Page name: Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.5 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2018-07-24 23:56:43
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.4

The next morning when Vex woke she found she was not alone, Xeph had found his way into her room and was curled up near her. His little tail swished to the left and right as his chest rose and fell.

"Better than the little possessive one I suppose." Vex grumbled as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. She sat up careful not to disturb the little one and stretched before taking care of her morning routine. She quickly dressed and picked him up gently then and opened her bedroom door to take him back to his family.

She encountered the maid who looked rather disturbed, "Oh thank heavens, Lady Elsa relieved me, but nodded back off. I never should have left the room, I only came back to get the basket of diapers for the scullery. He fancies you mistress, he knows where to find those who have his best interests."

Xeph gave a little yawn and opened his eyes looking up at Vex before snuggling close and wrapping his tail around her wrist.

"Well we are all glad he is safe at home... and now you go back to your mother." Vex says trying to hand the baby off. Getting frustrated that everyone in this house seemed determined to make her like children. She didn't have a problem with them... She just didn't want tok hang out with them... Or wipe their faces... change diapers ect.

Xeph captured her hand and pulled it to his tummy and half purred half growled as he looked at Vex again and tried to go back to sleep in her arms.

"Fine... I'll take you back to your parents myself." Vex groaned, while it was sort of cute Vex just couldn't understand the possessive nature of all these male children around her. Thank goodness neither Daniel the quiet bookish one nor Conner did any of these things. "If you could lead me back miss." Vex inferred to the maid in the hallway still.

The maid nodded and took Vex around to the other entrance to Elsa and Fael's rooms. The other two felid children were still asleep. Xeph looked around the room quietly, his eyes taking in everything round him. "I doubt he will go back to sleep willingly m'lady, would you like to rock him for a little bit?" the maid asked pointing to the rocking chair by the window.

"If I have to... Xeph you had better behave and go right back to sleep." Vex told the little Felid child, she was not pleased with doing this first thing in the morning... every morning... with different children every single time. Vex sighs repeatedly and sits in the chair to begin rocking.

He giggled and smiled at Vex and popped his thumb into his mouth, however he watched her face as she rocked him. "He's waiting for a song." Conner said from the doorway. He was dressed in plain clothes, but instead of boots he had on slippers and had no sword belt on. It seemed he didn't plan on going anywhere just yet.

"I don't sing. Besides the songs I do know... are not child appropriate." Vex says looking up sharply at hearing Conner's voice. She blushed very lightly and looked back down at the Felid child in her arms. Who apparently thought this was very funny, even though Vex was not amused at all really. Seriously this house with all these children, always wanting things from her, all she wanted to do was her job but this whole house seemed to have other plans. "Be my guest master of music." Vex offers to Conner.

Conner smiled and walked over to the rocker and knelt in front of Vex and Xeph and lightly stroked the child's face. "Hahren na melana sahlin Emma ir abelas Souver'inan isala hamin Vhenan him dor'felas In uthenera na revas. Vir sulahn'nehn Vir dirthera Vir samahl la numin Vir lath sa'vunin." Conner's voice was warm and the tempo in which he sang made Xeph yawn and begin to drop off. The bard looked up at Vex and smiled, he was unsure if Vex would get sleepy as well or if she was completely awake.

Vex's eyes were heavy, she was slouching in the rocker now and was blinking slowly. She was still awake however she was struggling against the drowsiness. she was also trying her best to hold the child properly to not drop him or let him slip off her lap. "Bard tricks." Vex said unhappily looking sleepily at Conner.

"No." Conner said quietly taking Xeph, "Just a song, I like to sing in the elven tongue to children. It adds mystery and is relaxing all the same time but only if one is ready to nap or sleep." He brought back a quilt and covered Vex before starting the song again in common, "Elder your time is come Now I am filled with sorrow Weary eyes need resting Heart has become grey and slow In waking sleep of freedom. We sing, rejoice We tell the tales We laugh and cry We love one more day."

Vex frowned and would have shrugged off the blanket but she was very tired with the warm little Felid in her arms and lap and the blanket insulating her, Conner's soothing voice and the lulling lyrics, even in common was very compelling. Soon enough before the end of the song Vex's head lulled to the side and the child slipped down her lap, held up only by the arm of the rocking chair and the blanket Conner had tucked them under. Her body and face completely relaxed.

Conner smiled picking up Xeph and putting him back in his crib, "Allow Vex to sleep until she wakes. Assure her I am not leaving the house until later today and she can find me in the study." The maid nodded, "You do have a way of making a song magical master Ravenwood." He thanked her and left Vex asleep in the rocker while he went to deal with breakfast and family business.

Almost an hour later Vex woke finding herself wrapped in the blanket with Elsa and Fael tending the children with the maid nearby, And no Conner anywhere to be found. Fael smiled at her, "Conner's talent with soothing songs got you as well?" In truth Conner's ability to make a song sooth or inspire was amazing, even his mother could barely keep from napping when the young man sang out loud.

