User Name: [
Haunted Fate]
Character name: Anastasha "Star" Scott
Mutant Name: Siren
Classification: X-Men
Abilities/powers: Much like the Sirens of myth, Star's powers involve her singing. However, though her voice is beautiful, they don't quite follow the rules of what mythological Sirens do. When she sings and concentrates on using her power, she can summon demon-like creatures. However, she can only ever summon one a time, and they can only be as big as herself or a living being that she is touching. Anastasha can keep smaller creatures around for longer periods of time, whereas bigger ones can only be summoned for small periods.
These creatures are simply freakish looking super-being versions of whatever person or creature they are modeled after. Anything from about 4 feet and under (height-wise) summons a creature whose primary ability revolves around its speed. 4 - 6 feet creates a defensive-like creature, and anything over 6 feet results in a creature with massive strength capabilities.
If Anastasha sings leisurely, there is no risk of these creatures being summoned. Only when she concentrates does her ability get activated. However, one can catch when her power is being used because a bone-like pattern appears in glowing white over her skin, resembling an anatomically-c
orrect skeleton. This skeleton remains the entire time that a creature is present.
Sex: Female
Age/Date of Birth: 18, June 14th
General appearance: Anastasha stands at 5' 6" and around 130 pounds. She has long, side-swept bangs that partially cover her left eye and extremely long black hair, though she typically keeps it wrapped up in a bandage so it resembles a long ponytail reaching her lower back. Her eyes are highly abnormal. The outside of her iris area is a brilliant red and as it goes towards the pupil the color quickly fades to white, so as her pupils are actually white instead of the typical black.
Additional Appearance: Anastasha has an almost beige skin tone, and has a skull and crossbones tattooed on her upper back, one that she was forced into getting by her family. She also has a tongue and septum piercing. So far as clothing goes, she tends to wear more of a punk-style or something almost of a 'martial arts' feel, though she'll wear something a little more girly every now and then.
Personality: Though Anastasha would consider herself friendly, she's not one to get so easily attached to others. Depending on the subject at hand, she can be relatively easy to piss off, especially if it involves her appearance or her personal history. As such, it takes a special person to really get her to open up about her past and to talk more about herself on a deeper level. Once someone has truly earned her friendship, she's a lot friendlier and more patient with that person, and will do her best to protect them.
Special Skills: Anastasha is a very skilled singer. She is also very good at hand-to-hand combat and small weapons for when she can't use her power.
Place of birth: Cairo, Egypt, though she's lived her last few years in in Texas.
Weapon(s) of choice: Keeps a dagger with her in case she's ever in need of a physical weapon when her ability will not work. She'll also wear some sort of ear covering when she knows she's going to be fighting to prevent further damage to herself.
Medical information: As a sort of medium for the creatures she summons, they periodically haunt her dreams. Every so often while she's sleeping, she has extreme nightmares and, on rare occasion, night terrors.
Brief History: Born into a middle-class family in Cairo, Star was born to a very normal family. They treated her like any other child and found pride in her as she grew. However, once she hit her teenage years her parents started to become concerned about their daughter. Her brown eyes slowly turned to red and then creepily enough a white started spreading from the rim of the red inwards, leaving a small line of red but completely covering her pupil in white, though it did not effect her eyesight. Thinking maybe that she was just meant for something greater, they kept Anastasha to themselves and sheltered her, keeping her from the outside world.
However, one of the children her age saw her once and told his parents, and everyone began to belittle both herself and her parents. Unused to all the ridicule and hate, Anastasha's mother began to treat her badly, always telling her she was a demon and unfit to walk this earth. Her father didn't treat her any better, virtually ignoring her as her mother degraded her. Star's mother once saw the skeleton outline glowing over her skin when she was humming one day, and took her when she had just turned 16 to get a skull and crossbones tattooed on her back to permanently show the world the evil that possessed her.
One day her mother also forced her to sing religious hymns in an attempt to save her from the demon within her and would strike her when she would mess up. Because she was upset Star began to sing very emotionally, causing her powers to emerge destructively for the first time. A devilish duplicate of herself appeared, baring sharp teeth and claws and stopped Anastasha's mother from striking her again, but also killed the woman to save its master from the fear she was feeling. Her father quickly escaped the house and disappeared from her life forever. She then left her place of birth to live with family in Texas within the states before seeking out Xavier's school to learn to better handle and further her powers.
Relatives: Her father is still presumably alive in Egypt, though she knows not of his whereabouts.
How long your character has been in the mansion: Recent arrival!
Current Appearance: Anastasha is currently wearing her X-Men uniform. Her hair is still pulled back in its bandage.

Thanks, Figgy! <3
Relation Chart:
Guy Rubel:
Shana Grace Tilar: 6 - Pleasant woman. So far Anastasha feels that she's alright and likes that she can stand up for herself.
Mihir Proudclaw:
Korvka Shostakovich:
Caleb O'Daugherty:
Endelyn Hagan:
Adrienne Wagner:
Olexis Solnes:
Sasaiya Moscoso:
Eddie Ryder:
Timothy Maxwell:
Devlin Macintosh:
Nathan White:
Victoria Adelaide Deveau:
Elizabeth Charm: 6 - Has been nice to Star so far. Plus the woman knows how to stand her ground and be authoritative and Anastasha can appreciate that.
Luloah Esther Akins:
René Chastain:
Light Blackburn:
Vladimir Shostakovich:
Kenna Duncan:
Samuel Crowe:
Catherine Rubell:
Sarah Criss:
Issabelle Black:
Kobayashi Hisoka:
Zeke Savage:
X-Men RP Shade:
Daniela Morgan:
Aidan Murphy: 5 - Pleasant enough guy. He's offered to show her around, so he can't be too bad.
Anthony Havelock:
Valerie K. Sprouse:
Saoirse Thunder-Crow:
Miles Adler:
Kyle Bedlington:
Justin Alphar: 4 - Nice enough guy. Seems rather shallow, though, so he doesn't inspire her to spend more time with him.
Maria Bortolotto: 5 - One of her teammates for her first mission. Faro is starting to surprise her, so perhaps she'll eventually get on Star's good side.
X-Men Characters
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