AO - 16 
They looked at
Faust as he explained his idea. "The other priests have spell the y use. They call upon godly powers. I can't weild them but i can channel them. We used to all channel it into the high priests for their greater spells. i can channel it into
Ashlee and poison it. it could be dangerous though."
Ash heard this and nodded. "Yes, yes! Not only will it buy you time, it will destroy the vengeful forest spirits while keeping the habitat intact!" Her following words word cut off as another wave of pain assaulted her. Her back arched at an impossible angle. "Hurry!" she managed to gasp.
Faust gathered his power and began to channel his powers. his fingers traced runes, buringing them into the air. his eyes lost focu and he began to breath depply.
"God, i can see into the mind. it's huge. all the rotts conectiong into a vast web."
his mind flashed through the thoughts of the trees. Inbetween the network of golden roots he could see the green spec of
Ashlee. her power dwindiling. "Hold on." he touched her. The roots flew towards him. punctrering his mind. "Ahhhh..." the roots began to draw on his energy. leaving
Ashlee alone.
"I can't do it, their inside me. But i can see away into their mind. The thickest root in the center. Head towards it. I'll hold the power. Go to the tree and enter the hive mind."
Ashlee tried to struggle with her branch prison. "I can't get in there physically!" she said. She could see it now, directly in front of her. "Wait..." she whispered, and before consulting anyone about it, she cast her mind into the hive and attacked it mentally with the last of her useable magic.
"Go through the mind!"
Faust sent a poison through the braches holding his mind and freeded
Ashlee'es. "Go, get to the mainframe."
Tierra finally coming out of her useless freeze jumped onto Dragonwave. She cantered off into the wood praying to her gods. She shouted back at them. "I'll be ok!" Olwë swooped infront, guiding her towards
"Don't bother. Just pray to the God of Cerals. he's the one i'm drawing off. He needs the power. We need to do it through the hive mind. She has to become the main tree. Just keep praying."
"I'll pray to them all!"
Tierra followed Olwë carefully through the tangle of trees and roots until it became too difficult on Dragonwave. She leapt off, knowing Dragonwave would seek his master, and ran after Olwë.
Faust could see her disspaear. He used hios power to direct the trees. She founbd herself running straight back out. "
Ashlee is fine. Just stay out of the way!"
Ash felt the god-created poison seep through her brain as she connected with the main tree. Her hands were clasped into tight fists and her eyes screwed up as waves of immense power flooded through her body. She opened her bloodshot eyes and glimpsed on Cerals and her Goddess. Her Goddess in flowing white, shining brightly in the darkness. She smiled at Ash.
Then she was gone.
Ash blinked back frightened tears as she faced the immense being on her own. She heard
Tierra and Dragonwave in her mind as she became one with the forest master. Each bird, animal, insect, plant and tree was connected to the main root. Power seeked to corrupt
Ashlee's mind, but she had her purpose.
Screaming in Elvish, she released the poison from Cerals. It flooded the root and diminished the vengeful power. The branches released Ash from their hold and she fell forwards into the dirt. As the forest spirits were consumed, Ash felt her own mind slip away in the sea of power.
Alone in the dark forest, drained to the point of death, Ash slipped into the tunnel of madness.

<<--- AO - 15 :: AO - 17 --->>.: Alpha - Omega :.