User Name: [
Haunted Fate]
Character name: Lillium Tomina
Mutant Name: Phase
Classification: Student
Abilities/powers: Lillium literally dabbles in basic chemistry, as she is able to convert things from their standard state to another. For example, she could switch a solid block of wood to either a liquid or gaseous state without changing the properties. To make the change from one state to another, contact does have to be made with the target object.
However, the change is only temporary and changes back either at her will or when she is too weak or tired. She can only willingly hold the transformation for a total of five to ten minutes maximum, or the object will shift back within thirty seconds of her release on it. The duration of which she is able to hold a conversion and the ease in which she is able to do it varies based on the size of the item and the complexity of it.
She is currently unable to handle shifting anything large than the size of roughly a six-foot cube, and also has no current influence over anything considered alive. Lillium would be unable to shift a tree, but able to change the state of a box made out of the tree. As such, creatures and beings are unaffected by her power.
Sex: Female
Age/Date of Birth: 17
General appearance: Phase stands at 5' 8" and maintains a rather average weight. She has a very angular facial structure and an olive skin tone. Her eyes are a very icy gray and her dark, shoulder-lengt
h hair can typically be found curled around her face or pulled back into an equally curly pony tail.
Additional Appearance: She has a hooped lip piercing on the left side of her face. Lillium tends to wear whatever is comfortable and easy for her to move around in as opposed to anything tight or restricting.
Personality: Though not necessarily happy-go-lucky, Lillium tends to have a more positive outlook on life as well as people, mostly due to her nurturing nature. Extremely friendly, few things truly hurt her feelings nor will she turn away someone in need of a favor or a friend. With that being said, she will not force someone to talk to or be friendly towards her unless that is what they want. She loves to be included in the fun and is quick to defend someone she cares for.
Special Skills: As Phase typically uses her powers defensively to protect herself and others, she is very quick on her feet in order to get around between teammates. She also has lots of superficial nerve damage due to taking the initial force or damage from attacks so that she can convert the material if need be.
Place of birth: Indiana
Weapon(s) of choice: None
Medical information: N/A
Brief History: Lillium's life started off pretty normally. Or, at least, everyone thought so. Her powers were present in an uncontrolled matter early on as a young child, as her teachers would often find strange things like colored liquid puddles in the room and would later come back to find a crayon randomly on the floor. Not really having an explanation to put it together, no one thought too much on the subject and so the thought quite frequently slipped out of everyone's minds. No one thought much of it until she liquefied a bully's shirt right off of his torso when he threatened one of her friends during her later years in middle school.
The display brought a lot of ridicule and hate upon herself and her poor parents, making life almost entirely unbearable. The only thing that kept her upbeat about the situation through everything that was happening was the fact that her parents never threw her out or loathed her just because of what she could do. However, in order to avoid the threats and fear they eventually moved out of the state and to a very country part of Tennessee, where they had very few neighbors. Nonetheless, Phase feared bringing more pain and discomfort to her family and sought to join the academy she'd heard so much about in an attempt to control her a powers for a much better cause.
Relatives: Her parents remain peacefully in Tennessee.
How long your character has been in the mansion: Lillium has recently found herself a part of the mansion family.
Current Appearance: Lillium is currently wearing a long-sleeved green sweater with a grey winter jacket over the top of it. She is also wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a pair of snowboots.
Relation Chart:
Guy Rubel:
Shana Grace Tilar: 7 - Out of the two she has met, Shana has been a lot nicer to Lillium. After only getting to be around her for just a little bit, she seems to be good company.
Mihir Proudclaw:
Korvka Shostakovich:
Caleb O'Daugherty: 5 - Though Lillium briefly came across him in a weird situation, he has done nothing to affect her one way or the other.
Endelyn Hagan:
Adrienne Wagner:
Olexis Solnes: 5 - She reminds Lillium of Casper, with all that energy. Cute girl though!
Sasaiya Moscoso:
Eddie Ryder:
Timothy Maxwell: 7 - On top of Lillium loving the idea that he's a floating skull, he was very pleasant to talk to. She would love to get to hang with him again sometime.
Devlin Macintosh: 9 - Lillium really likes Devlin. She's definitely attracted to him, and has recently found out that he's attracted to her. However, she doesn't know much about him yet but plans to change that.
Nathan White:
Victoria Adelaide Deveau:
Maria Bortolotto 4 - Illogically has a minor dislike for her, due to the weird flirtation she'd pulled off with Devlin.
Elizabeth Charm: 5 - Though she's only met her briefly, Lillium already has respect for the woman due to her stern nature.
Luloah Esther Akins:
René Chastain: 5 - Definitely cute, but Lillium doesn't have much feelings one way or the other about him yet.
Light Blackburn:
Vladimir Shostakovich:
Kenna Duncan:
Samuel Crowe: 5 - Neutral feelings, as she really hasn't interacted with him much.
Mimic: 6 - Though she doesn't know much about him, Casper is a cute little kid and she liked being around his energy.
Catherine Rubell: 8 - After getting to hang around Catherine even for a little bit, she absolutely likes her. They're so similar, and she's sure they'll be awesome roommates!
Sarah Criss: 7 - From what Lillium has seen so far, she likes this woman. She's been kind upon her arrival to the mansion, and has even been getting her to the places that she needs to be.
Issabelle Black: 4 - Only slightly dislikes her, due to the rude manor in which she was addressed. Perhaps there's more to her?
Kobayashi Hisoka: 5 - Has only just met. Although he seemed very standoff-ish, Lillium still feels neither one way nor the other about him.
Zeke Savage:
X-Men RP Shade:
Daniela Morgan: 6 - Cute girl. Seems really shy and was kind, so Lillium favors approvingly for her.
Aidan Murphy: 5 - Met briefly in the office, but no feelings one way or the other.
Anthony Havelock:
Valerie K. Sprouse:
Saoirse Thunder-Crow:
Miles Adler:
Kyle Bedlington:
Justin Alphar: 8 - Though it's her first time meeting him in person, she's very excited to have finally met the guy she's gamed with for a very long time.
X-Men Characters

Thanks, Figgy! :D
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