AO - 15 
Ash silenced Dragonwave with a flick of her hand. Her skin still glowed with a blue fire as the trees used her as a vessel through which to speak. A agonising shudder racked Ash's muscular frame. "Years ago, the elves took a number of us for there own purposes. In those times, elves could dominate us and manipulate us. Those times have long since ended as we sat waiting for foolish travellers to ask for a passage. Our bitter thirst for vengance has granted us the power to reek our revenge. Your friend is a decendant of our former masters. She will be perfect for our cause." Ash shuddered and stumbled again as the forest relenquished its hold.
In anger
Nervote hacked at the nearest tree with his blade. It's branches slowly curled round and began to entwine the cart.
"You have made you choice. We shall force her to join us. Every second she is now becomieing more and more a part of us."
Ash rose quitely and wandered between the branches.
Faust made to follow her but found she had passed through what where now inpenetrable paths.
Dragonwave reared,
Tierra was trying her best to calm him. She slid of and tugged the reins but Dragonwave kept fidgeting. "We need to find the head tree or the source o the forest's magic." She paused thoughtfully. "
Nervote hacking at it won't do but burning it might." She turned away from them to think. She seemed to be having an arguement with herself. Finally she turned back. "Olwë is going to follow Ash, he'll come back every so often."
The eagle took flight from
Tierra's shoulder. He seemed slightly lop-sided as his wing was not perfectly healed. He flew over the tops of the dense trees and dissapeared into the darkness.
Somewhere from deep in the forest Ash screamed. Blue fire flowed like threads from a point in the trees and entwined around each trunk. The trees seemed to be feeding off her power: elven runes were soaking into each leaf and branch.
Ashlee cried out something in Elvish that none seemed to understand.
Faust stared at the forest in horror, "How do we fight it with out killing our friend?"
Jeffery sniffs the air. "There is something in the ground, a substance that I know of that can be used to make great fires. The stuff smells like rotten eggs though."
Faust waves his hands hystericaly, "Good idea, let's burn the trees. And why not take
Ashlee out while we're at it?"
Tierra glared at him. "We won't take her out! Because you will be helping me to rescue her and anyone else who is going to volunteer." She grabbed most of her fire arrows out of her quiver. "Some have to stay to start the fire, whoever is staying can have these." She offered them out. "But hurry."
In the middle of the Forest, Ash writhed in pain as the Old Oak of the forest leeched her magic force. She was pinned to the trunk by strong branches. Somehow, in her blind agony, she managed to check her resources. Her life force would be leeched soon. The wind, ever her friend, carried the plans of her companions through the trees. They were going to
what ? Burn the forest?
Tierra come and get her? No, she couldn't let
Tierra be lost, she was young. She couldn't let it happen.
"NO!" she yelled, "No just let them have what they want! You cannot be lost,
none of you can be lost. Just leave it!" She saw Olwë out of the corner of her eye. "Tell them to let the forest be," she told him.
Faust looked around thoughtfully. "I have an idea. It can buy us some time."

• AO - Chapter 3 • <<--- AO - 14 :: AO - 16 --->>.: Alpha - Omega :.