Vex blushed brightly, it had been a while since she had last been caught in such a compromising situation... because of Conner. She stood and disentanglesd herself from the blanket. "I'm terribly sorry for intruding on your rooms! Xeph came to my room and I tried returning him! I should find Conner." Vex said trying to regain her composure a d standing.

Elsa smiled as she cuddled Dahar and kept Xephs tail tickling his nose on his back. "Not to worry Vex. We trust you here. Conner should be in the study still, I for one think he's starting to open up to you." Elsa smiled softly at Vex, she winks at her husband though and keeps playing with Xeph and his tail.

The maid who was finishing dressing Kaitlyn smiled, "Mistress Vex, Conner said to let you sleep as you must still be tired. He doesn't plan to leave the estate until later and when you want to find him he will be in the study."

"Thank you ladies, sir." Vex said leaving quickly and heading right for the study to check on Conner and then to the kitchens for a brunch if they would be willing to give her something.

When she entered the study, other than a comment from Conner about knocking Vex found a tray sitting on the table between the couches. "Did you sleep well? I took the liberty of asking for some ham, bread and cheese along with coffee for you." Conner said making a couple notes from the missives this morning. He frowned at the next one and opened the book Vex knew to be one of the family coffers.

Vex looked at Conner suspiciously then shrugged and sat at the couch, moving many of the pillows and blankets off to the other side, then making little sandwiches and sipping the coffee. "Decent enough. How goes taking over the dailies?" Vex asked wondering if he was finding it hard to do all this work.

"To be honest, there are several things I plan to change our spending on. And this newest missive may require a trip out of the city today." he said his voice taking a less friendly tone. "A farmer is has asked if the Ravenwoods can intervine in a situation with his landlord. Apparently, he is forcing them to give over their daughter in place of the money they owed from a poor harvest. Local sheriff is unwilling to step in because the landlord is rich, I don't have such issues."

"Which ever you choose to do, I'm coming you know that. I would advise an intimidating looking person as well, just to make the point made." Vex said with a shrug of her shoulders as she ate and drank quickly. She wondered who still traded people in this country, where slavery was outlawed.

"My general plan is to solve this without bloodshed, but I feel you and I are enough to intimidate the landlord. Unless you think another person might be helpful." he said writing out a couple figures and rewriting them to make sure he was right. "Lyriel would be my first idea, I'd like her to check the farmland for any magical tampering."

"If she comes I would suggest that her husband Flint come as well, he is a large man and when he's broody looks intimidating enough, plus with two body guards you will deffinitly look important." Vex says finishing her sandwhich and sipping her cold coffee.

"Do you think it wise to bring three people for backup?" he asked eyeing her. The one thing he did not wish to do was make the landlord overly sensitive about armed people on his property. "Perhaps we consider Lyriel and Flint just there to check the farmland for any tampering. And have them in reserve in case of any trouble."

"If it would make you and the landlord feel better, have Lyriel go without weapons. That way you can claim she is just checking on the farms conditions, and that I and Flint are escorts, one for each person should something happen." Vex offered up looking over the rim of the cup at Conner. "Do try to use common sense rather then whatever it is you Ravenwood children tend to use in it's place. I would also avoid using any of your Bardic magic, as that will only cast suspicion on the entire name of the Ravenwood trading market at large." Vex offers up as a follow up.

"No magic, but I think it would be rather hard to convince Lyriel not to leave her blades at home. You know your dire views of how we work and think makes it hard to understand why you continue to remain here." Conner pulled out a spell ingredient and cast quickly contacting Lyriel who was currently in the glen. "Sister dear, could I convince you and Flint to visit a farm with a possible vile landlord to help the farmer?" he intoned and then waited for her response.

"Of course little brother. I take it the Farm is one of the Suppliers to our market stalls?" Lyriels response came quickly and clearly, she understood the situation as she often had ridden out with Alehial on many such occasions.

Vex grinned and set down the now empty mug. "That's probably exactly why Commander Rand chose me for this post. After all how I advice you... is simply how most others of the city view your entire family." Vex said gathering everything back into the tray quickly. "Its best to play that Bard schooling you got as simple amusments for court and family, use it when only it is necessary, as a sort of... extra ace up your sleeve when the hand needs it." Vex says with a small smile.

"So, you believe my schooling has a place and a time. Here I thought you thought bards lowly." Conner said. "Lyriel is in, although she doesn't know that the farm we are going to doesn't belong to us. I will need to stop by the vaults before we leave, I need to figure out the price without knowing much information about the farm itself."

"She will know it as soon as you arrive, why not simply tell her now? The Ravenwood Vaults eh? Not the ones your Mother hides all her Adventuring treasures in is it?" Vex asks curiously as she then spreads out comfortable on the couch she sits. If she got her hands on any sort of list of what magical items Alehial had hidden in her secret Vault, not only would Galin maybe let her off the hook but she would have knowledge only few in even the Ravenwood family had. After all it was rumored only Alehial and Altair, as well as Grand Duchess Lai, had the magical keys that's granted access to it. No one even knew it's location outside of the family.

