Page name: Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.4 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2018-04-21 06:05:27
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.3

Grell's Camp
As the monster rushed inwards toward the camp a sudden popping sound happend and some of the monsters slowed as more warriors appeared beside the half-orc. Still one rushed onward at Hurk and as it arrived a streak of color moved the young man away from it's claws. It looked about trying to figure out what had happened. Linlesse had swiped Hurk and scooted him back with the others. "You protect from here brave guy." she said with a grin and a kiss on his cheek before moving back after the monster.

Conner was closest to Grell on the left and Lyriel was on his right, the rest formed a line in front of the non-combatants. He had not spoken but had his weapon at the ready.

Grell couldn't spare too much time or concentration, they weren't attacking the camp so he charged the monster closest to himself and his people. Grell let out a mighty roar at his opponent as he swing his massive two handed sword down.

Lyriel nodded her head to Conner and she too pulled both swords free of their sheaths and leapt into action, intent on guarding Shell's rear from any of the other monsters nearby.

Tani flared her wings out widely when she was popped in. She always did but in this case it would help serve as a distraction, her white wings spread blocking the fire and victims from view, her golden embossed armor shinijng brightly in the glow behind her. Her mace held easily in hand. She was in front of the children, the place she would have preferred if asked.

Even with the full brunt of the Ravenwoods, some of the monsters were getting closer and closer to the innocents. And suddenly innocents began to vanish one and two at a time, much the same way the Ravenwoods arrived.

Conner too brandished his weapon and moved to the nearest creature and watched Grell's back. Lyriel noticed in between strikes with one creature that Linlesse had split her staff into two and was engaged with another monster.

Flint had struck one mmonster with his shield then took the thing's arm off, it continued to press and attack at him. These were not normal monsters they seemed more like madmen or some diseased people.

Lyriel seemed capable at least when her creature finally fell, with as many wounds as it had from her two swords it was amazing it had lasted so long, but she had been chopping at it, a piece here a price there. She wasn't without damage herself but she was glad at least one was dead.

Tani was not fairing well however, her Mace had been knocked from her hand, one wing had claw marks across her white wings staining red in the wake. She was at the moment trying to rip the things head off with her bare hands but it was struggling and thrashing about.

Grell had taken a lot of damage and was starting to slow but the beast he and Conner fought was also slowed down.

Still the monsters tried to get to the innocents even as they were vanishing and being pulled back to Baerlon and the Ravenwood estate. Conner saw one strike Carrie and she fell backwards limply and vanished. The only way to bolster their line to hopefully finish these things was his forte, and then he began to sing the war songs he'd learned from his uncle.

Lucas down the way felt the music insipire him and he doubled his efforts and found a second to lay hands upon Tani and heal her wounds. Equally Flint bolstered by the music lopped his beasts head off and buried his blade into another's chest. They may actually win this and turn the tide.

Grell roared mightily upon hearing the songs, he swung his greatsword down and choppedd the beast near Conner in half easily, it was clear he was raging in his berserk. He spun and sighted the beast that had struck Carrie and lunged at it.

Tani flashed a smile at Lucas before grabbing her Mace. She took a great leap and used her wings to give her a boost and she swung her Mace down crushing the skull of the last one near the fire. Her body and wings were splattered and streaked with red from the fight, she looked quite terrifying like an avenging angel.

Lyriel healed herself and came to Conners side. It would be best if the Heir didn't come to harm after all, and as he was boosting everyone else he left himself fairly defenseless.

Conner was sporting a nasty gash on his left arm, but he continued to keep his voice high. The monsters did not flee, he doubted they really could they were controlled by someone else. Still the numbers favored the Ravenwoods.

Grell barreled down at another monster and swung his giant blade, he missed though and dug the blade into the ground instead. He swung with his fist then and began to try to grapple the creature.

Tani saw his fight and was intent on coming to his aid but saw instead a monster flanking Lyriel and Conner. She tucked her wings tight against her back and sprinted past both family members to block the creature from them, willing to take any damage for their safety.

Lyriel pulled out her small crossbow and cocked it. Aiming carefully past Tani's wing and shoulder, letting the bolt fly and it landed on the creatures flank. The poison would hopefully slow it down a good deal.

The monster and Grell met face to face and surprisingly the creature was just as strong. It's eyes glowed with an insanity and evil that he had never before seen. And it began to drive the half-orc back away from the line towards another oncoming creature. Until to it's surprise it's arms just below the elbows disappeared and a sword arced high and slashed in bringing the creature's head from it's neck.

Altair Ravenwood, armored and with both blades motioned to Grell to get his weapon. "Get closer together, everyone is clear and we will not press this fight much longer. Lai is going to cast a teleportation spell, since Darryl is out of energy." he ordered.

Lucas nodded and motioned to Tani and they turned their backs to fight in a slowly closing circle as more creatures began to appear. Conner continued to sing as they closed ranks, he knew they needed to give Grandmother a little more time to cast her spell.

Lyriel had fired every bolt she had applied poison to, to try and slow down these monsters, she had pulled her blades back out and stood ready.
Tani kept her wings tucked tight and her mace in hand, glad that Lucas was near.

Grell was panting, his Beserk was ending and it would leave him greatly fatigued, the great General Ravenwood was a glad sight to see for him. He looked about the camp madly, then realised that the Ravenwoods had taken everyone to safety. He grabbed his sword and pulled it from the earth, wielding it once more.

Once everyone was in range Lai's spell sent them away from the carnage leaving only a few monsters behind. They bellowed and tore anything left behind apart and then they too vanished leaving nothing but a couple small fires and one corpse behind them.

Once everyone was washed up they went back into the dining room / campgrounds and rejoined the rest of the group. Tani, Lucas and Aunt Arten were still seeing to everyone's health and any lingering wounds. Bowers and the staff were setting to getting stomachs filled and finding somewhere for everyone to sleep. Orissa was telling stories and making friends with the children and wondering where her sister got off to. Conner looked at Grell, "I want to apologize to you for keeping an eye on your party without permission. I had a nagging feeling what started with your camp wasn't over with. I just had no idea that someone would loose monsters of that nature upon your group. I want to revisit our discussion on setting up a home here in the city, somwhere where they can live peacefully and if you so wished let you travel to find others who would benefit from a family like yours."

"An orphanage of sorts you mean Conner?" Tani asks from beside them and Carrie. Tani was going to use her last minor healing spell on the poor woman. Tomorrow she could cast more if they needed it. Her wings were almost laying on her back rather than held up properly. One dragging more though.

Grell looked at Conner then the angel, back to Conner. "It shouldn't shurprish me... but I'm not shertain I chould run an opfhanage." He shook his head and continued adjusting Carrie minutely to make her more comfortable with the pillows and blankets provided.

Orissa was using a little of her magic to help with her stories, somewhere she had p licked up the ability to make illusions of of what looked like smoke. She was currently telling an old elvish tale about a rabbit and the smoke took the shape of each character as she told the story. She usually shared the story with Sammy who was much better at the hero parts.

