Member #77190 created: 2004-08-05 10:12:16 | Simple URL: |
Here's my latest picture..!
I don't really do art anymore at all.. So here's my highest score on Solitaire.
Town Drunk | Interpreter | Adventurer |
Age: 21 | Year of birth: 1988 | Month of birth: 5 | Day of birth: 8 |
English | German |
buildings | demons | dragons |
funny | landscape | magic |
strange | warriors | weapons |
action games | chat | |
graphics | information seeking | Linux |
music | pr0n | programming |
strategy games | system administration | use communities |
video | webcam | web design |
Windows |
blues | eurodisco | house |
jazz | new age | rock |
techno |
animals | anime | art |
board games | card games | cars |
cats | chasing the preferred sex | chess |
crime stories | drinks | eating |
electronics | fantasy | film |
geography | history | party |
physics | poetry | porn |
role playing | scifi | shopping |
travelling | writing |