Page name: AWL [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-07-31 03:23:32
Last author: Augury
Owner: Augury
# of watchers: 9
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[Shining light] - if you'd like this page back, you are welcome to it. You are now the owner, free to do with it as you please.


-Augury, with real live respect.

- Thank you, [Augury], for giving us this page back. Yes, us, because I consider all members and hangers-on of the Alternative Wiki League to be equal in all ways. You notice in the member lists i have myself, the official leader/reviver of AWL near the bottom, because that is wherer i am alphabetically.
as the phone company add goes: "It's what pulls us together, which sets us apart."(Yay Telstra!)
However, I would prefer we keep the page we have, as it is blossoming nicely. - [Shining light]

Alternative Wiki League

Username (or number or email):


2004-02-14 [AccountKiller]: yep!

2004-02-15 [Deloriel]: i like what you're doing too, sounds like fun. *goes all wide eyed* hey...are characters here allowed to get wasted and beat up bar stools? cuz nobody else will let me do that :( 

2004-02-15 [AccountKiller]: lmao I know WFR wants serious RPs who cant out do them... thats what they see as fair

2004-02-20 [Augury]: YEAH! GET WASTED AND BEAT UP BAR STOOLS!!! *lol*

2004-02-20 [Shining light]: who are the WFRL? or do you mean the Wiki Fantasy Roleplay Guild?

2004-02-20 [windowframe]: typooooooo

2004-02-20 [Augury]: MAH-HA a typo!!!

2004-02-20 [AccountKiller]: lol

2004-02-21 [Shining light]: oh. i see. check out the fantasy setting and tell me what you think!

2004-02-21 [Angel Dreamer]: i have a suggestion...the creature_list's full of critters to play in roleplays, or just have on the set

2004-02-22 [Shining light]: yes, but they are regular creatures. we want unique, ama=zing, exotic and above all 'original' creatures.

2004-02-22 [Augury]: yeah. however cool that wiki is, our wiki is DIFFERENT and therefore better!!!

2004-02-22 [Lewis of Llynn]: UNIQUENESS FOREVER!!!!!

2004-02-22 [Augury]: indeed, lewis. oh, and, for anyone's WFR chars: killcharinc

2004-02-25 [Shining light]: can't we keep those chars? i am keeping mine just so i can look important with the 'association' with a big, powerful and prominent wiki-universe.

2004-02-25 [O_O]: Hello. ^__^ i'm very impressed with you're plan. definitely agree. dis be awesomeness.

2004-02-25 [O_O]: -_- i hate being a newb. i have no idea what's going on. *sigh*

2004-02-26 [Augury]: yeah. keep them if ye wanna. w/e. and, how do you pronounce that, 0_0?

2004-02-26 [Shining light]: pronounce what?

2004-02-26 [Shining light]: oh, and Augrey, where are we putting the char sheets?

2004-02-26 [Augury]: okay, make a "character form" and make it extensive, then when they send it to me, i'll paste it summere.... *looks for a nook in the elftown trees* 

2004-02-27 [O_O]: ^__^* errmm..i dunno. however you'd like, i guess. to me it's a face. lol.

2004-02-28 [Augury]: face. then. that's PHAYS.

2004-02-29 [xido]: Oh, wow, have you guys got it all wrong. Have fun. Don't hesitate to ask for help. Not that you need it, just well. Wow. Later.

2004-02-29 [windowframe]: *has a stubborn streak the size of the world and refuses point blank to ever ask anyone for help, especially when they've just told her she's 'got it wrong'* well... thats my opinion anyways.

2004-02-29 [Augury]: mcheh? aint xido the boss of the WFR?

2004-02-29 [Resiska]: yes he is...and he is the master of 'multiple paged rpgs' likeme the master of neatness...ugh...he'll give good advice if you want it.

2004-02-29 [Augury]: well... i am the Wiki coolioo person! so... me nuh wan is help.

2004-02-29 [windowframe]: wirklich?? and who appointed him?? being as there were other rp's that were multiple paged and running succesfully before the WFR even existed - I think the peopel who run those have far more right to call themselves the masters of multiple paged rp's, and they can give jsut as good advice... *is feeling rather aggressive today*

2004-02-29 [Augury]: right! *fits her brass knuckles on and balls up her fists*

2004-02-29 [windowframe]: ).0, y'no... just scanning through that sentence and not reading it properly... just... didn't look right...