"We will discuss this situation as we head out. And as far as the vaults, not the ones everyone rumors about either." Conner said finishing his cup of coffee. On the way out of the city he was going to drop some of his changes off to the trading offices. He looked at Vex and smiled, "Would you like to wait here while I go speak with my father? I'm going to get his blessings on these changes and intervening on the farmer's side."

"I'll prepare myself in Blade armor while you do that. Meet you down by the stables?" Vex says shaking her head no and standing from the couch. It wouldn't take either of them too long to do what they needed done.

COnner intoned to Lyriel that they were meeting at the stables and nodded yes to Vex. "You don't think that being in Blades armor and involved in this might not look favorable to them? I mean, I'm sure there have got to be those under Blade protection that misuse the services." he said nothing else, trusting Vex to make the right decisions.

Vex said nothing but instead left to get ready. She armored up and got her weapons and a small pack just in case. Then she left the house to get all four horses ready, it was comforting for her to be alone for a few minutes, she rarely got the chance anymore when before as a journeywoman in the blades she was almost always left alone.

Conner and Flint were the next to arrive, Flint wore normal armor of no house and had his sword at his waist. Since he had given up all property and monies to fund the Andorian college of magic he really had no money to spend. Conner was dressed as he should be and Vex could see the family signet ring. While he claimed not to like this part of his family, he looked the part very well.

Vex nodded at both men and offered the reigns to their horses, a whistle sounded then and the black horse that belonged to Lyriel shook it's head and whinnied.

Lyriel whistled again and when her horse got loose cantered to her. Followed quickly be Vex holding her own horses reigns. "M'lady... if you could warn me next time." Vex offers looking unhappy, Lyriel giggles softly and jumps up onto her horses back. "You live with Druids. Get used to it dear! Let's get going. Conner! Lead the way!" Lyriel said loudly.

They rode out of the city for almost an hour before Conner turned to Lyriel, "By the way sister, Um, the farm we are going to visit doesn't belong to the family." He knew they were too far from home to simply turn around, he began to explain the situation to Lyriel and Flint. AFter he finished they arrived on a ridge above the farm, "So, I'd like you to use your abilities to check the farmland for tampering, while I stall the landlord."

"Conner... You could have told me before we rode out." Lyriel scowls at her little brother. Her horse danced around glad to be out of the city, she was too. "So if there is tampering we strong arm the landlord and take it? If no tampering we buy it anyways?"Lyriel guesses.

Vex grins, and nods to Flint, she had told him her idea and when Conner was explaining everything she kept an eye out around them.

"No sister dear, determine if it's tampering then bring this to me." he said handing her a small bottle. "If it's not, I'll get the farm fairly, if it's tampering I'm going to cheat the cheater."

Lyriel rides over and takes the bottle tucking it into a pouch quickly. She frowns at Conner. "Very well, Conner but have Vex stay close. These country nobles don't think highly of city Nobles or Ravenwoods." Lyriel warns softly.

"Sevag Pakradouni and his son? Yep, they hate us and I know for a fact that Rupen can't find a woman to marry without a ploy like this. I'm sure swords will not need to be drawn." he said with a wink and nod. "Vex and all of you just need to trust me." he said reigning his horse to continue on.

Lyriel shakes her head and directs her horse over to Flint's side and nods to Vex. Vex urges her horse a little closer to Conner then and Lyriel rode beside Flint properly.

Flint and Lyriel rode to the field that Conner had pointed out and dismounted. "So, will your druidic magic tell you if someone tampered with the field?" The plants in the field were small and not very green. If Lyriel communed with them, she might find out what happened.

"Let me check the soil with my eyes and hands first, save the magic for if I cannot find any physical evidence." Lyriel says dismounting from her horse and kneeling in the field. She digs her hands deep into the soil and bring out the dirt to look at, then checks the plants themselves all the way to the roots.

The tops of the plants looked horrible, however the roots looked fine to Lyriel, but the dirt looked drier than those around them, almost like there had been a drought in this field alone.

Lyriel sighed and cast her spell to speak to the plants. They might not make much sense, but a tree close by might help fills the gaps. "Are you alright?" Lyriel asks first to the plants, to try and get their information.

"So, very thirsty it was too bright for too long. Long days, not normal days so dry and bright. So, very thirsty it was too bright for too long. Long days, not normal days so dry and bright." they kept saying it over and over.

Lyriel shakes her head. She knew they would speak gibberish though, she walked away from the field to a young sapling growing to speak to it. "The field says days have been longer and brighter, what have you seen friend?" Lyriel asks checking the saplings health as well.

The sapling was older than the plants and took a few moments, "It came several nights and brought the sunlight and moved among them waving it's branches over them and making them wilt in the sunlight. Your kind call them thieves, it stole the night brought more sun too much sun the thief brought."

