© 8/2005 By [Artsieladie] aka ...
.....Sharon Donnelly
The Equine Meeting, A Fine Greeting!
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One sunny day as I was walking along,
I was humming a tune of a favorite song.
I was feeling quite positive, everything right,
When there I saw in my distant sight.
A horse so fine, such a beautiful steed,
Ignited my passion, my breath lost indeed!
As closer he came, his magic diffused
I couldn't resist, nor could I've refused.
As I stood there, frozen, at my fullest attention,
I sensed my entrance to a whole, new dimension.
This beautiful creature of impeccable grace
Now stood before me, his breath on my face!

He bowed to the ground with such dignity.
It was then that I noticed a rider had he.
She stepped off her wondrous, so majestic a horse
And reached out her hand to greet and endorse.
A welcoming smile, deep and sincere,
Her warmth was evident and ever so clear.
I was so entranced by her wonderful mount
I must've seemed mute on every account.
She broke the silence as she stated her name,
My focus remained, as I did the same.
In a dry, raspy voice, I attempted to speak,
Just the right words I was trying to seek.
She gave me a wink and turned toward the wood,
Let out a whistle and there she stood.
A mare of such refined beauty to see,
The stallion's enthralled by her, as she
Pranced towards us with elegance refined,
Seemingly aware that she's one of a kind.
She nickers to him, then she turns to me.
My heart's pounding with so much glee.

The Lady, she smiles, and gives me a sign
To mount up and ride to a land so fine
Of fairies and elves, unicorns, too...
A fantasy land that's waiting for me and for you!
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I made this for [Fire-n-Ash]'s birthday. :D
Be sure to stop by [Fire-n-Ash]'s house. There you will find some awesome artwork by this talented lady! ^___^
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