AO - 7 
The sun rose high over the mountains.
Andreas looked up from where he sat, having slept very little through the night, "Daylight comes, it is time for everyone to wake up."
Nervote had been sat up with
Andreas most of the night, being an elf he needed very little sleep, he went round the camp and woke up the rest of the travellers. He went over to
Jeffery and had a small friendly discussion with him.
Nervote, might it be time now to question our little friend that we picked up?"
Andreas smiled and went over to
Tierra, speaking words to her in a languedge that he knew she would know, "Since your tongue seems to betray you."
Tierra smiled and spoke back quickly. "I'm not part of an army can't we use plain languages? I'm not a fan of codes."
Andreas laughed, "Your tongue betrayed you again.
Nervote, do you know what language I spoke to our little guest hear in?"
"I have absolutley no idea! I have never heard such a tongue as that before."
Tierra looked at
Nervote with a little smile. Then she spoke in a different quicker language with a more oriental touch. "Well I didn't think any of you would. I mean who wants to be in the army?" She caught a strand of hair and fiddled with it aimlessly.
"I am a mercenary, i know the languages of the army all too well."
Andreas took out the wineskin from last night and had a swig, "Here." He tossed it to
"Getting me drunk isn't going to help."
Tierra took a sip and then passed it back. "Anyway do you think I'm an enemy?"
"That is yet to be proved."
Andreas took back the wineskin and gave out the rations, "As long as you can fight you might be useful, but first we've got to find out just who you are."
"As a rule for my type of people we don't say who we are until we know the questioner."
Tierra crossed her arms as if she wouldn't answer to anything.
Faust gave the man and elf a quizical look. "Actualy she's got a point. Tell us some more about your self
Andreas, and you
Nervote shook his head, "I do not speak of my past, however I am most interested in
Faust held up his hand before
Andreas could speak. "I think we're still intrested in you."
Nervote then let out a large breath and began to talk in a rushed tone, "I am
Nervote Trosneck, the nephew of a great king in forrests palace. I have been travelling around for the lst few years, but before that I do not wish to share anything else."
Faust shrugged his shoulders, "Fine, it will do for now. What about you
Tierra interrupted quickly by asking
Faust. "First I'd like to know your name."
"Me? I'm
Faust. About five years ago a strange man came throghu our town. He gave me this seal. Aparently it's part a of some kind of large key intoa temple in which horrors beyond imagination are locked.
Andreas knows more than i do though."
Tierra looked slightly dazed for a moment. "A seal? What does it look like?"
"Kinda like gold blocks. They all fit together into a kind of key."
Tierra searched her pocket for something. "A bit like this?" She held it out. "I st- found it."
Andreas gives a shocked look. "Where did yo-" he reaches to his kneck. The seal pice was missing. He snatched it of her.
"I guess we're going to have to keep our eye on her," said
Faust nudgeing him in the ribs. "So
Andreas, tell us about yourself."
Andreas fingered the seal peice at his neck, "My past is my own, and I wish to keep it that way."
"We don't," said
Faust getting a little frustrated. "We're all friends here."
Tierra felt a little sorry for
Andreas. "If he wants to keep it secret for now he can but you see he will reveal it one day or it will haunt him." She grinned. "I'm glad it's not me being questioned any more."
Faust gave a smirk. "Don't wiggle out of it, we want to know about you to."

• AO - Chapter 2 • <<--- AO - 6 :: AO - 8 --->>.: Alpha - Omega :.