"I see merit, but more a family based home for them, somewhere safe and secure that they can do as they wish. If you want to find them homes away from your group, we can find a way to do that. Grell if we work together and if Arten's boast of helping Moira is true then between the two of you is enough wisdom and intelligence to do anything, and of course and a new family of friends and one old friend." he said meaning the Ravenwoods and Vex as she came back with the children.

Lucas looked at Conner, the young man was selling this idea pretty hard to Grell. "It would probably benefit all of you to be able to sleep knowing that the dangers of the road won't be descending upon you. You can count on my aid and I'm sure other members of the house will gladly offer any help as well."

Arten, who just returned from feeding her son hurmphed at everyone making plans. "Who just said my offer of healing was a boast? As long as Lady Moira is willing I can give her back complete mobility and I can help some of the others who are dependent on crutches or may be missing fingers or hands. Any of the developmental or not from being injured or sick may not change, but by my uncle's beard I can help a great number of them for no more than a smile and perhaps a thank you." the dwarf looked at Grell and winked.

Grell looked at Conner, then the rest of the Ravenwood household and lastly at Arten. His face flushed a little getting a darker green cast to it. "Mishush Arten... we chouldn't phoussibly imphose on yhou to heal everyone." He said shaking his head, and looking down at Conner again "Whe chould never aphfford such a thing." He told the young boy.

Vex sat the girls down with the boys and thabks Arissa for the story being told. She came over to check on Moira and the baby then, worried about the woman who played the mothering role to her for such a long time.

Conner smiled at the half-orc, "offered only says if money is involved. Besides the property is too far from our wharf and has been sitting empty. And I think getting involved with setting you and yours in a safe home, would get us back into being The Ravenwoods rather than just a noble family."

Grell went silent thinking. "I will ashk the othersh and shee what they think." He finally said with a shrug of his shoulders. He left Carrie again to make sure the others were properly settled for the night and soon. Came over to the children. He was a little startled that young Orissa was using magic to tell the story but he watched as she wrapped the ending up. "To me for bed. The morning comesh shooner than ushual for ush." He tells the kids.

Hurk stands and looks at Grell before looking at Orissa. He careful walks closer to the girl and then holds out his hand, in it was a shiney blue pebble, he was always fiddling with it in his hands.

Orissa looked up at the very big boy standing in front of her and she stood to be polite. When he held out his hand and she opened her she smiled at the pretty stone. "Are ypu.goving this to me?" She asks softly when he nodded yes she leaned forward and kissed his cheek making him blush much like Grell had earlier. "Thank You! Good night!" She smiles before running up the stairs herself, staring at the pebble.

Conner smiled as Orissa passed him and headed up to bed, he then took a seat near the doorway while Grell got the smaller ones into bed. "May I sing to them?" he asked Grell knowing that a song may hurry them to sleep and a better day tomorrow. He looked at Vex who still had not spoken to him since she got back from her date.

Grell nodded that it was fine for Conner to sing. He was tucking in each child eldest to youngest, barring of course the baby Vex was holding so Moira could get placed into bedding by her husband. The kids were all behaving very well, especially for children in this house and they were excited that not only they got a magical elf story. Now they were getting a song too. Once they were tucked in Grell sat on the floor nearby. He was always the one who watched over the children. In fact Vex came over and handed him the tiny bundle that was the newest addition to their troop. Grell took the belundled babe gently and began rocking him soothingly. Grell was clearly very good with children.

Vex looked at the children up at Conner and then she simply walked away. The smell of Finns tavern wafted over, but she too was heading for bed. She would pick up her mantle as Blade again tomorrow.

Conner started, first in common, then in elven and so on dwarven and even orcish the same lullaby and watched as the children fell asleep and then most everyone drifted off to sleep before he finished the last of the songs. He then took a knee by Grell, "It's okay for you to sleep as well, you and them are all safe here." He then smiled and got up heading to the stairs and bed as well.

Grell watched the children fall asleep one by one. He waited for Conner to leave and then he too went to bed. Waiting for the sounds of the house to settle he was assured they wouldn't be set upon for the moment and closed his eyes. The first thing he saw was that dwarf and her wink, her Challenge of healing everyone even those missing limbs.

From the room across from Conners he could hear Vex singing one of the tavern songs softly and the light was on under her door. The sound of her shuffling meant she was either dancing or fencing, and she was probably preparing for bed.

Conner wanted to knock, but thought better of it and went into his room and closed the door. He couldn't believe he was irritated that she had been out with someone else. "No not gonna do this, I'm not gonna drive myself crazy thinking about this." he said getting ready for bed and extinguishing his light.

Outside the city, Altair made it to the spot where he thought Alehial would be only to find nothing. He got down from his horse and looked around, sure enough he found a man's boot prints but not Aliehial. Suddenly, the pain hit again and he fell to his knees. The fight earlier probably brought this on, and he didn't think to bring another draught of the medicine with him.

He tried to regain his feet and was unable to get up, "Darryl." A few moments passed and he realized Darryl was out of powers and he couldn't hear him. QUickly he tried to cast a healing spell but fell flat onto the ground.

Vex awoke, washed and dressed, and went to Conners room to check on him. She wanted filled in on what had happened yesterday, of course she was going to ask Grell as well but she had a feeling Conner had done something as well. It was getting to be a regular feeling. She had had a great night minus coming back to find her friends beaten and bloody of course. But they were safe and she had had a great night, she hoped to keep the good feelings for a while.

Conner was still asleep, he had not slept well and had been working on his plan to help Grell and his people. His notebook laid open on his desk with several ideas both in writing and in print. When she knocked he rolled over and threw his pillow over his head.

Vex peered in and shrugged leaving him be. He was tired, he was trying to be an adult. He was making progress. Vex closes the door once more and leaves to go check on her friends in the entryway and all over the main floor of the house.

The tiny terror was awake and free of his nannies, Sirrian was walking admist the new arrivals when Vex appeared in the doorway of the dining room. He smiled and waved and went back to investigating a still sleeping Grell with great intrest. Then he shuffled over and looked at several children including Hurk, these people weren't here when he went to bed and now momma and pappa weren't here. He then toddled up to Vex, "Hungry. Where momma and pappa?"

"I don't know kid. What are you doing without your maid in tow?" Vex asked plucking the child up and away from the sleeping... everyone. She texted him up much better at handling him now than she had been before, "let's find some breakfast yes?" She asked carefully making her way to the dining room and subsequently the kitchens. She hoped the cook was awake to be making breakfast for everyone as well.

As soon as she opened the door the smells of a kitchen in full swing washed over her. The cook had been busy since closing the kitchen last night until this morning. Rather than making individual breakfasts to order he had large pots of porridge ready and bread with cinnamon and apples baked in and plenty of tea and juices for the smaller ones. He smiled at Vex and little Sirrian, "Good Morning, is there anything you'd like? I made some very easy breakfast and even have some sausage and bacon and eggs made to order if anyone wishes."

"Whatever this guy usually eats and I'll have some of what's already made. Thanks." Vex said with a smile, she didn't want to stay long and so backed up into the dining room once again. It was a large room and it seemed a few extra chairs had been added. There should be plenty of room for the new children at least, Vex sat at her customary seat of late and kept Sirrian on her lap just in case he tried to escape.

