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2011-06-12 04:28:47
Last author: Lithium Lullaby
Owner: Lithium Lullaby
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.:Words From The Heart 2:.


Tear open my chest and rip out my heart so that I can watch you tear it apart...


Maybe you'll understand when the most valuable part of living is dying.


Take my heart away and give me a reason to stay.


Deep inside I'm screaming for you
And it kills me to not know what to do
Thinking deeply as I gaze into hot and bitter brew
The potion made from the blood I took from you
Slipping in past the darkness in my heart
I saw what it was from the start
I see you practicing your cruel art
I see you tearing my heart apart


Dead to the world with no thought of return
Cutting into my skin, I feel it sting and burn
Going numb from the pain that my body can't bear
My mind retreating to it's deep hidden lair
Plunging through the frigid water of insanity
With blank eyes, I can no longer see
Pipping at the cell walls while clouds fly through the air
Try to contain my fury if you dare


Tossed into a dreamland and thrust back out
Back into harsh reality without reason, without doubt
Spiraling down, around and around
This is what you feel when you hit the ground


Death's Door

Blood flows and darkness sets in
Thinking thoughts from deep within
Lying there on the threshhold
Bleeding out, your body is cold
Shivering and shuddering in deep despair
Crying and yelling that it's just not fair
Closing your eyes against the pain
Thinking of how nothing will remain the same
When the Raven comes to take you away
The Raven will look upon you and say
"Take a look upon thine own self,
And look upon thy future."
Your death is the future
And your future is at Death's Door
And as Poe wrote,
"Quoth the Raven,


With The Pain

Let's say you like someone
But they don't like you
It sometimes feels like you're falling into the sun
And other times it feels like everything is crashing down on you
This human emotion
It hurts, you know?
But "scientists" say it puts a person's life in motion
And yet, it doesn't make your heart grow
When you love someone
It makes you want to be with them
When you need someone
It makes you need them more
You become dependant on that one emotion alone
And the you end up broken
Lost and locked away in some unknown zone
Where the fire is now dead, grey, smoking
So many things are meant to be learned
But why does it have to hurt?
Why do you always end up burned?
Why do you have to be so alert?
Focused on what is going to happen
Intent on what you know will come
Love is the devil when it comes tapping
Papping on your heart, then that someone
The one you love will hurt you
But it wont affect themselves
Maybe not on purpose will they break you
But they will push you to the back of the shelf
Then what will you do?
Stuck there thinking about the pain
Do you think someone will find you?
"Maybe they will," you say still thinking of the pain
"Maybe they will come for me."
"Maybe some day."
Or will you forever cease to be?
Maybe this will be they way
But your path is already chosen
You will fall in love
But they wont love you
Not until you go below or above
Maybe not even then, what will you do?
Will you still sit there thinking of the pain?
When everything else changes
When everything isn't the same
Will you still be in that same spot
When the world comes to a sudden stop
Will you still hurt even after life
When everything is dust
Will everything change and you remain the same
Still thinking of how it hurt
Still thinking of the pain
Is the blood still pouring and staining your shirt
Are you still there
Crying in despair
Will you still be here tomorrow
Tomorrow when the world comes to an end
When no more trees grow
When there is no one with letters to send
With no food to eat
No clothes to wear
No thoughts in your head
Will you still be there with the pain
Nothing with you except the pain
Nothing but the memory
Nothing but the event that isn't exactly the same
No one around
Nothing to do
Nowhere to go
What wil you do?
Will you take this torture?
This ever present shadow of life?
Why not end it now?Why not end this ever turning circle?
This rut in which you live
Step out of the past and into the future
Grow legs and walk
Wake up
Don't delay
Don't just sit there another day
Don't cry there in the night
While the world around you fights
Step up and do what's right
Because what you want
It wont be handed to you
You have to fight


Black Widow

O, Object of my affection
Why are you so out of reach?
Why am I so lost in you?
But you are surrounded bu walls I cannot breach
Yet still, you are in my head
Like the roses thorn
Beauty that is deadly
So cold and forlorn
As if you stripped away those thorns
You could strip yours away
But the beauty would be gone
Unable to live another day
But still I am caught
Like a fly in your web
And I don't wish to leave
And to me the spider is led


Bloody Beauty

Red wine of the body all over her flesh
So shiney and bold is this blood so fresh
The sweet and salty taste of it
The beauty in it flows a bit
Flowing over her breasts in the moonlight
A picture so obscene, it's right
A beauty so divine in this eve
Beauty so great the evil in her is decieved
Blood and beauty intertwined
So rare and hard to find
And then again, so easy to come by
But beware of her power or you will die
When the Bloody Beauty tells her lie


One Love

One Love...
One Love to make it through the rain
One Love to make it through the day
One Love to stand tall and true
One Love for anything you want to do
One Love to listen to a heartbeat
One Love to feel your kiss...
One Love to hear you sigh
One Love to make you fly
One Love from me to you
One Love is all I can give to you


Sorrow's Song

It's raining melodies from the depths of the seas
Those churning melodies that instill profound peace
Coursing through the veins like fiery rage
Ever seeking to escape it's lonely cage
The air sings sweetly with heavenly tunes
And the earth hums in tune with the moon
And as the wind howls so to does the song
For free as the wind is where it belongs
The melody, o how it moves me to sing
And my voice, to the melody, these words I bring
"Save my soul from this torturous hell
And free my love from his deep dark cell
I beg thee, God, bring him back to me
And only yours will I ever be"


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.:Words From The Heart:.

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