May God Bless Everyone!
From Elftown Graphics>EG bullets by [shudson]...The bear is my creation!
[Please note, these] 'animated bullets' [can only be used on a wiki page or so it was said, where I obtained them from...]EG bullets!!! [So, please no one put them in your house. If you do, you've been told!]
[ LOVE ]
Your Hostess, Author & Illustrator...[Artsieladie]
It's amazing how these soft & furry creations can console, cheer, and calm a "heart in need"!!! I want to add your poems, too, relating to them!
On this wiki page I'm posting my poem that I wrote about teddy bears. :-)

"A Teddy Bear's Revelation!"
by [Artsieladie] aka SGD
(© 1994)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I was simply sitting
Feeling a little down
Squeezing a Teddy Bear
So furry, soft, and brown.
But, then my sadness rolled out
And formed into a tear.
As it dropped upon my Teddy,
I couldn't believe my ear!
In a voice as soft as he,
He started to speak.
I couldn't help but listen
As he cuddled near my cheek.
Teddy said, "I do not know
The reason of your tear,
But I can cheer you up
If you'll only squeeze me near."

Though astonished as I was,
I squeezed him near and tight.
I felt a warmth rise within me
As I hugged with all my might.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Teddy softly spoke again.
He started,"Don't you know?--
What makes a Teddy Bear special?--
What makes you love me so?"
Still, in total amazement
I could only stare,
For here upon my lap
Was a talking Teddy Bear!
But, I swallowed hard.
Then I whispered," No!
What is the secret....
That makes me love you so?"

Teddy's eyes twinkled
As he winked at me and said,
"There's more to bears than stuffing,
So think of us, instead,
As being made with kindness
That grows within YOUR heart,
For that's the very best
From your most important part.
Look into a mirror
Beyond the fancy clothes,
Beyond the fancy things,
To what truly glows.
As you look into that mirror,
Look at you...inside.
Everyone's a Teddy Bear
Which, too often they will hide."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Teddy paused a moment.
A long, deep breath he drew.
He looked at me and smiled
But he wasn't through, I knew.
Once again Teddy spoke
In his quiet way
And I listened very carefully
To all he had to say.
"A Teddy Bear.....
That sits upon a shelf
Doesn't come alive
All by it's lonely self.
But, when a person, big or small
Reaches out to touch
And hug a Teddy Bear
They'll feel so very much."

He paused again briefly
And gave a little sigh.
I had no doubts within me
As he looked into my eye.
I squeezed a little tighter.
I hugged a little more.
Suddenly, I realized that
I felt different than before
I had felt so sad
When we had first begun.
But, now my heart felt happy.
Teddy's words had won.
My lips parted, for
I was about to speak,
But, Teddy raised a paw
So gently and so meek.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Once again he spoke
In words that rang so true.
"I'm your love inside.
Now I’ve returned to you!
The warmth you give to others
Will return to you some how,
In different forms, it's true,
But, in Teddy form right now."

I thought of all the times
I had helped someone in need,
And what Teddy spoke of here
Felt so wonderful indeed!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I turned to look at Teddy
Wondering if I had dreamed.
I thought I had, truly,
But then, he winked. I beamed!!

Now each and every time
I hug a Teddy Bear,
I feel that warmth and love
And how great it is to care!
For each and every time
I cheer a lonely soul
Or lend a helping hand
Or fill an empty bowl,
I think of Teddy Bear,
The words he had spoken.
I'm sharing them with you
And Teddy is my token...
Of friendship and love-
Honest, true, sincere.
May he put a smile
In the place of any tear.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Teddy Bears stand for love,
Kindness, hope and truth.
It's quite simple, actually!
We need no 'super sleuth'!

[Back to:]
Teddy Bear Poetry
*Artsie_ladie's* Poetry
*Artsie's* Stories
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These pages are connected to this wiki:
Teddy Bear Banners [Want a banner?]</i>
Teddy Bear Lovers [Introductory Page!]</i>
Teddy Bear Pictures [To see pictures!] </i>
Teddy Bear Pictures 2 [To see/post pictures!]</i>
Teddy Bear Poetry [Teddybear Themed Poetry!]</i>
A Teddy Bear's Revelation [My Talking Teddybear!] (Here!)</i>
Teddybears in Poetry</i>
Teddy Lovers [To become a member!]</i>
[Artsieladie] [Your hostess!]
[Check out:]
Elftown Graphics *Artsie_ladie*
[My donated art to Elftown!]
*Artsie's* Teddy Bears
[My donated "Teddybear" art to Elftown!]
*Artsie's* Priv' Wikis' Index
[An index to all of my art, poetry, etc, wikis!]</b></center>
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May God Bless You!
Have a Great Day!