2004-02-29 [Augury]: mcheh! your right. *wonders about that...*

2004-02-29 [windowframe]: ^^;;

2004-02-29 [Augury]: *dying of boredom.*

2004-02-29 [windowframe]: *dying of freaking lag*

2004-02-29 [Augury]: hehe.

2004-02-29 [windowframe]: seriously, theres one of me using 56k connection and each page is taking over a minute to freaking load

2004-02-29 [Augury]: wow. *turtle slow*

2004-02-29 [windowframe]: its like using one of teh 95 computers... you get a loag when you type, you hit they keys, then look at the screena nd tweo seconds later the words start to appear.

2004-02-29 [Augury]: weird. i sometimes get that, but not that bad.

2004-02-29 [windowframe]: sorry bout all the typos, but i can't b bothered to fix them

2004-02-29 [Augury]: no prob.

2004-03-01 [O_O]: ^_^ you guys are ver' ver' funneh. So my name is Phays now? *contemplates the prospect of having a name that sounds kinda like phaze* cooooooll. hehe. Oh, and augury, you are not alone in the world: i too have a reknown fascination with delightfully funkeh socks. (salvation army is my friend for this)

2004-03-02 [O_O]: @_@ I have a concussion today.

2004-03-02 [Augury]: coole.

2004-03-04 [cherryangel]: hello

2004-03-04 [Augury]: heylo.

2004-03-04 [O_O]: hi there.

2004-03-05 [AccountKiller]: *dances around* I am unbanned I am unbanned

2004-03-05 [O_O]: WOOT! go unbannededness! lol

2004-03-05 [Augury]: sweet.

2004-03-06 [Nani- the half-demon neko]: *little question marks dancing around head* Um... What's going on?

2004-03-07 [Augury]: I dunno. what's going on?

2004-03-08 [irikchitine]: i will join as soon as i can!!! yay!

2004-03-08 [Augury]: okay! (members we will one day have count: at least five)

2004-03-08 [Shining light]: By the way, when will we be accepting chars, [Augury]?

2004-03-08 [Augury]: soon, stop being so gal-durn impatient *censored herself*

2004-03-09 [O_O]: ....erm....i still haven't found the character sheets....*wanders around lost*

2004-03-09 [Augury]: ... look on each page, well almost... =) lost my train of thought there.

2004-03-10 [O_O]: ...okee.......

2004-03-20 [Shining light]: Thankees, Augury, for lending me the pages to get it started....

2004-03-20 [Shining light]: as soon as your apathy and boredom has lifted, you can have it back.

2004-03-20 [Augury]: AUGURY IS A SHE!!!

2004-03-20 [windowframe]: XD teehee

2004-03-20 [Augury]: no big. thanks

2004-03-20 [AccountKiller]: you can add my char builder here too

2004-03-22 [O_O]: *Rejoices over Character Builder*

2004-03-25 [O_O]: ~_~ merf. nevermind. *sigh*

2004-03-26 [windowframe]: *steals [O_O]'s sigh*

2004-03-31 [iippo]: naughty sibee, u have sighs of your own!

2004-03-31 [windowframe]: yes, but someone elses are always better :P

2004-04-02 [O_O]: *chuckles* i think Augury decided that [O_O] was pronounced like face. ^_^ so i'll spell it Phays. wee!

2004-04-02 [O_O]: *becomes a factory of various noises for people to steal and call their own* yay for stuff!

2004-04-03 [iippo]: i find it terribly amusing to have a O_O as a username

2004-04-04 [Shining light]: you have a sad, starved sense of humour, then.

2004-04-04 [iippo]: thank you ^_^... if i hadn't i'd be lost with u guys...

2004-04-04 [Shining light]: true. we are very sad jokes. at least, Lady Chaos is...

2004-04-04 [iippo]: dunno 'im... i'm here to bother silvs...

2004-04-05 [O_O]: ^__^ i couldn't think of a word..mwahaha! *twitches*

2004-04-05 [Shining light]: why don't you send in a character application, 0_0? why don't you join our little circle iof partial sanity.

2004-04-09 [Augury]: omg, that banner is the best. i feel so important. *glows*

2004-04-10 [Shining light]: thanks. you feeling excited enough to take it off me now? or still are you apathetic?

