: yes
Read the newspaper: Yes.
Have any gay or lesbian friends: Yes... well my mom.. does that count?
Believe in miracles: Always have.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: Depends on how faithful the person is that your faithful to.
Consider yourself tolerant of others: yes
Consider love a mistake: no
Like the taste of alcohol: Some.
Believe in magic: no
Believe in God: yes.
Pray: Yes.
Have any secrets: Too many.
Have any pets: dog and 2 birds, oh, and a girlfriend^_^
Do well in school: Sometimes.
Go to or plan to go to college: Yes.
Talk to strangers that IM you: Depends on how creepy they are.
Hate yourself: Sometimes.
Have an obsession: A few.
Have a secret crush: no
Collect anything: anything with an engine
Have a best friend:yes, his name is toby
Wish on stars: Sometimes.
Like your handwriting: no
Have any bad habits: WAY too many.
Care about looks: I like to look good, but I do it for myself.
Believe in ghosts and withes: no.

[cobalt_cyntex] loves jace!! ^_^ he is my baby!

Age: 19Year of birth: 1986Month of birth: 10Day of birth: 22

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Halfling
Elftownworldmap 46°56.544'N 123°32.340'W

Place of living: USA-Washington

Town: mossyrock

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gamesartchat
graphicsinformation seekingmusic
web design

alternativegrungeheavy metal
hip hopnew ageprogressive metal

Other interests
carschasing the preferred sexmotorcycles

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: muscular

Height: 169

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