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Nothing right now! Stay tuned!
2009-10-21 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: I can give you a story if you want..
2009-10-21 [nehirwen]: That would be great! :)
2010-03-07 [arthemis_]: If you make a ECM creature contest yourself (like suggested above) is it ok to copy past some of the stuff that is already been written by other contest-makers
2010-03-08 [windowframe]: I think mermaid and ghost have both already been done, but you're more than welcome to make one yourself, if you do, of course you can copy everything from a previous session (that's what we do), just make sure you change all the 'centaur's to whatever creature you want to feature. :P Also, please only use the latest ECM session as a template, as the older contests are out of date due to rule changes, etc.
2010-03-09 [arthemis_]: That's cool :D I'll see if I can manage to make a site this weekend. *writes it on her to-do list*
2010-03-09 [arthemis_]: That's cool :D I'll see if I can manage to make a site this weekend. *writes it on her to-do list*
Edit: I see that both pages are empty, I'll start with Ghost and Mermaid.
2010-03-09 [windowframe]: You see the part where I said that mermaid and ghost have already been done? That means they've already been done. ;) You're more than welcome to make a session for a creature we don't have set up yet, but there's really no point in doing those two again. And it would be a waste of time and effort on your part. :(
2010-03-12 [arthemis_]: You thought they had been done, and the pages are empty. But I probably cannot see them, because they haven't been put up yet? How can I - we - know which pages are already done / are being done? Is there a list?
2010-03-13 [windowframe]: No, I KNOW they've been done, because I can see them - YOU just happened to look for a different spelling of the page name or something. Perhaps you tried "mermaid" instead of "merfolk" or something like that.
"How can I - we - know which pages are already done / are being done?"
You can ask, and we can tell you - but that only works if you believe us when we answer you. ;) :P
2010-03-13 [arthemis_]: Don't get offended, look at your own post and see how I got confused :) Anyways, I'm busy with ECM Angel, I hope that's ok :)
2010-03-13 [windowframe]: ... *blank stare* what part of my post makes you think I'm offended? Please, please tell me, because I'm getting slightly fed up of people thinking I'm offended when I'm not, and I just can't see myself what it is I write that makes them think that. I even put smilies in to show I'm not annoyed, and it still doesn't work! >_< (NO, no, don't worry, I'm still not offended, annoyed or otherwise upset, see -->> :D :P ;) :) :3) You people just baffle me. X_x
2010-03-13 [arthemis_]: Wait, I'll explain to you in a message :) Otherwise we are spamming this page full and that isn't the point of this page. And sorry, I do not deal well with capitals, then I think people are shouting at me :) Sowwy
2010-03-13 [windowframe]: I use them because I'm too lazy to use the italics tag. ;) *glances at huge number of unread messages* Yeaaaaaah. 4 comments isn't a spam problem (since before that you're asking questions it's good for everyone to see the answer to). ;)
2010-03-13 [arthemis_]: Done with ECM Angel, who can I make happy with it?
Ok: I got confused because you said: 'I think Mermaids and Ghosts haven't been done'. And when I looked, I saw an empty page, so I thought: hey, they haven't been done yet. Sorry for that. It's not that I don't believed you, it's because you said: 'I think' and not 'I'm sure' or 'Mermaids and Ghosts have already been done'. See what I mean?
Second: I thought because you use capitals that you were annoyed with me, I'm not very good dealing with annoyance, because I'm a sucker like that.
Third: I don't think anyone is interested in my explanation of why I got confused, so I thought I was better of telling you in a message. *sigh* So long for initiative.
Anyway: ECM Angel is done. There. Hope I could help.
2010-03-13 [windowframe]: 1. Links would be helpful, but I'm sure I can figure out how to get there. ;) I'll go check them now to see if they're fine, and if they are I'll put them on the page we have for listing future ECM contests. :)
2. You said the second point already. :P
3. Oh don't be so melodramatic, no one is criticising your initiative. :P
2010-03-13 [arthemis_]: I like being dramatic, I'm brutally honest in writing down my emotions. And I guess I'm completely stubborn now, but where can I see the ECM Ghost? There is nothing under ECM Ghost or ECM Ghosts or do I have to look for ECM Dead people? (just kidding).
Found ECM Merfolk so I believe you on that (inserted sarcasm).
2010-03-13 [windowframe]: It's under spectre or something like that (I can't remember the exact link, and I'm too lazy/busy to go check, sorry <_<). We had a discussion about whether certain creatures (ghosts, spectres, etc.) really needed to each have their own session, and decided that they're too similar to run separate contests for each of them, so we stuck them together.
2010-03-13 [arthemis_]: No idea what spectres are :P Guess I didn't watch enough Ghostwisperer :D *time for wikipedia!*
2011-03-21 [kians mummy]: Opened: 16th June 2010 - Finish: 1st October 2010!
it should be closed by now
2011-05-13 [pegasus1000]: Has anyone though of doing an annual ecm reference. eg: the yearly ecm dragon?
2011-06-29 [Cillamoon]: Shouldn't the closed ECM Photo sessions be moved to the ECM Closed Sessions' Submissions or is that just the archived spot where it is?
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