Sirrian seemed happy with the current situation and held up his hands and clapped them a couple times before putting them on top of Vex's. "Tell me story please?" he asked looking up over his shoulder at Vex. He knew that this one spent time with Conner and Conner told good stories and songs so in his mind Vex should too.

"Um... okay... a long time ago even before you mom and dad, there was a great empires who ruled most of the world. He was a human emperor and he was not nice. He treated everyone bad and made them treat him good. Anyways um... he was getting older and he had lots of children, well they all started to fight over who would get to be emperor next, but the first emperor didn't want to think about his death and so when the fighting got bad he banished his done a to all corners of the world he ruled. And when he did die he didn't leave his throne for anyone. That's the first was here in Bearlon, the War of Sons." Vex said, she knew it probably wasn't a great story but all she had wasn't great stories.

Sirrian listened with rapt attention, he loved stories and Vex told him one. "Another, 'bout you!" he said patting her hands with his.

"Okay... Once not too long ago, I was a journeywoman for your Uncle Rand, Commander of the Blades. I had a Blade teacher, he was teaching me how to disarm someone of their sword or dagger. Anyways while we were practicing Commander Rand walked past and my teacher took my blade from me but instead of that being all he also launched me up and over him into a nearby rainbarrel. I made certain to learn the moves by the next morning, so I wouldn't be embarrassed in front of Commander Rand again." Vex says not sure if the little boy would like the tale or not. She wasn't as good as Conner was with stories clearly.

Sirrian made a shocked look that someone would do that and turned around and hugged Vex hoping to make her feel better, "I sorry, bad teacher for making you get wet." He then gave her a kiss on the cheek before sitting back down. When she looked up Conner was standing in the doorway, "Good morning Vex, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, very well." Vex said with a nod of her head and a smile for Conner. A real smile too. She looked down at Sirrian with a queer look and told him "He taught me a valuable lesson Sirrian, that no matter what is going on around me I need to focus on those in front of me." She said in a teaching tone of voice. She wasn't certain why this little boy liked her so, him and Xeph were both oddities it seemed.

Breakfast arrived for Vex and Sirrian and Conner sat and made his request and waited for his breakfast to be brought out. "I plan on staying on the estate today, many will need help and some looking after, and of course Grell and I are going to discuss the safe place for them here inside the walls. So, if you need to do anything feel free to take care of business." Sirrian sat and ate his porridge and listened to Conner talk to Vex.

"You're safety is my only business. So I guess we'll both stick around. You know though... you'll never convince Grell to stay the way you are trying to now right? He's stubborn you must have realized by now." Vex said between bites. She was glad Sirrian could feed himself because she wouldn't have the faintest idea on how to feed him properly.

Conner smiled back, "I think there are a couple things that might change his mind, one Aunt Arten says she can help most everyone in his camp. Two, those creatures were tough even for Grell and us together to fight. Three, I think he and Arten were flirting last night." he let the last comment hover in the air for just a moment or two. He was confident in his plans to help Grell and his people despite Vex's belief. "But, if you like we could put a wager on it." he said with a hint of mirth in his eyes.

"You know what? Let's. I'll wager ten gold, a month's pay. Grell says no to your current method of persuasion, as for Mistress Arten, I heard her. Grell I snt used to women and if she isn't serious he won't take her seriously." Vex said offering her hand across the table to shake on it. "Also I looked up a few things... and I know now you can manipulate emotions in people. Like back in the belly of that beast. None of that trickery is allowed." Vex cautions him as she stares him down.

With the confidence of his parents Conner took her hand, "No tricks, no manipulations, just the facts of what we can build here together for his group." However, since you think you know me so well, I will withold my wager to your ten gold until after I win."

"So generous Young Master Ravenwood." Vex sneered in a unusually playful tone, she wasnt even peeved telling him she now knew he had tempered her emotions. Vex finished her breakfast then and asked Sirrian if he was done as well. "I would like to check on Moira and the others if you don't mind." She then said looking at Conner.

"Excellent idea, you get what they would like for breakfast and send it into the kitchen and I will deliver breakfast to them." Conner said. He had intended to go talk to Grell first thing, but with such a large group in the house the maids would need a little help. And it wasn't the first time he rolled up his sleeves for a little hard work.

"The cook already has breakfast made, porridge and specialty bread, other than eggs and how everyone wants them cooked he's set to go." Vex offered up quickly as she stood taking Sirrian with her since he seemed done with breakfast and wasn't making any moves to leave her just yet. Vex walked into the main hall then and found all the kids awake and speaking together in a huddle. Except for Hurk, who was sitting on his own off to the side holding his cheek with one hand.

Vex shook her head then and walked over to the kids. "Breakfast is ready if you head into the dining room, over there, the maids and Conner will serve it." She said with a smile for them all.

The half gnome child stood up and smiled. "Thanks Vex! Someone grab Hurk! And let's eat. Then we can put away the beds and go play outside." He bossed the others around. The oldest girl then went over and took Hurk's free hand. "Come on dreamy let's eat! Food! Come on!" She ended up grunting as she pulled him to his feet. He noddeed and followe d along.

Conner watched as the children came into the dining room and he directed them to seats and began to tell them what was available. Once they said what they wanted he went into the kitchen and relayed everything to the cook and began to help dish them up. He kept them entertained while they ate juggling and telling jokes and riddles. When the elders began to arrive he did the same without the humor that he did with the children.

Grell entered the room and he was carrying Moira, he sat her in a cushioned chair at the end of the table. Her husband right behind, sitting at her side. Once they were both settled Grell then took the stool Tani usually used, it was the only thing sturdy enough to handle all of his weight and size.

Conner walked to the table and smiled at them all, "Good morning, I will be honored to fetch anything we might have available for breakfast today. Porridge is already done, but we also have bread, eggs, various breakfast meats. Also, tea, coffee, milk, and juices to drink. I will of course take the lady's order first." he said to Moira.

"Oh dear, you don't have to get me anything special, just anything not too expensive dear. Eggs and tea will do, we don't want to burden you who saved our lives twice now." Moira said before looking at her husband, he waved his hands about for a few moments and she smiled and turned back to Conner. "However my husband says we should eat two eggs each, with bread and ham if you have it, with tea." Moira chuckles when her husband nods his head and takes her hand in his.

Grell nods his head at the children all telling him how good breakfast is and about their dreams. He smiled at the adults who managed to come to the table as well. He asked Hurk if the food was good and the boy took a few moments before nodding his head yes.

Conner waved and smiled at Moira, "The lady gets what she asks for. And for you sir?" he asked looking at Grell. "And don't hold back no one leaves these tables hungry, it would insult the dear chef." he then waited for Grell to answer.

"Whatever ish lepht over, ish phine." Grell says nodding his head to Conner, he was still listening mostly to the children all talking and he was wiping a few faces with a napkin. Grell was very much so the main caretaker it would seem. 

Elsa came into the room then and smiled at the half filled dining room. She had both Xeph and Kaitlyn in her arms. She snagged the high seats they strapped the children into with her foot and pulled it close to the table strapping in the ever behaved Kaitlyn first, then the other for Xeph. "Good morning everyone! I'm sorry I wasn't around last night but my name is Elsa, I'm Conners older sister. These are my children as well. Xeph and Kaitlyn. I hope you left a little food for us!" She chuckles. She was trying to get out of the room more often. And with her children too.

