AO - 2 
Faust looked at the man, "What are you doing in here?" Cautiously he fingered the end of his sword, ready to draw it if need be.
The figure laughed slightly, "You can let your hand rest, I'm not here to hurt you," As the figures hood lowered cold, metallic-blue eyes were shown under hair as black as crow, "Any way, you wouldn't have gotten the sword pout of scabard before I'd struck you down. But I am not here to kill you, I am simply here to train you."
"Train me? How did you know I'd need training? How did you even know i was going?"
Faust's words were slightly hurried and suspicious.
"I know such thing's since I have been here watching what you have been doing since this morning," the man grinned, "First off though I will tell that my name is
"So you're here to train me? How? Do I have to go with you some strange place or will you teach me while we travel?"
Faust's voice was starting to calm itself.
Andreas spoke softly, "You will learn as we travel, but first check out the window for anyone wearing blood red armour with glowing runes." He finally replaced the throwing knife to his belt and got up.
"I can't see any one but it's getting dark. No wait, I think i can see somthing. There's some one out there. All i can see are twop glowing eyes..."
There was a knock at the door.
Andreas walked out the door, his eyes shut, "So tell me, which of us has been waiting longer?" He smiled and turned in the direction of the felinac.
Andreas," she gave a glitering smile with her fanged teeth.
Andreas opened his eyes, "How do you know my name?"
"I listened. I am
"Well then,
Mirany, do you think you waited longer for us to leave the house than I did for him to come down?" He pointed at
Mirany smiled slightly, and sat down.
Orion began to flutter round the room. "Time is running short. We must move. The servants of
Morna do not rest. Though slow they are relentless. If we are to go far we must first be ready."
They opened the door and went out into the cold.

• AO - Chapter 1 • <<--- AO - 1 :: AO - 3 --->>.: Alpha - Omega :.