"I see, thank you kind brother. We will deal with the night theif." Lyriel promises before ending the spell, she coudlnt concentrate with the field of plants all yelling. She shook her head and went back to Conner. "Foul play brother." She said and handed him the bottle back.

Sevag Pakradouni and his son Rupen had ten men with them all very unhappy to see riders coming to the farm. The farmer Godir and his wife Aswyn were trying to shield their daughter Karie from the men. A magistrate was there as well, he turned to the riders, "Conner Ravenwood is it not? What brings someone like you out here to the home of a simple farmer?"

Sevag turned as well snarling, "Leave Ravenwood brat, this has nothing to do with you or your mixed blood family!!"

Vex had her hand on the Kimmel on her weapon and tightened her grip looking the meanest of the men in the eyes. She was here as a hired bodyguard, many of the blades were, so she was wearing her official armor.

Lyriel had been wearing the HOD the entire time so as not to startle anyone, and she was rubbing her horses nose gently ignoring all the hubbub going on around then.

Conner wasn't flustered and stepped forward shaking the magistrate's hand, "A friend of my father contacted us about an issue with nearby farms. A few weeks ago I visited here and took a look around without anyone knowing and I found the issue." Vex noticed the bottle glow just before he took it out for them to see. Inside the bottle was a nasty looking beetle which when it's wings flared a bright almost sun like light shone.

"What in the name of the hells is that!?" Rupen said looking around with panic in his eyes.

Most of the men started to also look around when the bottle came out, even the magistrate reached down to his sword hilt.

"It is what I found." Lyriel says not looking away from her horse, she spoke loud and clear so all could hear her. Her horse shook it's head and she smiles at him and calms him.

Vexs hand gripped the handle of her blade and she stepped forward one step, so as to cover Conner should anyone draw their blade. She didn't know what was really going on but frightened men were aggressive men.

Conner held up his hand to stay Vex, this was expected and planned for. "This gentleman is a Diamond Scarab, they attack using this light to destroy the crops. I hate to tell you Sevag, this farm has a lot of them in the field over there and they will spread out. Clearing them out requires a lot of druids and weeks, you'd lose probably five thousand gold clearing them out."

The elder Pakradouni looked at his son with an angry look, Vex figured because the plan to force the farmer's daughter to marry him had not included ruining the farm land.

"I will offer you five hundred in gems to sell the property to my family and we will then be stuck cleaning up the bugs. I mean can you really afford to clean up the bugs and lose the money for any contracts the crops would yield?" Conner said letting his innate ability to influence people.

Vex crossed her arms but didn't step back. She could see as Conner spoke the impact of it on their faces, it was startling to see such subtle magic at play. Lyriel nodded her head when Vex looked to her. Lyriel went to the well and draw a bucket, then walked to the plants and gave each plant a small scoop of water directly to the roots. She left the talking to her silver to gued little brother.

"But what about her?" Rupen asked his father as he looked towards Karie who really wasn't much older than Daniel Ravenwood and too young for the almost twenty year old Rupen.

"You're free to ask her parents to court her, but that really has nothing to do with the deal I offered your father." Conner said looking at Sevag. "And yes sir my offer is limited even now these little glowing menaces are growing and producing more. If you wait until tomorrow my offer will drop by half as it will be harder to remove the pests.

Sevag was quiet, if the razer he hired left these bugs instead of drying the crops then he would lose almost two thousand or more in gold.

"I'm uncertain many of these planted will survive." Lyriel reports getting a second bucket of water urging Flint to do the same. "They are dehydrated and have sun damadge... the soil has been bleached and needs fertilized." Lyriel says to further push just how much d amadge has been done. She was exaggerating though. Some water and fertilizer was all they needed. She went back into the field watering each plant.

Sevag heard what Lyriel said and saw Conner's face, the young Ravenwood was going to drop his offer for the infested farm, "Done, Ravenwood. You said the price was five hundred until tomorrow!" He would have to go to some of his buyers and get released from contracts, but better than spending half his fortune on getting rid of the insects.

Conner sighed, "Alright Master Saveg, you caught me. I promised the price was five hundred until tomorrow." He produced a pouch and counted out five gems all about one hundred gold each. Then swiftly he put them back in the pouch and took out a contract. "I had drawn this up in case my fears were confirmed. It only requires your signature and our magistrate friends to make it legal."

Sevag hurried to sign and then took little time to convince the magistrate to sign as well. It was all legal and above board. Rupen moved to ask about courting Karie and was rebuffed by her parents.

Vex watched it all happen. Really if the Ravenwoods used their talents accordingly... No one would be able to stop the family from taking over completely and entirely. Only Alehials deep instilled loyalty seemed to keep them all in line of some kind.

Lyriel began to sing an old Elven farming song, it would cheer up the plants and the water would perk them right up as well. A few night cycles would give them the time to repair and some fertilizer would keep the soil in good condition.