Conner nodded and passed patting Kaitlyn and Xeph on the head on his way into the kitchen. He returned with a tray and food for Moira and her husband and something special for Grell. It was a bowl with spiced potatoes, onions, cheese, meats and eggs along with bread and a large mug of coffee. "I hope this will start your day off right." he said with a grin.

Grell grunts but accepts the food, he was aware what the boy was doing. He wiped Hurk's face with he napkin quickly before settling in to eat his as well.

Moira smiled as her husband got their food and served them both, "may I say Miss Elsa those are some beautiful children... but... do I see tails?" The old woman asks curiously, her question making all the children turn to look at the two toddlers.

Elsa smileed at Conners usual tricks and smiled at everyone else as well. "Yes. My husband is... unique. A combination or blending of cat and man. Our children take after him a great deal." Elsa smiles at her babes. " Conner please inform chef we are all awake and I need the twins usual breakfast." She told her little brother.

"Of course, porridge and ponchos for those sitting nearby." Conner joked with Elsa. He then went into the kitchen and shortly returned with their breakfast and tea for Elsa. Shortly thereafter the twins arrived with Lucas and Tani, then Daniel who had been in his room a lot without Jake in the house for companionship. Followed shortly by Arten and Lai with little Kreck.

Vex too entered with the final members of the group. Krissy, Tad, Drew and Oleg, plus the bundle that was the baby, Sirrian was with the nanny. Vex helped each adult to enter and sit, then handed Moira the baby. Only Carrie was left in the room but she was still resting.

Tani smiled brightly. "Today mistress... I mean... uh... Aunt Arten, would you mind if I watched you preform this new healing you learned? Perhaps I too could learn it." Tani said her wings were brightly white this morning, and she was sort of standing near the dwarf and her child. Of all the household member Tani would probably be one of the other strongest and easiest able to handle Kruek.

Orissa and Sammy both took seats near the rest of the children. "I'm telling you Lyriel said she's gonna train me after Tutor is done teaching!" Sammy defends, "Daddy is supposed to teach everyone not Lyriel!" Orissa insists as she sits next to Hurk, who slows down his eating and begins blushing. He then knocks his bowl over attempting to eat better.

Grell grabs the napkin and leaves his bow and chair, aware he was in someone else's seat too. He walks around to Hurk and helps clean him up some. "There, now Hurk. Ish phine, all ish good." Grell says softly.

Rye rolls his eyes the halfling mixed child sighing and finishing the last of his food quickly. "I'll take him to wash up Grell." He says clearly used to taking care of the orc mixed child. Pick snickered until Grell gave him a look, then he finished his food too. "Okay fine I'll help too!" He groaned out.

Lili giggles with Sela, Ching looks around curiously, and Mich leans over whispering all that was happening to the blind girl, Xea the fpur year old simply continued to eat.

Arten took a deep breath, "The healing will depend on their injuries, some will have some discomfort and others." She looked at Grell, "I will ask you to decide how we proceed with the healing, and I'll tell you I have put all my spells into healing today."

"It ish up to them, iphf they wish to be whealed." Grell says holding up his hands as if it had nothing to do with him. Which it didn't really, he was the Leader but he needed no healing, nor would he tell the others what to do.

It was then that little Ching looks down the table in the rough direction where Arten was, Ching was a mix of human and Dwarf and it was easy to see. "Ma'am... can you really heal me? So I can see?" She asks softly, making the other children turn and look at Arten quickly. They all also stared at Tani the Angel lady who had rescued them, fighting off the creatures in front of them. Mich took Chings hand in his, and it showed his hand missing fingers, "don't get your hopes up Ching. I bet she can't." He said truffle, "sides Grell can't afford something like that." Mich adds.

" she said she'd do it for a smile Mich!" Lili spoke up defiantly, she clearly had elf in her much like The Ravenwood birth children. Sela brought her hands to her chest and squeezed tight. "Would a smile... from people like us be worth it?" She asks of Arten softly, as well.

The two smaller boys drug Hurk into the kitchen to ask for water to wash him with and subsequently left the conversation.

"Now kids! Don't harass the Dawrf preistess!" Tad says from his seat, he had also been strapped to a chair to keep him from toppling over. Drew from beside Tad shushed him, "let them ask their questions Tad." He said.

Arten handed her son to Lai and approached Ching, "Ребенок из камней, пусть наш бог услышит мою просьбу. Пусть ваши глаза созерцают славу камней и цвета драгоценных камней." The warmth of her hand on Ching's face moved to her eyes and the darkness began to lift and in moments Ching could see not only Arten, but the rest of her family clearly.

Ching blinked, and then blinked harder. She covered her eyes then and cried. She sobbed before throwing her arms out and hugged Arten tightly. She shook she cried so hard. Mich stood quickly ready to defend Ching but when she hugged Arten he was unsure of what to do with himself.

Grell came over and knelt near Chings seat. "Ching, you okay?" He asked softly before stroking her hair with a big hand, Ching turned her head and instead of the milky hazed eyes she turned bright blue eyes to him. "Everything is so bright!" Ching cries letting Arten go and clutching onto Grell now. He swept her into his arms and held her close until she calmed herself.

"By the gods!" Tad said incredulously. None of their group ever dreamed of becoming whole again, not the adults, senoirz, or children. "Hot damn!" Drew exclaimed before getting pinched by Krissy. He apologised for cursing.

Tani watched in awe, she grabbed Lucas by the arm though. She was very excited about this clearly, as her wings shuffle on her back rustling her feathers.

Arten smiled, and when she was sure no one had seen she wiped a tear out of her eye. "I may not be able to cure all of them and maybe not in one day, but as long as my god is willing then I will do what I can." she said before smiling at Ching.

Vex smiled at the sight unfolding. The other kids came over and the adults that could too to congratulate Ching, to show her their faces. Ching then ran over to anyone who hadn't made it to her to hug them and see them. She return to Arten again and hugged her right once more. "Thank you missus angel." Ching whispers hugging Arten as tight as she could.

Grell smiled brightly, then frowned at Arten. Just because their injuries would be healed wouldn't mean they would get better treatment for being mixed races. He was worried still about everyone's futures. But for now he took Artens hand and looked into her eyes. "Mishtresh for thish giphft you've given my people... I whill owe you my life, I am yoursh iphf you call." Grell says essentially swearing loyalty to Arten

Arten looked at him and shook her head, "Your family is where your life is, where I can heal injuries I can't ensure protection. I think Conner and young Daniel have a sound plan for your people to have a safe life close to new friends and old ones." She eyed the mug of coffee and whistled to Conner, "Daft boy, get a mug of that before your mother is down here or I thump you one." Conner with a low bow, "At once most crank of aunts." and sped off to the kitchen before she could retort.

Grell shook his head then. "Iphf you ever have need, call me, I will come to your shide." Grell says resolutely still holding Arten hand. With her promise to heal everyone many of their daily worries were gone, however he still hasn't decided if they should stay here at all.