2004-04-10 [Augury]: SOON i swear. i'll... get around to it. i'm like a freaking ADD kid. just made another RP, and i'm already getting bored. blech.

2004-04-11 [Lorella]: Will there be a wiki icon thing to put in your house later?

2004-04-11 [Shining light]: yes. soon. there will be one for AWLFantasy, but i don't know about the others.

2004-04-11 [Lorella]: :)

2004-04-11 [windowframe]: i've got several logo designs for Sci-Fi - they're up at Wiki logos i'd appreciate some opinions on which one should be the one used, cos erm, yeah... liek is aid, ther's severl... X_x

2004-04-11 [iippo]: niftyniftynifty

2004-04-12 [O_O]: I want to join really i's just*crumples like used crepe paper* i still can't find them!

2004-04-12 [windowframe]: the bio forms?#

2004-04-12 [windowframe]: the bio forms

2004-04-12 [Shining light]: look, all you have to do is click on one of the links, such as AWLFantasy and read all the info there. on each page is a bio page, and a form to fill out. Fill out the form, utilising the information which you read on the main setting paghe, and send your character to the of the owner of the page.

2004-04-15 [O_O]: ~_~ merf. *feels like an idiot* Danke-schon. Ich bin ein baka mono desu. my apologies and thanks

2004-04-15 [windowframe]: never thought i'd hear german and japanese mixed together like that O.o du bist eine sehr...seltsam.. personnen

2004-04-16 [sarah l b]: sup all?

2004-04-17 [iippo]: k.

2004-04-17 [sarah l b]: hey iippo

2004-04-18 [iippo]: hi there. how're you then?

2004-04-18 [sarah l b]: bday on wednesday so i'm looking forward to u been?

2004-04-18 [iippo]: arrite. just ate, online, things are good. only thins that i keep quoting 'finding nemo' but it's arrite... oh, n happy birthday coz i'm never online on wednesdays...

2004-04-18 [sarah l b]: thanks.i doubt many ppl will remember.which is why i like the reminders on my mates that r online on wednesday have no reason 2 should meet[Em Nutter] she keeps quoting finding nemo aswell.

2004-04-18 [iippo]: o.O neat. ^^ what do you keep quoting? (come on, evrybody has something)

2004-04-18 [sarah l b]: i dunno.i don't talk enough to have a quote...i'll have 2 think about that

2004-04-18 [sarah l b]: i dunno.i don't talk enough to have a quote...i'll have 2 think about that 1

2004-04-18 [iippo]: oh.... hmmm... oh no convo dying...

2004-04-18 [windowframe]: *stabs convo* correction: convo dead.

2004-04-18 [iippo]: there you go

2004-04-18 [sarah l b]: how u all been?

2004-04-19 [O_O]: ^_^ *has finally found the character link and does a little dance* WOO! i might be slow but i freaking found it!! mwahahaha! at last! mleep. o. hey ^_^;

2004-04-19 [Augury]: yay, Phays!

2004-04-19 [O_O]: *laughs* okee. SilverFire, i sent you my char. but's freaking long. ^_^ thankee-sai!


2004-04-20 [Augury]: Ahem. Translation: Apathy ended, I can't resist your awesome work any more, I've returned.

2004-04-21 [sarah l b]: sup yall

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: wb [Augury]

2004-04-21 [sarah l b]: ...

2004-04-21 [sarah l b]: ...yawn

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: please don't post such stupid pointless comments, their annoying as hell and will make you no friends...

2004-04-21 [sarah l b]: screw u..........

2004-04-21 [sarah l b]:    <( ' ' )> (<' ')> (<') <( )> ('>) <(' '>) <( ' ' )>

2004-04-21 [sarah l b]: i hope u r'll give me sumone 2 laugh at

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: actually... i'm rather amused at your blatant stupidity, ignorance of your own stupidity and arrogance in... *gasp* your stupidity. I meet people everyday, who; like you, seem to delight in the fact that they are retarded. and y'no what? you never cease to make me laugh

2004-04-21 [sarah l b]: oh do shut up u tart.i mean for god sake get over urself i mean please

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: *smirks* ever heard of the phrase 'better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt' ? That applies to you deary. Right now.

