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Amelia Stark (All systems will bow before the first order)
Name: Amelia Stark
Pirate Queen Captian Nessa O'Cathain
My two year old pup, Agent Philip J. Coulson
Elftown titles and orders
Interpreter | Street child | Adventurer |
Travelling bard |
Index-pages in the wiki: (
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And of 10 more wiki-pages.
List them Age: 31 | Year of birth: 1989 | Month of birth: 7 | Day of birth: 26 |
Gender: both
Fantasy race personality: Elf
35°56.112'N 128°26.988'E
Place of living: USA-Massachusetts
Town: East Wareham
Known languages
English | German | Japanese |
Korean |
Elfwood artist: Yes
Elfwood writer: Yes
Favorite drawing objects
anime | buildings | demons |
dragons | dwarves | elves |
fairies | funny | horses |
landscape | magic | orcs |
sex | strange | vampires |
warriors | weapons |
Computer interests
action games | art | Basic |
chat | email | graphics |
information seeking | Java | music |
strategy games | video | web design |
Windows |
alternative | classical | country |
folk music | goth | hip hop |
opera | pop | reggae |
rock |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
basketry | beer | board games |
books | bridge | card games |
carpentry | cars | cats |
chasing the preferred sex | chess | cooking |
crime stories | dancing | docu-soaps |
dogs | drinks | eating |
economics | electronics | fantasy |
fashion | film | fishing |
gambling | geography | history |
horses | hunting | knitting |
LARP | motorcycles | needlework |
party | physics | plants |
poetry | porn | role playing |
singing | scifi | sewing |
slacking | smoking | snow scooters |
soap operas | shopping | sporting |
stocks | theatre | travelling |
whisky | wine | woodwork |
writing |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: both sexes
Body shape: big breasted
Height: 168