The three boys returned to the dining room only to be set upon by Ching herself. Both Rye and Puck were elated and hugged her right, she then stood in front of Hurk and smiled at him. "Hurk... I can see you now! I can finally see!" She says holding his hand. Hurk looks down at her and scrunched his face as he looked at her. "Ching better? Ching see Hurk now?" He asked his voice a little gravelly, it was clear he didn't talk much. "Yes! I'm better! I can see you Hurk!" Ching says excitedly giving the oldest boy a big hug. He grunted but hugged her back touching her face gently with his free hand.

"What happened?! We left to clean up Hurk and now Ching can see!" Puck exclaims looking around at everyone. The too was curious but instead he asks Ching. "It was mistress Arten! She cast a spell on me! She's going to fix everyone just like she said!" Ching says to the three boys who all then look up at Arten.

Moira clear her throat then and got Vexs attention and motioned toward Arten and the baby she held. "Right! Miss Arten, perhaps you can look at the baby?" Vex offers her suggestion to the Dwarf to maybe save her from Grell professing his unending loyalty to the dwarf.

Arten stumped over and set the infant on the table and unwrapped him, "Do I have his mother's or guardian's permission?" She didn't want to overstep any boundries that the small pack had. Still the baby was healthy just with a small problem with his legs, some sort of sickness the mother might have had.

"He was left at our campsite when we traveled a few months ago, up north. He had been in our care since, Grell mostly looks after him. Grell looks after the children the most since many of us cannot keep up with them." Moira explains to Arten quickly, Grell came over to watch then because he was worried about the baby. Once unwrapped Arten could see the child's skeletal like lower half, the legs and hips never seemed to have developed, but the babe had all normal functions of body, other than legs.

Tani too got closer to watch once more time, and Orissa too stepped forward, maybe she could learn this spell too, even though she wasn't holy or religious.

Arten closed her eyes and prayed again, the child cried a little as the disease he had been born with was healed through devine magics. "Shh, I know little one this pain will not last long and you'll legs will work just like they should." Arten spoke comfortingly to the child as his legs began to improve, looking normal by the time he stopped crying.

Moira smiled at Arten kindly and touched her hand. "Bless you miss Arten." She said softly wiping tears from her eyes. She then caressed the babes head gently, and she motioned tthe children to come close to see. Grell too quickly came over and smiled broadly as the child fussed and kicked his little legs for the first time.

"Mishtresh, would you name him?" Grell asked softly looking down at Arten, he gave the babe his finger and the child went crossroad a moment looking at it then grabbed it.

All the children came forward to touch the babies legs one at a time and congratulate him too, they were all very close in this group. Vex too came around, she first congratulated Ching and then she ruffled the babies hair gently as she could. She stood by Moira then.

Tani exhaled the breath she was holding. "Tomorrow! I will Pray for Pelors guidance on learning this spell!" She promises eyes sparkling at the possibilities of helping those in greater need.

Orissa grumbled and her shoulders slouched as she made her way back to her twin. "I couldn't understand it... it was fuzzy, and too bright for me to see." She complained, Sammy laughs though and just takes her hands in her own. "Cause your not a healer." She tells her sister then scooting the food closer. Orissa picks up her spoon and eats dutifully.

Arten turned to Tani, "Sometimes it takes years of fighting for the deity and the people to earn the grace to cast these types of spells. I consider it moments of great healing and love to combat the violence of past years. And considering my life alongside Altair and Alehial, I've got a lot of healing to do." She then looked at Grell and smiled, "Ozzoli, my uncle and teacher in the service of the gods."

Conner was standing near Vex and Grell and looked at the child, "I'm glad Arten could help him, and Ching as well." He didn't mention anything else, just set down Arten's mug of coffee and warm bread with butter.

Linlesse came down the stairs and smiled at the assembled group, "Good morning, I can't stay long I have to get to training today." She looked at Samantha and winked before grabbing a piece of fruit and turning to head out the door.

Samantha laughed and finished her own food. "I can't wait for the tutor to come!" Orissa gave her a queer look, "You hate studying!" "Not anymore." Sammy defended herself, scarfing down her food.

Vex looked at Conner and smiled, "he won't agree because your going about it all wrong." She said softly before getting food and taking it out to Carrie in the front room.

Grell smiled and lifted the babe gently "welcome to the whole new world Ozzoli." He said rocking the babe a little with a big grin. He smiled at Arten as well, if he hadn't sworn his loyalty before he would all over again.

Arten looked at Grell, "None of that I have at least nine more people to look at and possibly heal, and if you swear more loyalty then ye'd be sleeping at the foot of me bed!" She turned to Moira then and indicated Geoff, "I dina want to sound uncaring but, has he been mute since birth? I may not be able to do anything about that because twas not an injury or disease."

Conner tapped Grell on the shoulder, "Since the house is a secure place how about we take a walk and leave Vex to handle everyone? I want to show you something and have a frank talk." He wasn't going to manipulate him, for everything happening for them Grell could at least see what Conner was offering before turning him down outright.

"No mistress, we traveled across the continent looking for work and he got this fever, he nearly died. But ever since he hasn't been able to utter any noise." Moira said taking Geoffs hand in her own. "That same fever got to me... though I didn't know it. I was trying to tend to everyone and fell in the river getting water. I haven't been able to walk since the fall and fever myself. That was some... thirty years ago." Moira said thoughtfully. Geoff nodded along and kissed his wife's hand.

"Phfine." Grell grumbles, he gently hands Ozzoli to Krissy who took the baby just as gently, and smiled. Grell looked hard at the children for a moment. "Behave, follow the rules of this house and anyone who lives here." He orders, they all gave him a salute except Ching who gave him another hug. And then the half dwarves girl was watching Arten work once more.

Conner nodded to the children and then whispered to Arten, "We are going to leave without Vex, I'm perfectly safe with our friend Grell to watch my back." He then turned and said to Grell, "Are you ready my friend?"

Arten raised an eyebrow to the fact Conner was going to sneak away without Vex but she did hold Grell's eye, "I expect you to at least make sure he returns unharmed or at least alive."

Grell nods his head at Arten, "shinsh you ashked ma'am, I'll make shure of it."Grell says gravely, though he looked over to Rye and made a gesture before waving at all the kids. "Letsh go then." He grumbles to Conner.

While Vex was in with Carrie, Conner and Grell left by the kitchen and then out the front gate. It wasn't far to the warehouse and Conner didn't say much to Grell while they walked. Up ahead was a high walled trading coster with the Ravenwood name on the sign. Conner produced the key and unlocked the gate and ushered Grell inside.

There was a well and a lot of room for growing food, and several buildings a stable area for a cart and mule or horse. And a large warehouse and office, which was where Conner headed and also unlocked. "Now, it will require some work and I have a plan for that. but, we can set this up so that a kitchen and perhaps your room on the first floor and then work upwards from there. It could be like a camp where each person gets there own room or set them up however you wish. The main thing though is that everyone is safe and can thrive, and be close to healing and help if needed." The building had a lot of merits and would be a secure home for them, and with the estate not far away if they needed healing Arten was not far.

Grell looked around the building dutifully and listened to Conner as he explained and waved his arms about excitedly. "Thish warehoushe ish valuable shpacw yesh?" He asks softly then. It was near the dwarf, it was a large complex. Surely this was expensive property to maintain.