2004-04-21 [SilverBlue82]: silly little girl thinks she is clever and gets shot down by the simple and intelligent comments of another, for shame for shame

2004-04-21 [sarah l b]: not really.u think just cus i had 2 go it was cus of u?!?u think ur so clever and great.u know if i delete all my comments it'll look like ur talking 2 the voices in ur head.and u think i'm a silly little girl?i could have u destroyred bitch so bite me and get over urself u self obsessed cow.well g2g...and no not cus of u.psh i mean please.well have fun and nice meeting u.bye bye

2004-04-21 [SilverBlue82]: wow someone is a little angry at the world

2004-04-21 [sarah l b]: not the world....just its inhabitant.once sumone winds me no one wants 2 stand in my way.who were u talking about earlier?u know the" silly little girl thinks she is clever and gets shot down by the simple and intelligent comments of another, for shame for shame"

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: Wooo argument! Seems that one person is angrey and another is a snobby person who thinks she's intelligent, ha. Now that is what we call psycho dependancy.

2004-04-21 [sarah l b]: hey what did i do?lol

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: *stands in the way* Please don't think your all high and mighty. Go ahead and delete your comments - i'd rather you do that have them defiling this page... of course... teh owner may decide to delete them anyway, so you may have no choice in the matter. You could not have me destroyed. You could not have anyone destroyed. If you think you can, i would point out that you are the one w/ the ego. 

2004-04-21 [sarah l b]: u have no idea.g2g bye

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: see psycho dependancy-Sliver fire definatly has that......pity people with such disorders usually have problems in life

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: you are being aggressive w.o any reason... no one has even notice you until now [I stabbith ye], thats suggests to me that you have a longing for attention... quite typical of teenagers, congratulations - you are cliché. Also, your desire to be aggresive suggests that you are insecure... leading to the conclusion that you too, like your dear friend [sarah l b], have a security complex. and thats all the free psychology you'll get off me... my final piece of advice? go see a therapist

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: Yes well I'm afraid that one would be incorrect in that respect my dear friend. Your insistancy to comment on people that you have not even met suggests that you yourself have a security problem. In needing to put you points acrss when nobody wishs to hear them. And thou know nothing about teenagers I'm afraid. Especially not me. For I am not your everyday teenager. I'm afraid that you have got my charahcter completly wrong. And I have not yet been agressive I have been pointing out your psycology flaws Nothing else. Which if you go and look them up such as psycho dependancy then you will realise that I have ''diagnosed'' (if you will) you correctly. I may only be 14, but psycology I know

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: After all I studied it at nottingham university under privet tutoring. So there you go not your average teenager am I?

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: well anyway. I do not intend to carry on with this challenge of your to see which one of us is right, because neither of us are as we have our own individual opinions. And connot judge others intellect such as you did before you get to know a person can you? So I would gratefully apreciate it if I got to know you. Would thou agree to that?

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: I'm sure you don't deary. Your need to brag proves that you are a typical teenager. I'm sorry to disappoint you - your nothing special. Deal with it, boo hoo the world turns on. I'm not going to argue with you... being as arguing is an intellectual process, and would require you to have a brain... please, feel free to come back when you have acquired one... *realises something...* ooooooh, your one of those people who sits and looks at the bottles of orange juice because it says 'concentrate', aren't you?

2004-04-21 [SilverBlue82]: wow [I stabbith ye] you just fucking shot yourself in the foot with that comment

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: hmmmm... getting to know you? I'm not so sure about that - you stormed in here, jumped into the argument, that was nothing o do w/ you... with all manners intended.... give me a good reason i should get to know you?

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: Oh ha ha. If you knew anything. And well spoke and had an attitude of an adult then you would know that I am only bragging as I accepted your challenge of interllect. And your meanial jokes don't do anyfor to prove that you are any more mature than every teenager on the planet. Your little attempt to drag one down has failed I'm afraid. And well how shall I put it. You are obviously delusioned by your own ego and it it is you who need to go to see a therapist is it not?

2004-04-21 [SilverBlue82]: he is trying to defend his friend who is at the losing end of an argument, of course he feels he is smart enough to talk her out of it and make us feel bad about ourselves which is silly cause his arguments dont even apply to the situation

2004-04-21 [LordYu]: People who say "Oh ha ha" do so because they do not have the intellect to come up with a witty reply. You're also the worst speller I've seen on elftown, if you're meant to be having extra tuition at Nottingham University, why on earth can't you spell simple words?

