AO - 3 
"Which way now?" asked
Faust as they stood in the darkness outside his house.
Orion fluttered around and onto his shoulder. "I've not traveled for a long time. But if you check in
Macar's pack you will find the
AO - Map. We must choose from there. Hopefully as we move we will be able to find better maps."
Mirany glanced around nervously, "keep moving."
Orion hovered over the map. "If we move North West we can skirt round the edge of the mountains and the woods. Unless any one knows better. We must find the other members of the
Order of Mort."
Faust looked between the other two, "
Mirany nodded, "I think that's a good idea."
"What about you
"It is a good plan. I lost much need for a map long ago..." One could almost see a look of distraught on his face, "But that is the past, now we must head on." He removed a small pouch from his belt and tossed it to
Faust, "You might need this part of the seal."
"Where did you get that?" asked
Faust in surprise as he fitted it into his own piece.
"From my father, one of the order, but he is dead now and in the past," Though his face did not show it, you could see remorse in his eyes, "Why do you think I came to find you?"
"So he told you where
Macar went. So which way do we go?"
"Very few of the order are still alive so I know not where to head..." He stopped mid sentence, feeling a strange heartbeat pulse in the air, "Hide." He said in a seething tone, "A
Necromonk comes this way." He readied his Cwellen and hid around the corner of the hut.
Mirany, come with me, we can hide in the Monastery."
Faust grabbed her hand and led her into the stone building. They could see the
Necromonk approaching.
Necromonk's breath froze as it left the creatures hooded mouth, "Where are you, little one," It's thin voice seemed to kill the very air around them, "I know your here somewhere."
Andreas could sense the foul creature's heartbeat, a gift and a curse as made his skin cringe. Rounding the corner he aimed quickly and fired the Cwellen, the thin disk going through the creatures neck, "
Mirany, it's dead," He called out, "You can come out of hiding now." He watched as a thick ooze soaked from the
Necromonk's robe.
Faust looked at the dead body and saw strange shadows kneeling over it and distant cries of anger. "There are more. They’re coming. I can't explain it I just know. Like some kind of precognition. We need to choose a direction and we need to choose it now."
"Then we head for Saruna in Kemen." He said and then he talked solely to
Faust, "Just as I can sense the heartbeats of those around me, you have gained the gift of precognition. The seals do a great many strange things
Faust, you simply must learn to use it to your advantage." He replaced the Cwellen to it's position on his back under his cloak.
Mirany stepped forward, looking at the creature with disgust, and flicking her hair impatiently.
Orion fluttered impatiently. "Why do you want to move towards the ice plains? I think we should go towards the fires."
"We move to the ice plains because I know them well. Truly we will not be going on the ice plains but under them, Saruna is on the outer edges underground." He looked at the creatures body and gave it a small kick, his boot had a hole in it afterwards, "They also won't be able to follow us there because the
Necromonks they're sending track by tasting heat on the air."
Orion rested on
Faust's shoulder. "I hope you know your way through the desert also."
"So do I, little dragon."
Andreas sighed at the thought of the abominable heat.
"Let's move then. I keep seeing those visions and they're getting clearer."

• AO - Chapter 1 • <<--- AO - 2 :: AO - 4 --->>.: Alpha - Omega :.