Page name: Miles Adler [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-02-23 22:17:33
Last author: Roma
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User Name: [Roma]

Character name: Miles Adler

Mutant Name: Verstand

Classification: X-Men

Abilities/powers: Telepathy (thought projection) and empathy (emotional projection). He can read thoughts and emotions from other people and can share his thoughts and emotions with others, but cannot manipulate them in any way.

Sex: Male

Age/Date of Birth: 19 years old, Cancer - July 18

General appearance: Just on the tall side of average, climbing in at 5'11 and boasts a perfectly average physique that borders on the trim side without being skinny or muscular. His hair is chestnut brown and he keeps it buzzed neatly so that it fades into a slightly longer length on top without giving him a mohawk or something else ridiculous. His eyes are a sparkling sage green with bursts of orange around the pupils, though it is hard to see the color sometimes from behind his black-framed glasses. He looks to be in shape naturally - not as any result from actual physical exertion. He shaves about once or twice a week and sports a blonde 5 o'clock shadow the rest of the time. His smile is very neat and he has a dimple on one cheek that makes his smile even more charming - and he is most often smiling.

Additional Appearance: He wears black-framed glasses that closely resemble Buddy Holly spectacles, but actually needs the prescription that is in his lenses. He is a bit of a casual hipster or indie kid in his style, showing a favoritism to form fitting jeans, slip on shoes, flannel button-ups, graphic t-shirts, vests, hats, and accessories, like homemade leather bracelets and such.

Personality: Miles is a laid back kind of guy with a relaxed personality that doesn't get too shaken up over things or take things too personally. More often than not he's in a good mood and is very affable and sociable with others, ready to help, chat, flirt, and smile at the drop of a hat. He's an optimist but he's not stupid - its not that he doesn't think something bad could happen, he just chooses to use his imagination to dream up things that he wants instead of things he doesn't. He loves to get caught up in riveting conversations about ideas, art, travel, and other broad topics and loves hearing personal stories and has been considered a good listener. Since he cares for his friends and can read their emotions, he usually tries to help them out with someone to talk to, or someone to get their minds off their troubles - whatever they need. Miles has a huge soft spot for women of any and all kinds - if the lady is old he'll help her across the street. If she is fat he'll carry her groceries. If she's too short he'll get the item for her. If she's attractive he'll engage her in conversation, etc. He LOVES women. They are beautiful and mysterious and confusing and wonderful to him and, like a butterfly that flits from flower to flower, he wants to love them all.

Special Skills: Miles is a craftsman. He loves to make things with his hands and has a special touch with leatherwork. He has made journals, belts, wallets, jewelry, vests, and even once made a saddle for a client who wanted something special for her daughter's first barrel race.

Place of birth: Austin, TX
Weapon(s) of choice: N/A. He has never been in a fight that didn't end with him and his bros fist-bumping and wiping their bloody noses on pub napkins, so he hasn't used anything other than a fist.
Medical information: Peanut allergy
Brief History: Miles was born as the only child of two hardcore hippies named Lavender and Holden, who spent the majority of their young adult life half naked at festivals around the country, dancing and braiding flowers into each other's hair while discussing the effects of LSD on the side of their van. Miles was conceived in a field in front of a bonfire on the Autumnal Equinox and was born the next summer right before Midsummer - which is what mom and dad were hoping for.

Miles was raised in a very eclectic household and was sent to a Montessori school until junior high. His childhood was full of love and wonder and he and his parents did lots of fun things together like star-gazing, butterfly catching, messy arts and crafts, swimming naked, climbing trees to the very top, picnicking in the park, going to petting zoos, playing tag, and engaging in long sessions of 'make-believe' where Lavender and Holden would play along with Miles' imaginings. Despite his free-spirited upbringing, he grew to be a well-adjusted boy who liked to look on the bright side and managed not to become a hippie like his parents. They taught him many crafts and, when he took a shining to leatherwork, dedicated a room in the basement to be his workshop.

It is impossible for Miles to pinpoint when his powers first manifested since there were small clues along the way that he steadily ignored. Sometimes he thought he would hear someone's voice only to ask the other occupants of the room "what did you say?" and receive strange looks. Once or twice he heard his parents' thoughts towards him, though he assumed their praise had simply been breathed softly instead of heard mentally. It wasn't until he was in high school that Miles got a grip on his powers and started to realize what was going on. Hearing people's thoughts in high school definitely gave him a thick hide and taught him that not everyone was as kind and loving as his parents and that he simply couldn't make everyone happy - but that he could certainly try with those he cared about.