Once the papers were signed Conner put them into his pocket and looked at the men, "Good doing business with you, I now ask you to leave so I might begin working on getting rid of these pests." He then moved over to talk to his new farmers.

Vex watched the men go and when she could no longer see the last one that's when she turned to join Conner. She wondered if the crops were that bad. They looked plenty bad but she knew practically nothing about plants.

The Magistrate shook Conner's hand and then mounted his horse to leave, nodding to Vex as he left. Conner was talking to Godir and Aswyn about what was going to happen next. "We will be sending some hands to help with tending to the fields and bringing the crops back. And I will approach the contracts that Sevag will have to abandon and get you the best price we can." He produced another contract and let Godir read it, the farmer broke into a broad smile and nodded before signing it as well.

Lyriel dropped off her bucket by the well and walked over. "I blessed this crop just in case. It's fine, just needs fertilized, and water and they will all perk right up. It won't be the biggest crop but if you take care of it, you'll get some good quality from it." She says with a lopsided smile for her brother.

Conner passed Vex on the way to get his horse, "Well, how did I do?" He felt that all in all cheating Saveg out of possibly one thousand gold pieces plus contracts worth quite a bit more. But as grandfather always said act with honorable in people's interest and people will respect you more.

"You did well, I'm a little impressed." Vex says nodding her head and handing him his horses reigns, she pulled herself up into the saddle of her own. Lyriel followed suit, and Vex waited for Conner to saddle up. This had been eye opening. Conner seemed very well suited to taking lead of the Ravenwood trading company.

Once in the saddle Conner looked at his sister and cousin, "I also think we need to consider finding people to protect our farms and the like. Saveg might be stupid, but even he isn't stupid enough to ignore the fact his former farm is still producing crops. I don't want him coming back on them or any of our people who come out to help."

"Perhaps then we should hire the rest of Grells people. The ones that know how to fight? As a sort of insurance policy for those under the Ravenwood Trade Company employ?" Lyriel offers looking over at Flint, seeing as he also had businesses not too long ago.

Vex said nothing, it wasn't her place to say but it was a good idea. Instead she directed her horse to take the lead this time. Let the siblings speak about their families business.

"There aren't enough." Conner said, "I found Grell a position with Lyle for now. And will find something for the others. But, I have a couple ideas on hiring security which I will handle after returning from the wedding in the north. Father has agreed that I will represent the family with Vex as my bodyguard."

Lyriel nodded her head to Conner and went quiet as she thought for a moment, "I still think Flint and I should go as well. Just the two of you make a tempting target little brother." She finally said softly. Flint had been quirt this entire time and Lyriel was a little worried.

"Surprising enough that he did allow all of this." Vex laughs from the front of the trail of them.

"No, father agrees with me. The four tribes have been at peace since the first of the marriages and the invitation was signed by all chiefs. We will be safe and protected as any of the members of the tribes." Conner said. "Besides with me away, you and father are back in charge of the house and it's defense.

"Will you be teleporting close then?" Lyriel asks clearly not overly happy about these events. While she was also worried about Alehial and Altair as well. She understood now a little of what Alehial was feeling all these years.

"I discussed my plans with both grandmother and Darryl briefly. I think it best not to overdue asking him for help as not to upset his wife. Grandmother will portal Vex and I to the stonetable to meet a group of warriors from the tribes then go to the valley for the celebration. Then when it is all over the same warriors will take us back so I can contact grandmother who will open a portal home." Conner explained his plans hoping to settle Lyriel down a little.

"I have a hard time remembering you're a grown man now Conner and not my little brother running after me. " Lyriel chuckles shaking her head. "Since you have it all in hand... I will only wish you luck on your trip and promise to keep the house safe." Lyriel says with a smile for her brother and a shrug.

They parted ways at the gate, Conner and Vex headed toward the Ravenwood trading area and dismounted. There was an awful lot of work going on and it took Conner awhile to find who he was looking for tapping the foreman he smiled broadly and motioned for them to speak privately. "I know this is short notice, but I need a dozen of our best to head out to this farm and hepl out until we can hire people. I also need them to be able to protect themselves and the family from any harm, bonuses will be paid if that becomes needed." The foreman nodded and head out to talk to his men.

Vex found a comfortable place to lean against while Conner was busy after tying the horses to a post. Like this Conner seemed responsible and to be honest more trustworthy. She was looking him over slightly now, with a new outlook about him perhaps.

IN a few minutes twelve men stood with the foreman before Conner. Four had volunteered and the other eight after some talk agreed. Conner shook each man's hand and had some words, a couple had young familes which Conner assured them that the security for the warehouses would check in and they would be rewarded for their sacrifice to help out. The volunteers Conner spoke with were informed if any of them wished to remain at the farmer after the detail they would be considered for the foreman position there. By the time he was done COnner had twelve very capable souls ready for their new mission.