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: ::error:: and well spoke - incorrect grammar - should be well spoken considering your next statement it may well have to be ‘and were well spoken’ … yes, thanks, I did pick up your bragging… it was… very subtle

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: I'm not defending sarah in the slightest. Infact I belive that she was quite out of order with the type of language she used do you not? The point is I don't like the way you seem to belive that you are better than everybody else and more intelligent. You said that that was the only free psycology I was getting from you and pressumed I didn't know any when I am qualified in that just seemed to pressume that you knew it and I didn't and that you were better than me. That is what I disliked. The point is there are people who are better than you. Maybe not me. But there are people out there. So don't just pressume you know everything and somebody else doesn't know anything!

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: Incorrect spelling: interllect should be intellect. ‘Don’t do’ should be ‘doesn’t do’ ‘any fore’ should be ‘anything for’ assumption: I am a teenager, please don’t assume. You only show ignorance. ‘yoyr’ should be ‘your’ … judging from this I find it highly doubtful that you have studied anything at any university

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: I give you your advice back - you need it more.

2004-04-21 [LordYu]: Infact is in fact, two words.

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: Well if one doubts it then mayeb you would like to check it out, go ahead by all means do so. The professer was a Proffesor Mark Cunningham Of the psycology department. And well if you wish to make a point of my dislexia then please go ahead. But that just show you for the ignorant person that you are

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: not at all, how doyou know that we do not suffer from the same condition there? or is that another assumption of yours. Yes I do doubt you. I doubt every damn word you've said mate. get used to it. I have no reason to believe anything you say, you've provided no proof that you know anything at all about what you are talking about

2004-04-21 [SilverBlue82]: "watch as the cat is backed agaisnt the wall as she extends her claws ready to scratch all that approch"

2004-04-21 [LordYu]: Let me get this're a 14 year old dyslexic qualified psychologist? Are you sure you didn't spell '41' incorrectly? I find it highly unlikely that you are telling the truth. I have seen many people on elftown say they are special, that they are geniuses, have eyes that change colour in given situations and the like...the one thing they all have in common is: They're all liars.

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: then as I said find out for yourslef I shall leave that to you. If you wish to right to the university and ask them by all means go ahead. And you may well suffer from the same condition did I say you didn't? And anyway that will have been the first time I have assumed anything even though I have not, you were the one who seems to like picking on people who made a few mistakes, and since you didn't know I had the condition then that just points out how spiteful you are, pointing out every little defect, well one could point out everything about you your personallity etc, but I will not. And as I say it is up to you to find out I am telling the truth, but I know I am so I don't care.

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: point - this whole thing started because dear [sarah l b] got shirty, i remembered to say please when I asked her to stop posting random comments, so go shove that picking on people theory back where it came from - your arse. I do have a note in my bio about my temper, i also have a note about what my *best* qualities. don't come back w/ some 'but i'm dyslexic!!' comment, it would be too predictable. you, my friend, are, right now. being highly hypocritical. jsut stop it. you already shot yourself inthe foot once, who knows- you might actually *need* the other foot

2004-04-21 [LordYu]: Ooooh this is PRICELESS: Letter number: 11399846 From: [I stabbith ye] (MWAHAHA cough cough sniffle HA HA achew ha) To: [LordYu] (Indubitable) Sent mail 2004-04-21 22:42:39 Never read before One said nothing about qualifications. I have studied privetly yes. With a privet tutor. I mearly said I was qualified enough to take on this arrogant person. I have studied at A level yes....and done the work, but I cannot take the exams yet not until I am 16, which I am studying for.

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: But now I am going, not because of you before you pressume such a thing. But in conclusion. You are an arrogant person who needed putting in their place. Unfortunatly I have not been able to do this as you refuse to ''look outside the box'' And as I have said check up on my work at the university if you wish. Write an E-mail to them. And well I suppose people have got the wrong end of the stick. the only reason I got into the universtiy was because the professor is a friend of the family. And I am not a member of the university. I have gone there in my own time after school to study. With the proffesor. Does that make you belive me more? Well anyway I am going now. Good bye

2004-04-21 [windowframe]: *smiles peacefully* oh dear. you didn't listen did you? I just asked you not to shoot yourself in the other foot... or was that message not clear enough for you?