His high school girlfriend was a sassy Hispanic girl named Lola, whom he loved without restraint until graduation night when he read her emotions of guilt and then found in her mind that she had cheated on him with his best friend. Hurt but not broken, Miles picked up his piece and decided to call that Professor Xavier guy who had come to his home a few years earlier, offering sanctuary...

Relatives: Lavender McCready and Holden Adler (both 37) are not married but have been together since they were 15, which makes 22 years together. They had Miles when they were 18 and held a commitment ceremony shortly after he was born, inviting all friends and family, which was quite a lot.

Lavender and Holden love their only son dearly and have done everything in their power to make him a strong, sweet, and artistic boy. They have no other children but their extended families are both large, and their family of friends is even larger. They were often hosting events at their house so Miles grew up to be well socialized and with good manners according to hippies.

How long your character has been in the mansion: New arrival

Current Attire: Brown bootcut jeans with black slip on Vans that look like they have been worn a lot. He has an olive green jacket buttoned up with blue flannel peaking at the sleeves and collar. Topped off with a beige slouchy beanie that covers his ears.


Relationship Chart (1-10)

Guy Rubel:

Shana Grace Tilar: 6, He is attracted to her and is interested in getting to know her better, hopefully some of which can take place at the pool. She's been very helpful and he's curious to know why she seems to be in such a position of authority, but he wants to ask her these things instead of reading her mind...though her knowledge of the mansion has already been thoroughly perused.

Mihir Proudclaw:

Korvka Shostakovich:

Caleb O'Daugherty:

Endelyn Hagan:

Adrienne Wagner:

Olexis Solnes: 6, He hopes that young girl has gotten some clothes and a shower and probably a good hot meal!

Sasaiya Moscoso: 6, He's glad to see Sasaiya again but she's starting to act really strangely. They got along just fine last year but now that they're back together he senses something different about their relationship, but with her in wolf form it's very hard for him to read her emotions. He hopes she'll let him help her walk around on two legs instead of four.

Eddie Ryder: 6, Pierced guy, name is Eddie, that's all Miles knows.

Timothy Maxwell: 6, A fellow telepath! Miles is fascinated by Timothy and hopes to explore their powers (and backstories) together.

Nathan White:

Victoria Adelaide Deveau:

Elizabeth Charm: 6, WOAH. Tall, sassy scaled lady? With teeth and claws... He's disappointed in his reaction to her but he couldn't exactly help it. Now that he's more aware of what all he can run into at the mansion, he's sure he'll be less offensive in the future.

Luloah Esther Akins

René Chastain: 6, Cowboy seems nice and Miles hopes that he's all right after that run in with Rook.

Light Blackburn

Vladimir Shostakovich:

Kenna Duncan:

Samuel Crowe: 6, Sam seems impatient and irritable, but that's not too big a deal.


Lillium Tomina:

Catherine Rubell: 6, She told them about the decorating party, so that was nice!

Sarah Criss:

Isabelle Black:

Kobayashi Hisoka: 6, Miles read Rook's mind to find out his name and his powers and now that he knows what Rook can do, Miles is sure that he can avoid being directly touched - though it seems that Rook isn't too interested in touching people to begin with. If the boy needs to talk later, Miles would like to hear his story and perhaps lend a bit of friendly advice if necessary.

Zeke Savage:

X-Men RP Shade:

Daniela Morgan:

Aidan Murphy:

Anthony Havelock:

Valerie K. Sprouse:

Saoirse Thunder-Crow:

Lirerial: 6, She was the pretty Hispanic one who reminded him of Lola. Maybe he'll get a chance to see her at the decorating party that Catherine told them of.

Kyle Bedlington:

Justin Alphar:

X-Men Characters

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2012-11-16 [XxTsomexX]: Awwwww!

2012-12-03 [Lepellier]: Hipster Pub-crawler from Texas with a peanut allergy. That could be interesting. lol

2012-12-21 [Flisky]: I think Miles might be a good friend for Addy. She needs friends. :P

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