"I'm impressed." Vex says standing with the horses ready to go. She had watched the whole thing, him talk to each man. If it were another man she'd have called how well he did admirable, but she had been part of some of his really stupid decisions as well.

"thank you." he said mounting his horse and riding for the estate. "Do you wish to secure some colder weather gear? The hike to the valley is some snowy weather, but once there you'll be surprised how warm the place can be, not to mention all the people for the celebration can make it pretty warm too."

"Yeah, I'll get some of my stuff sent over from the Blades Complex. What exactly will be part of this wedding?" Vex asks curiously, she was riding close but only because the streats were a little narrower here in this part of the city.

"Last one of these I went to, I will stand with the chiefs and wise women during the ceremony. Then we will sit at one of the tables during the feast and then time is our own during the rest of the celebration. They do enjoy mead and dance so prepare to let your hair down a little." he said with a bit of a smile.

"I'm your body guard. Other than the toast I won't be drinking." Vex says with a frown at Conner. "How long does the celebration last?" Vex asked another question.

Conner laughed, "Oh, then you'll be having some. Toasts happen a lot during the celebrations. And the main feast lasts into the wee hours, then the next day or so there may be a second feast."

Vex frowns and draws her eyebrows together in thought. Perhaps she should speak to their North man friend, he might even be from one of the tribes, although he said his was a nomadic tribe. "A feast that lasts more than one day?" She asks to verify.

"Last one I was at mother tucked us in at night fall and breakfast the next morning people were still toasting and some still dancing." Conner answered with a smile. He left out the parts about more marriages happening during the feasts.

"That is... quit the celebration." Vex says carefully knowing Conner was trying to get a rise out of her. "Perhaps we should invite our new friend from the north to come as well, he might be planning to attend anyways.

Conner turned to her, "This is by invite only, sorry if he doesn't have his own then he can't come. The Ravenwood invite was for Mother and Father or family member standing in. Your loophole is that my parents arranged for you to stay near me at all times."

"Do I sense some hostility there master Ravenwood?" Vex asks one brow raised looking at him, she knew perfectly well she would never be invited to such an event on her own. But the tone Conner had used and his face made her want to smile though she kept it off her face.

"Which part? the fact you want to bring along a man you went out with once or that my mother gave orders you follow to the letter?" Conner asked in return. "No, I find it nice that you have something to do that means your life doesn't revolve around me. You deserve to have a life away fro your job."

Vex laughs then and brings her horse alongside his. "He is a North man, he might be going anyways, and yes I take my orders seriously, for someone who wasn't supposed to have a life, I feel it is my duty to serve those that gave me the one I live now." Vex said looking at Conner, she was reminded of just how young eighteen. Really was.

Conner stopped and looked at her, "You know, the kind of orders my mother placed upon you are kind of like the responsibility a parent takes when having a child. And despite that my parents found time to have more children and fight two different wars. Just saying." he said before restarting his horse.

"I don't see them that way. In fact her orders were pretty much the same as if I were guarding Cargo, or guarding the queen." Vex said with a shrug as she continued to ride ahead of him. "You are so fixated on being treated like a child you are acting like one. Why not act like a man for once Conner, and prove to your mother you don't need her protection anymore? From what I heard between rescuing your little sister and then your nephew, Alehial only fears that without companions you'll get in over your head." Vex says shaking her head.

"Then there is the rub that she never thought of. How can I prove that I won't get in over my head if she refuses to let me act alone?" he asked. "If you think about it she is acting just like her mother at one point. My mother fled Sildea to prove she was capable of standing on her own."

"And marriage... you don't seem to be listening, your Mother provided you a companion, for any situation. In case things went bad. Because you didn't have one. Lucas had gotten parental approval, Lyriel too. Mathius found a group and got approval, you sister Elsa they provided a group for her adventure. Lady Alehial acknowledges you can fight, and handle some things on your own. I'm insurance that you won't be alone every time." Vex says trying to explain one more time.

Conner did not say anything else, it wouldn't do him any good. Vex defended her mother saying she was a companion, but refused to act like anything but a bodyguard. They talked in circles and neither seemed to make much headway. He decided to change the subject, "Carrie, does she have any skills that we could get he work? In fact of all the adults do any have knowledge of skills or crafts?"

"Oh they all have helpful skills, but I'm not very close to most of them. Moira and her husband were with Grells father when they took me in. And the children for some reason latchedd on to me much like your families children have." Vex says shrugging her shoulders, Grell was as much of a brother as she would ever have and Moira like the mother she hadn't gotten to have. The rest were all Grells strays.

He nodded, "Then I will speak to them and mull over it all over before suggesting jobs for them."

"You should ask them too, before the healing most people didn't treat them as people. More like Garbage. We've always been treated like that." Vex says with a shake of her head, it had been a long time since she had been part of that group, bit she remembered it well.

Conner wondered something, "Vex why were you with them? If it's too personal just say so." he had wondered once before but never asked.