Conner sat on a cask and let Grell investigate to his hearts content and then began to answer questions. "It's a little too far from our main trade warehouses, so it's value is not as much as you'd think. I will be doing all the renovation work with this." he should him a lyre of building. "And my brother Daniel will speak to everyone about their likes and will design spaces that will make everyone feel included. Maintenance is simple and we aren't just going to abandon you guys can grow, trade and do whatever you wish." Conner knew he was dangling a large carrot in front of Grell, but his people needed this.

"How much." Grell said turning and eyeing the young nobleman. And the Lyre. An item like that was worth a small fortune, a warehouse like this to keep would cost a a month in taxes and upkeep. "How much will it cosht to keep the warehouse, grounds and all, monthly." He demanded not asked the question.

"That is the glory of it." Conner said with a grin, "The property has been vacant because of distance from the other warehouses so it is in need of a use. And most upkeep can be done by you and yours, I'd say that less than five gold per month a little more if you splurge. And since the rest of us like Vex, me, Tani and Lucas love coming around to check on people things will be easy. I also suspect Arten will drop by to check up on everyone from time to time. Grell, I'm not saying this will solve everyone's problems. But it should keep them safer than out on the road." Conner said speaking from his heart, he believed this would keep them safe.

"Who would hire mixed blooded men and women?" Grell asked then crossing his arms in front oh him and looking down at Conner. "Do you know a common workers daily wages? Not only that but my people have been attacked twice in or around this city already." Grell said adding to his other question.

"There are still lots of people who see those of mixed blood can be as capable as those whose lines are not mixed. My Uncle Lyle runs Finn's and could use some capable people to help out and he pays a fair wage. Ravenwood traders pays fair if not better and can always use good people, if not full time at least half of a week. That's why the wall around this place is such a good selling point, the gate keeps people out unless they are allowed inside and don't forget if we leave the sign up..." he said connecting that no one would attack a Ravenwood warehouse no matter who was there.

"There ish no guarantee of work. Even here in the shity." Grell said shaking his head. He looked around again glad he had come alone, better not to get anyone else's hopes up. "Letsh return to the Manor, young Mashter." Grell said then before looking at the roof of the office building a moment and back at the stables and well. It was a nice little dream. Grell walked towards the gate then not waiting for Conner.

"You lost him, with no guarantee for an income how could he hope to afford five gold a month." Verex says lounging on the roof of the office building. She had hoped neither would see her tagging aloong but since Grell had lookedd she figured what the hell. "Your sister Elsa spoke to me. Turns out your mom was going to start a merchants guild... since your uncle's was working out so nicely. And a house for the family Seamstress to work out of in your neighborhood. I mean... since you are in charge and eighteen now and all... Why not lay the foundation and show your parents your abilities... if you have any that is." Vex chuckles.

"Merchant's guilds are about the money any way you look at it. This is about people and caring for another person. And you just helped me in my plans Vex." Conner said hopping off the cask and hurrying after Grell. He caught the large man part way out the gate and turned to lock it again. "What if I can secure your family enough work to more than afford the five gold per month? Without having to work any of you to death..." Conner finished. He could set the foundation for the merchant guild, but also include Grell's people and get them a home at the same time. He wanted to beat Vex at this bet, just because she thought he couldn't do it.

Vex smiled watching Conner hurry after Grell. It was about time the boy took a decent idea and ran with it. Maybe in doing this he might finally understand what it is to help people as a Ravenwood. She chuckles and stands ready to shadow them home again like she had getting here.

Grell turns and looked at Conner. "Come up with another scheme young mashter?" Grell asked shaking h is head and waiting oon Conner to lock up before heading back towards the Ravenwood estate.

"If I could get you both the warehouse and the means to maintain it, would you agree?" Conner asked. He already knew that Lyle would be very interested in Grell to help keep Finn's rowdiness to a minimum, and the orc was strong enough to help with some of the other things needing done. Not only that but the rest of the group could do a lot for people.

"There ish more to proshesh, shuch ash food and clothing... but yeah, iphf we had jobsh... I could agree." Grell said lifting one eyebrow down at Conner, this boy certainly was very eager... and stubborn in trying to get them to stay. Grell had a lot to worry about for all his people, but money for a place was a large part of why they wandered.

"Done." Conner said and fell into step with Grell talking about things the orc would like to see done for the warehouse. By the time they arrived back at the estate it was almost lunch time, Conner scooped up the missives and headed to the study while Grell could check on the others.

Vex entered the study mere moments after he had entered. "I take it you've thought of something New? Some way to entice Grell to stay? Or about the merchant guild your mother wanted to start to give even demi humans the right to sell their skills and goods like plain humans?" Vex says curiously, not saying anything that might tell she knew where he had suddenly gotten his ideas.

Conner was pouring over his mother's notes and didn't look up at first. "My mother believes this is something I need to be a part of, except while I might be good at this it isn't what is foremost in my mind." He was also reading the missives that had arrived that morning and smiled brightly when he opened one that had traveled from far away. "Vex, I noticed your coat from the blades is fraying and probably doesn't do much to keep out the Baerlon night winds. I wonder if a better quality wool and better design could help that." he said looking at her with a slight grin. He also took out several pieces of paper and wrote his own set of notes and then stopped, a fur trimmed bag caught his eye. "Oh, my I wonder when this arrived. If my parents are unable to handle this I believe we may go traveling dear Vex."

"First of all, part of What? Secondly what's foremost in your mind? Also my coat is fine. What's in the bag?" Vex asked not liking how quickly he spoke or hopped from one idea to the next without much break between them. It was hard to follow, she also felt slightly peeved he was picking on her Blade gear. She took great pride in it. She crossed her arms and smiled thoufh humming the dancing song she had been singing when she came back from her date.

"Ever hear of Drezehm Mountain and the Friend of Foe Treaty?" Conner asked opening the bag and taking out it's contents. First was a ruby that Vex could probably not close her fist over, then was a letter and a small vial with some sort of liquid in it. "One of my parent's lesser known triumphs was helping end a long standing skirmish between four tribes of the Drezehm Mountains. But, when they made the treaty the elders of all four tribes required from time to time when a union of tribes happened that a least one member of my family had to be there." he explained as he unrolled the letter. After skimming through it his grin grew larger, "Blue Seer tribe and Standing Rock tribe are hosting the wedding of Chief's son and Wise Woman's daughter. And the wedding isn't far off, if my parents can't go then it falls to me."

"One thing at a time and only one scheme going as well, shouldn't you be trying to focus on your plan with the warehouse? Or are you bored with that and it no longer excites you?" Vex asked raising a brow at him. He was like a puppy, getting excited over a new toy everytime he even saw one nearby. She did wonder though, a bit about the mountains and the peoples there. She hadn't been able to read through the whole book Commander Rand had given her on his family.

"In this case both things converge in a wonderful way. One of the tribes raises sheep that make the best wool to be found for leagues. And if I can get rights to the trading then its something the new merchant guild can use to it's advantage. And besides, Grell agreed to give me a little time I can get him a job that will allow him to save a little money up until all the healing is done." He quickly scribbled a note or two then hopped up from the chair, "We need to make a quick visit to my uncle and secure the first job."

