AO - 1 
Faust wakes up on the morning of his fithteenth birthday. He slowly gets out of bed and a thought grips him. The dream had been so vivid. He'd tried to forget th coming off the stranger. But now thoughts where pounding in his head. He got up and opened the draws. There, hidden below his clothes where one of of the
Sacred seals, some money and the pendant that summons
Orion. He took out the pendant. It was shaped like a dragon biting its tail. He gave a whistel and waited. Nothing happened. He rumaged through the drawers, took out a robe and put it on. The bell of the monastry began to chime. He could have another go later but now the church beckoned. As he left the was a flicker at the window. Outside in one of the trees a few dry leaves burnt quietly. They where soon put out by the usual drizzel that decended over the town.
At six the sun had begun to sink into the sky and Faust returned home. As he entered his room a peculiar sight mett his eyes. On the bed lay a Drakeling. A rare and unsual spieces.
'Ah, you have arrived at last. And not before time. Strange things are stiring.'
'Who are you?'
'I am
Orion, your fammiliar. I trust you still have the pendant, if not i have no need to serve you.'
Faust felt the strap around his neck, 'Yes, I have the pendant.'
'Good, we must get
Macar's things and begin on our way. All will be explained but first we must move.'
Faust grabbed the leather aromour and sword that lay in the cupboard. He then emptied anything important into a sack and made for the door. He was about to walk out of his room when he asked his Familiar: 'Which way do we go?'
'We go between the woods and the mountains. It will be dangerous but i am confident that that is the direction we must go in to find the other members of the
Order of Mort.'
'Lets go then.'
Faust quickly went down the stairs from his room,
Orion at his heels, but upon reaching the bottom he stopped and stared the person sitting with their legs propped up on the table.
"I would say your late except that you were never planning this," The figure was picking their nails with a small throwing knife, their voice so calm that had it not been silent it would not be heard, "I have been waiting for you to come down for at least a half hour past."

• AO - Chapter 1 • <<--- In the beginning... :: AO - 2 --->>.: Alpha - Omega :.