"..I..." Vex started and stopped thinking for a moment quietly. "I don't think you are ready to learn that... not yet. For now... the fact that im a border child is enough. I don't remember much of my mother and as far as I know my father raped her. I was a slave for a time, and tried to run. Grells father found me, took me in. You know the rest from there." Vex said shortly, she wasn't willing to give him the full tails. "Maybe when we see eye to eye better I'll tell you the rest." Vex says with a sigh.

COnner nodded and left it at that, before long the estate came into view. "I don't plan on doing much else away from the house. If you like you can go see your friend, if you want."

"Thats okay... I... you know... I might then, if you are being honest about staying at the estate." Vex said, perhaps she should lighten up on him now that he was raking his position more seriously, besides having her around all the time might chafe a young man's more personal moments.

"I'm gonna talk to the guests and see what if any jobs they might wish and then pour over a few contracts. So, you should not worry about me leaving." Conner said.

"If you are.certain I will verify with your father, only because they are my employers, and head out for the evening." Vex said nodding her head. "I have to say... You take to this work like a natural." She complimented him then even as she flagged down a runner and gave the person a message to take to Finn's to her North friend that she was possibly free for the evening and paid the man.

"It's my desire to make life better for people, if this is how then so be it." Conner said. In truth he wished he could trade places with his brothers and let one of them do this. But, Vex's praise made him feel a little better about it.

"I feel like this guild you are cooking up will help a great deal of people... but the magic school your Grandmother will be opening is also impressive, it's surprising you don't have more schools or an orphanage or something. " vex laughs softly as they finally reach the Ravenwood estate gates. Vex nods to the guards as they open the gates to let them within.

"I doubt you will find him here, he was going to spend the day with the twins. Go on, I will swear to them that I promised not to leave the estate." he told her. He was also going to start working on what they would need for the trip.

"I still have to change, but I'm glad you are finally showing some real maturity in all this." Vex says urging her horse not towards the huge house but the stables instead.

Conner said nothing else taking his horse into the stables, dismounting and taking care of his horse before leaving the stable for the house. When he got inside he smiled at the guests, "After I get cleaned up I'd like a chance to talk to everyone one at a time about any skills that might benefit your group."

"I will prepare myself and be gone most of the evening then Conner, as soon as I check in with Lord Ravenwood." Vex says watching Conner then out of the corner of her eyes. She too had taken care of her horse and entered the house.

Most of the children had been sent outside to play but the adults were trying to be useful and clean up somewhat after themselves, and some were already doing other things, like mending things or polishing.

Conner looked at Vex, "Who knows when my father will return, I will stick near Grell and Lyriel and any one else who can watch my back. Go and do what you need to and I'll be fine here." He headed for the stairs, he was going to get a change of clothes and then soak for a bit in the baths.

"Very well. Until later then." Vex nods her head and follows him silently up the stairs and then splits off into her room. Where she prepared for her evening. She had no dresses and she honestly wasn't much of a dress wearer, instead she picked a clean pair of pants freshly pressed and one of her nicer tunics, with embroidery along the cuffs and neck. She put her hair in its usual place and then left the house on foot.

It didn't take long for her to reach Finns and the place was already half full. Lyle Tosscobble was already in place at the bar and within the next hour Grell would arrive for his job.

Over the course of the hour Grell wasn't there was a full meal and much talking. Once Grell arrived Vex was tense and so they changed the venue. They instead went on a walk and roamed the city. He eventually walked her home to the Ravenwood gates as well, though the guards refused to let him past and Vex had to apologize about it. A few more kisses and a present pressed into her hands and they parted ways.

Sharixis had barely been out of Vex's sight along the wall before he heard a small voice above him, "Be careful if they find out what you are it's back to the other side for you." Looking up he saw an imp reclining on the wall looking at him steadily.

"Well well well! I didn't think I'd ever see one you around this house!" Sharixis smiles and drops his image of the north man for his real one instead. His purple horns and tail, his very long black hair and darkly tanned skin. Sharixis grinned at the little imp. "Tell me... you surely do not belong to any of the members of the household do you? Just who controls your contract?" Sharixis asks curiously stepping further into the dark shadows.

Xibix moved along so they could talk more unobserved by normal humans. "I's used to servey Lyriels papas until hes killed. Now I justs hangs abouts Lyriels and watch. You?"

"The great Lord Galin holds my contract, and gives me my orders. You just... hang out? Around all those holy women in the house?" Sharixis wonders curiously indeed. This might very well complicate matters for him... not to mention disrupt many plans unless... he could convince this little cousin creature to help with some mischeif.

The imp made a tsk, tsk sound, "Youse not supposed to gives up the secrets. No ones supposed to knows that Galins' is Soths' and SOths' is Galins'. He'ds be surelys mads if he finds out." Xibix watched the succubus with great interest, he had been bored until he befriended little Sirrian Ravenwood.