"Commander Rand is very strict in who he selects to train you know?" Vex again raises an eyebrow. "Besides if you are planning to travel that far well need a few more people for safe passage, I heard about the monsters that attacked Grell, and orcs and things have been more aggressive lately as well. So a party at least." Vex said watching him scribble and hop to his feet quickly.

Conner stopped in midstep and looked at her, "I have more than two uncles we are going to see Lyle. While I would have no doubt that Grell could be a bodyguard, I feel his time may be better spent helping out at Finns." He walked past Vex and could not resist a slight tease, "And you thought you had all my angles covered."

"Forgive me oh genius young master Ravenwood for assuming the blood uncle you have would be the first to be assumed in mention of any sensible conversation." Vex said eloquently and with a bow. She follows after however, wondering what sort of work Grell would do in a bar, he was a large half orc, and only tough when he had to be. He was the one who raised all the children and tended the sick after all. Just like his father before him.

After leaving the house they headed to Finns where preperations for the day were well underway. Lyle Tosscobble was pushing a cask into place and trying to hold onto the tap at the same time. When Conner walked in he hurried over to help, "I thought you had someone to help with the heavy lifting around here uncle?"

Lyle grunted as they pushed it into place and he handed Conner the tap, "My helper decided to leave my employ for a brewer opening in Garrison. And to top off my rotten luck, Hren my bouncer hurt his knee last night during a small dust up. So, I'm paying him half wages until his knee is better because the temple of Pelor refused him service due to a brawl in the temple.

Conner lit up and smiled at Vex, "What if I could get you both, would that be worth the helpers wage plus the other half of Hren's?"

Vex took a seat on the corner barstool and watched with a grin. She wanted to see just how far this Uncle Lyle let these Ravenwood brats push him around. Though it did seem a bit of a struggle for a halfling to run a human bar. Vex kept her thoughts to herself after all Finns was her favorite pub. She had been a semi regular before this mission.

Lyle looked at his nephew with a stern eye, "Hren was making six silver a night as my bouncer and the assistant to the barman was making one silver. So, you mean I'm to pay your man four silver to cover both jobs?"

Conner nodded, "Four silver a day make that for the five days that Hren and the man worked and it equals twenty silver or two gold. I think it sounds fair, and perhaps if he does really well then you could shift a few more coins."

Lyle was quiet, "I would have to meet the man and make sure that he can follow instructions. And of course I need more than your word nephew." he said looking towards Vex.

"He's serious about work, and does his best when on the job. If you like... I'll personally stake my name as a Blade that you'll find no better to serve you." Vex said with a grin, not telling Lyle that Grell was a half orc.

"Then." said Lyle looking at them both, "Have him here tonight before the rush so that I may speak with him. And if everything works out then I will pay him a full day tonight and expect him on the days we agree upon."

Conner shook his head, "Excellent then. How about a drink for Vex and myself on a good negotiation?" He looked at Vex and winked as Lyle put to mugs up on the counter.

Vex raised her brow at Conner. He knew she was on the job, and therefore would refuse the drink, just like all the other times. Just because she had relaxed a little didn't mean she was going to not take her job seriously. "I hope you both end up working together satisfactorily." Vex says with a nod for Lyle, though she wished she could see his face when Grell came in.

Conner smiled, "it's a small ale, not enough to cause any loss of control or ability to due your duties."

"I seem to remember some tea offered to me once by a dubious character... it was supposed to be an innocent drink too at the time, if I recall." Vex says giving him quite the deadpanned look. Her face giving away exactly how much she had enjoyed that particular fun trick of his.

Lyle took on a face of being deeply offended, "I poured those myself while talking to you. You question my honor in slipping you something?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yours Master tosscobble never, his even in your company... always. Besides I'm still on duty... again." Vex said with a smile, she glanced to the side then and blushed softly before straightening her gear a little and concentrating to get rid of it. The table she sat at with the North man was right behind Conner near the wall.

Conner shrugged and drank his then hers and returned the mugs to Lyle, "I am returning to the estate and will have Grell come see you before the supper rush tonight." He then walked over to the door and smiled at Vex. "Time to return home unless you have something to do."

"Nothing other than watching over you." Vex says with a shrug before she follows right behind him, really she should go first just in case but well, they were still in Bearlon. She waves at Lyle though as they leave. Headed back tot he Ravenwood estates.

Upon returning to the house the first thing they noticed was that Moira was walking with the children and Carrie was sitting at the table eating, with a new leg. Conner smiled, "I see Arten has been busy this morning with healing while we were gone." Bowers nodded, "However Lady Arten was very tired after healing mistress Carrie and went to rest."

"I can only imagine, as she healed four people with a spell she didn't know she could preform." Vex said her voice soft, she left Conners side to see Carrie and congratulate her, then she stood to the side waiting for Moira to notice her.

Moira smiled and shushed the children for a moment before walking up to Vex. "The sickness wasn't your fault, and neither what happened to me. Now that I can walk you should be free of this Vex." Moira said softly before pulling Vex into a hug. Vex gingerly hugged the older woman back, clearly afraid to use too much pressure.

"Come now Vex, don't tell me you have been blaming yourself over this?" Came a deep baritone voice, when Vex looked over there were tears in her eyes. Geoff chuckled and walked forward joining his wife in the hug. "You were a sick child. We never would have turned away from you." His deep voice was soft as he spoke, his words measured, he was still getting used to speaking again.

Conner was quiet standing beside Bowers and watching the group in the middle of the room. It was heartwarming to see that Aunt Arten had been able to help so many. After a little while he turned to Bowers, "My mother and father, where are they Bowers?"

Bowers shifted uncomfortable with the question, "I do not know where Lady Ravenwood is, but your father returned lookin very weary and went up to bed." Conner nodded, "I'm going to go check on him and see if he is alright. If you see Grell, let him know I and Vex are looking for him."

Moira and Geoff spoke for a moment quietly with Vex, who spoke back before Vex nodded her head and they split up. Geoff to Moore's side, and the younger children all to Moira and Geoff. Vex left out the back door then, Grell was exploring the grounds and surely had wondered into the lady's Glen. Vex planned to meet him out there so they could talk about what was happening with the group.

Few things ever surprised Lyle Tosscobble, today was an exception as a half-orc came into Finns and asked for him by name. "Are you Grell?" the halfling asked with a raised eyebrow. Almost everyone in Finns took notice of the man, he was huge and muscled.

"I am Shir. I wash told you needed helpb." Grell said, for one thing the door had been small, he had had to turn sideways to fit through. The second was there was mostly humans in this place, while some were tall or broad by human standards, no one came close to Grells sheer mass. The third was that Lyle was a halfling, Grell was having a hard time deferring to the very small man. But he was trying not to... loom unnecessarily, at the bar and over the proprieter.

Lyle didn't flinch or show any thought, "Well come with me and I'll explain your duties." It didn't take long for the halfling to explain his assistant duties and his bouncer duties. "When the barkeep calls for a cask he will do so by number and you'll bring it and take the old back. Any fights you stop without damaging the building or the people too much. Tossing fighters out the door and keeping them out keeps our place in good standing. Any questions come and see me."

