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The Creature List# A / The Creature List# N The Creature List# B / The Creature List# O The Creature List# C / The Creature List# P The Creature List# D / The Creature List# Q The Creature List# E / The Creature List# R The Creature List# F / The Creature List# S The Creature List# G / The Creature List# T The Creature List# H / The Creature List# U The Creature List# I / The Creature List# V The Creature List# J / The Creature List# W The Creature List# K / The Creature List# X The Creature List# L / The Creature List# Y The Creature List# M / The Creature List# Z
2007-02-02 [Lady of Lore]: Alrighty, Stilken's done and i sent the info and citation to Angel Dreamer ^^ More creatures to come.... Is it better to make a page ourselves or send the info in a message?
2007-02-03 [Angel Dreamer]: It's best to send it, really. The message I got was perfect :)
2007-02-04 [Lady of Lore]: Ok, great ^__^ I shall continue to follow that method then/
2008-09-03 [Artsieladie]: Is/are there any page(s) that list the creatures together that are closely related to one another (minus roleplaying aspects perhaps)? For examples:
For Elves/Elfves' Related, such as: Drow Elves Other??? | For Fae/Fae related, such as: changeling fae/faerie/fairy sprite | For Dragon/Dragon related, such as: dragon drake wyvern |
2008-09-04 [Calico Tiger]: Keebler elves! Errr... wait, no... I guess they aren't really enough to put as a sub-race section for elf XD
2008-09-04 [Linn Scarlett]: I think the main creatures (are supposed to) link to their subraces and deviates. I know Drow is interlinked with the main Elf page, Elves links to other types of elves too
2008-09-04 [Artsieladie]: Keebler elves... They make yummies magically delicious! hehe Yeah, I kinda' noticed this as I went through them, but there are many pages to go through to find out. When the drow elf was inquired about, it made me wonder what other possible types of elf there are. Maybe we could have even run elves and faeries simultaneously
2008-09-04 [Linn Scarlett]: True enough, but then again I'd have to vent my opinion on the List's index again ;)
2008-09-06 [Artsieladie]: Oh? Is it safe to ask what that opinion is? *stands back a little* lol
2008-09-06 [Linn Scarlett]: Oh just some stuff about abc-ed list being great, but that categorizing in larger groups (elflike creatures, taurics, ghosts, demons) all together on abc, aside from having an uber abc list, works much better :3
2008-09-06 [Artsieladie]: Hmm... I see. Similar to what I have in mind with my earlier comment, grouping together those related and/or those with similarities. *nods*
2008-09-06 [Linn Scarlett]: And use that for a main index, easier to see, especially if you're new to most fantasy and just want to read some stuff. An ABC total index is only convenient if you are specifically looking for something, in my opinion
2008-09-06 [Linn Scarlett]: Ps go check the centaur :3 I was bored
2008-09-13 [Artsieladie]: Like me! .... learning about all of these fantasy creatures ...and enjoying it by the way. :) I diiiiiiid! ;) Next time I know you're bored, watch it, I might put you to work! lol Hmm... but then I'd have to answer my PM's, now wouldn't I? >..< Unless you caught me on MSN. I do know there's something about spam in there, though.... hehe
2008-09-13 [Linn Scarlett]: geh who cares :P
2010-08-10 [*Phoenix*]: What about the "Nightmare"? Maybe do a ECM contest for it! I'd be happy to enter it. ^_^
2010-11-09 [Linn Scarlett]: Hm you mean the horse or?
2010-11-13 [*Phoenix*]: Or?
Nightmare's a horse, but I don't know about any "horse or."
Example: http://www.mad
2010-11-14 [*Phoenix*]: What are you talking about?
2010-11-14 [*Phoenix*]: I wasn't mocking. I thought maybe "or" was a name or something.
People should say what they mean....
2010-11-27 [*Phoenix*]: Well, excuse me... *bows out of this conversation*
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