Drawing missing.
Hello, I have been a reoccuring user of elftown for about 7 years now. I am fascinated by art, photography, charcoal drawings, meanings of art from what is seen by a viewer to what the piece means to the artist. I live in Alabama where there is plenty of greenery and still life, so I am usually found by the little creek playing around with my home made water colors from the plants, berrys, and what not. I am not a tree hugger, I am just a very huge outdoors man and always have been, since I found out my native herritage I figured everyone should stick to their roots. I do hunt, do fish, cook, and take pride into every little thing I do, from the time I wake up in the morning, to the time I lay my head back down at night. No one complains about what I did not being good enough.I tend to do better than what I am taught and strive for excellence. So if you messge me, and I seem a little cocky, I am not trying to be, I am just self confident. I have two younger siblings that are twins, one boy one girl. They are ten going to be eleven this St. Patrick's day. I am 18, and don't feel like I am. I do live with my mom and step dad, but I'm not a basement guy, who stays downstairs playing with his figurines, I am always outside doing something. Well if you have anything to ask don't be scared.