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: You Pricks...........You do realise you have been arguing with my 11 year old little sister *rolls eyes* How old are u lot? So let me get this straight, you both teenagers or older, have been arguing with an 11 year old....and fell for it...Oh I so have to tell people, and just to clear things up. No she or I havn't studied cycology, we only go to university to see our friend, and well erm yeah....wait till people hear this lol!

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: So who are you people?

2004-04-21 [SilverBlue82]: what a fool, you are leaving cause you are beaten, you have no case, you failed to understand the situation which you claim to have such a great understanding of "oh i went to school and studied it so i know it" there are so many flaws in your statments so many holes its just silly i suggest you just leave it be and not come back, however i will make one perdiction you will return and you will agian start up the same bullshit argument (and you will do that for all the reasons that SilverFire has claimed about you)

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: What went on with sarah?

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: < reads old comments

2004-04-21 [I stabbith ye]: My sister came out with a load of crap didn't she lol......and you all fell into the argument!....Oh don't worry she is being punished :)......god you seem like fun people.... Argumentative, but fun :)

2004-04-21 [Augury]: heeeeee. wow. joy. i love you all!

2004-04-22 [windowframe]: *glomps [Augury]* yes, we are argumentative - we don't stand for people talking bull shit at us, so we tell them where to shove it. As you will gather from reading, we may have argued, but at least we didn't fall for your sisters bull shit - but please note this site is NOT for children, if she's 11, wtf is she doing on here?? get her off! this just proves that young children shouldn't be allowed on here... AGAIN. *le sigh* I'll be blunt - I'm not sure I like you... your sounding rather arrogant right now. But if you stopped that, I guess you could be arright.

2004-04-22 [windowframe]: and from the lack of knowledge your sister had on psychology, yes, we already reached the conclusion, w/o your help, that she was lying her ass off. you prick. ;)

2004-04-22 [Shining light]: let's all jjust shutt up now.

2004-04-22 [sarah l b]: hello.

2004-04-22 [windowframe]: *is having one... major ass case of Deja vous*

2004-04-22 [I stabbith ye]: lol nm

2004-04-22 [sarah l b]: ok.i'm gonna go bye bye *sniffle*

2004-04-23 [Augury]: we'll miss ya. =)

2004-04-23 [sarah l b]: heya

2004-04-24 [iippo]: o.O i go away for a while n this place gets raided by kids... but silvie shall stop invasions n destroy the evil ppl behind it... *glomps babe (=silvs)*

2004-04-24 [the power of the dragon flame]: hi there anyone

2004-04-24 [the power of the dragon flame]: no clue why i'm here, no clue what i'm doing =)

2004-04-24 [the power of the dragon flame]: *with swish of tattered cloak, exits the room

2004-04-24 [Shining light]: *looks up, startled* hey! where you going?

2004-04-24 [sarah l b]: how r u all?

2004-04-24 [windowframe]: *grins**glomps t3h jew* <<um... private joke-y thing, no offence meant to anyone... ^^;;;

2004-04-24 [Augury]: tskay.

2004-04-24 [jade black]: ihi sooo confused

2004-04-25 [Nite_Owl]: Whatcha confused about?

2004-04-25 [iippo]: me is ze jew in case ppl didnt get it (which i think is the case) n stuff and BWEEEE *ish glomped*

2004-04-25 [sarah l b]: hello again

2004-05-01 [sarah l b]: is any one here? *echoes*

2004-05-01 [Angel Dreamer]: hola, como estas? ^_^

2004-05-01 [Shining light]: what?

2004-05-01 [Angel Dreamer]: hi how are you? ^_^ i was being silly responding to sarah

2004-05-01 [Shining light]: not that you need to force yourself to be silly... ;)

2004-05-02 [Angel Dreamer]: oh no....being silly runs in my family :D

2004-05-02 [iippo]: "at least i think it does.... ..... ..... hmm, where are they?"

2004-05-02 [sarah l b]: lol.hows all?

2004-05-02 [windowframe]: iippo! meh... stuff and stuff and stuff!!! you gettin this, hun?? STUFF!!!!!!

2004-05-02 [iippo]: HUUUN! babe! woollcott!

2004-05-02 [sarah l b]: yep i'm getting it

2004-05-02 [iippo]: no, me!

2004-05-02 [sarah l b]: fine whatever *just leaves*

2004-05-02 [iippo]: silvee?!

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