"That ish all shir?" Grell asked mildly surprised he wouldn't have any other duties beyond that, he had groomed himself before coming and was wearing fresh clothes, no armor or weapons at all, though in the city he didn't really need any. His hair was pulled back and braided, his beard trimmed and combed. There was nothing he could do about his green skin or any other orc traits he had inherited, and he was surprised how easily Lyle accepted him.

"There may be moments I ask a lot, sometimes less. You'll find your treatment no better or less than anyone else who works here." Lyle explained. The dinner rush was beginning to come in and Grell was the topic of discussion. One of the waitresses tapped him on the shoulder, "The chair over there is where Hren sits, it's yours now."

"I shee thank you." Grell told the waitress, he made his way to the chair and sits gingerly. He wasn't certain the chair was strong enough, it creaked as he sat but it held. He crossed his arms over his chest and stayed in the seat and against the wall.

Over the next few hours Grell did more fetching of casks then stifling fights, no one wanted to cross him. However, one woman came over and flirted shamelessly with him. Asking him if he was as large as an orc down there or more man? A group of men in guards outfits watched him from a corner table, whispering amongst one another.

Each time Grell fetched a cask he simply tucked it under an arm and slid through the doorway. As for the woman Grell didn't answer her and instead tried to redirect her to the bar. Grell was worrie d about the guards, especially considering he only knew of himself, the owner and one elf sitting in the bar that wasn't human.

And just like that nothing happened, no one caused a fight. One patron complained about his bill until Lyle informed him that Grell was the complaint department. The man paid and left Finns quickly, the woman who flirted with him tried again before someone led her out. The servers began cleaning the tables and taking dirty dishes to the scullery.

Grell stood and tried to stay out of everyone way, by standing against the wall and mostly not moving from that spot. He was well aware he was larger than most men and many other half orcs he had met. The casks weren't all that heavy so it had been a very easy night for him. He made his way to Lyle though, to see how he did throughout the night and whether he wanted him back again. "Shir?" Grell asks softly trying once more not to Loom over Lyle and b's respectful at the same time.

"Any of the regulars scare you off, Grell?" Lyle asked counting the coins they took in. "We haven't discussed when you wish paid, any ideas?" he put a couple in each of the cups on a tray. One of the girls began to sing as she mopped the floor and another began blowing out some of the candles.

"No shir, no one shcared me ofphf." Grell said with a grin, he glanced at the girl singing and wondered if Arten sang to her son. He blushed a little before clearing his throat. "Nightly ish good, or weekly ifph you prephur." Grell said thoughtfully , he wondered if the guards would have a problem him a half orc like him working in the upper part of the city.

A couple more coins into the other cups and Lyle turned one over into Grell's hand, it was probably the easiest money the half orc had ever made in all the years of working. "Good job tonight, I expect you back same time tomorrow." Lyle said. The girl singing winked at Grell and smiled before moving to another table.

"I'll be here, shir." Grell nodded putting the coins in his pouch, he smiled at the girl and gave a small shy wave of his hand, then he carefully left the building. He had mixed feelings about such easy work... in the middle of a now racist city.

It didn't take long to get back to the estate and the guard at the gate slowed him just long enough to get a good look. "My apologies Master Grell, takes me a little bit with new faces." the guard explained then nodded to him, "Have a good night." Altair had made sure every guard at his home understood, defense of the home was priority but not to treat people that they didn't matter or be cruel.

"Ophf coursh." Grell had nodded and been polite. He wasn't usedd to the treatment nor the name, but he shook it off and once inside had time to think as he walked the long long distance from gate to house. Grell decided Conner wasn't all that bad despite what Vex had to say about the boy.

He saw the soft glow out by the training circle and noticed people milling about. Conner had decided to entertain the family's guests outside with music and magic. He was playing his fiddle as light swirled and lined constellations in the sky for the children and adults enjoyment.

Grell decided to wonder over and also enjoy himself. He stood behind all the others to not kick up a fuss and watched rather amazed at the boys skills with music and magic.

Conner was making the lights depict a boat on an ocean of the stars, one of his better pieces. He looked up for a second and saw Altair on the bedroom balcony watching. He hadn't looked too closely at everyone sitting and listening, part of him hoped Vex was there but he was still trying to figure out their meaning to one another.

Vex wasn't there. She was in the house still, in her rooms. But the children realized Grell was back and mov ed him to the front, to sit down and they all climbed in his lap or near enough to lean on him. Even the baby was eventually in Grells arms again. The adults were delighted by his skill and the fact that he was showing them for nothing other than their enjoyment.

"And for my last piece tonight." Conner said starting one of the sweeping pieces and conjuring great colored dragons and sending them into flight. He remembered his father's friend and companion during the dragon wars and his bright bronze scales. "Some dragon's are fearful creatures and others protectors of the younger races as during the times of the dragon wars." he explained changing the bronze to a red and then to a great silver dragon. The music flowed from the strings and caused the magic to truly enrapture everyone.

"Daddy?" Came a soft voice from the doorway of Altair and Alehials room, it was open just a few inches and the twins were holding hands just outside the door. Orissa couldn't sleep, and Conner wasn't in his rooms, so the girls came to their parents room next.

He turned to them and smiled, "I'm surprised you aren't out with the others enjoying Conner's music. Altair walked back into the room and sat one the bed, his strength had returned but he still needed to be careful how much he pushed himself before being back to normal. "What seems to be the matter?" he asked when the girls came into the room.

"Orissa's having dreams of the elves again . " Samantha yawns climbing up o to the bed and pulling her sniffling sister behind her. Orissa had clearly been crying, her eyes were red and moist still. 'I was tired from practicing magic... and I took a nap Daddy and I just keel dreaming about them." Orissa whispers climbing into his lap finally releasing Sammys hand. Who promptly laid down and fell asleep.

He fished a linen square from his pocket and wiped away her tears, "I know that was a scary time for you and Samantha. But, you are safe here at home with all of us around you, we protect our family." He hoped she took no note of Alehial being gone and would sleep as well. "Would you and Samantha like to stay in here tonight?" he asked her softly as he hugged her.

"Yeah... is mommy gonna come soon?" Orissa asks softly hugging her father and laying her head on his shoulder. Samantha was already fast asleep curled up in the middle of the large bed, she had a tiring day as well.

"Yes, she just needed a little time away from the city. All of us do from time to time my dear, she'll be back in a day or so with a story about running with the animals." he said laying her beside Samantha and then getting into bed as well. He was worried about Alehial, but would not let it show to his children, especially these two.

"Daddy... I love you... please don't leave okay?" Rissa asks sleepily snuggling up to him on the bed. She didn't understand why mommy would need out of the city. Or why she would be gone for so long but if Daddy wasn't worried and knew she was okay then she was.

"I will be here for sometime little one." Altair said patting her back and making sure she and Samantha were covered up. He did not doubt that not only would his girls be in bed in the morning, Sirrian would find his way in here as well.

"I'll get.bigger and stronger too." Orissa murmurs before falling asleep only moments after, both girls clutching hands in sleep yet again.

Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.5

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