"I said nothing of the sort little cousin, but you did. I wonder if he even knows you still live? Should I tell him I wonder? Or... i could keep this a secret... if perhaps you'll play along with my games and fun?" Sharixis offers up, he did t know if Lord Galin would kill the imp outright or try to use him but either way, Sharixis knew he was already playing a very dangerous game trying to get to the ravenwoods.

The imp raised a little eyebrow and used Sharixis' voice, "The great Lord Galin holds my contract, and gives me my orders." Then he changed it back, "onesie and onesie equals twosies. I have a nice comfyies place to lays mys heads. ANds I dons wannas loseis it."

"I only said Galin not Soth. I digress! Do you want to have some fun A
With this pretentious bunch?" Sharixis asks raising his own eye brow at the little imps impression of himself. It could do very well to help him if the imp decided to help out. However he knew he could co Vince the imp to not give him away with the right stuff anyways.

"Perhapsie, as longs at its not a few certainise peoples, ones I has relationshipies withs. What is youse plans?" he said eyeing the newcomer.

" I have given Vex a token of my affections... a cursed item really. But I have these candies... that have been bespelled to make whoever eats them forgot everything. I was hoping to get the Lady Ravenwood to eat them... but her husband would work just as well... and that cat mans wife, nothing would distract him more than his wife not knowing who anyone was." Sharixis giggles covering his mouth with his hand politely.

"To whats ends?" the imp asked.

"Why for fun of course! I have my orders so I can't stay and play, or be here during the day either. Too many things to do but... I wanna mess with these Ravenwoods! I would seduce them but... their tastes are a bit stranger and varied than I can tempt." Sharixis says with a shrug and another giggle. "So my cousin, will you help? Or are those the ones we cannot play with?"

Xibix looked somewhat unimpressed at the succubus but sighed, "Okay, I'lls helps youse to sees wheres this goesy. But, I'lls keeps certains ones from goings all stupises." There was some merit in his plan, but it might keep him entertained for a little while.

"I'm sure it will be entertaining for you as well cousin. Especially if Verex is as predictable as I think she is." Sharixis giggles again and then in a blink is gone. Teleported away, a cross town or wherever. The tin of treats sat on the wall before Xibix with the candies.

Xibix managed to get the tins inside the house and left them somewhere to be found by several family members. He wondered about the cursed item and set off to find Vex and see what it would do. Mischief was one thing, outright harming Lyriel's family might be a bad thing and he would have to be careful how much he involved himself in it.

Vex was getting dressed for bed, and brushing out her short hair quickly. The little what looked like a palm sized intricately carved wooden box sat on the night stand. It hadn't been activated yet.

Xibix slipped quietly into her room and found a nice vantage point, a skill he developed and mastered living in this house for so long. He twisted his head watching Vex in softer clothes than she usually wore. For a second his mouth twisted up in a little smile, it would be so easy to charm her like he did Lyriel and Flint and send her after Conner or another single male in the house. Instead he focused on the various items around the room looking for magical auras.

Several glows game from her bag, and a few from her dresser, household type spells and a few combat types. The little wooden carved box however glowed with two hues, one on the outside a sort of dim light, and the inside shone brighter.

Vex finished her nightly routine and stopped at the box and smiled. "Perhaps... we shall have yet another night of dancing Seneca. Perhaps if Conner can ever behave for longer than a day or two anyways." Vex chuckles softly and then climbs into bed. Unaware of the spell that had just activated. She did however check the window twice, under her bed once and then the doors lock twice until she got into the bed. However before laying down she got back up and checked the doors lock once more. She was feeling a little more paranoid tonight then usual but then so far three Ravenwood children had snuck into her room and bed already.

Xibix smiled to himself, he had helped Sirrian sneak into Vex's room in fact there almost wasn't a room he could access in the estate. He did however give the magic weilding members of the family a wide berth. The box was interesting, all he needed to do now was remain invisible and watch to see what the curse was.

Vex slept for a few hours but woke earlier than she usually did. She checked the doors locks again and quickly dressed after closing the drapes to the window, and armed herself before leaving the room. She looked down both hallways and headed for Conner's room to make sure he was still there.

Xibix was in a foul mood, he had stayed up all night to see this cursed item work to no avail. "Meis so gonna stings thats ones when me sees hims next." he cursed but followed along. Little Sirrian was not up yet and Xibix decided when the little boy awoke they'd have some good fun.

This was when Xibix would notice the odd behavior of Vex. As she stopped at everydoor and listened silently before nodding to herself. Upon reaching Conners room she looked around before opening the door just a crack to see inside.

There was a little light bathing the room in soft light from the fireplace, Conner was sleeping. Like most of the sons, the slept in pants, but had shirts and shoes close at hand if they needed them. On one of the dressers was the darkwood violin that he no longer played, a gift from King Gaerth's mother. The last time he played it was her state funeral and then he had put it away, a tribute and reminder of her belief that being a bard was a fine future for the young noble.

Vex watched Conner sleep for a few moments her face thoughtful. She then quietly closed the door and began to check the rest of the doors on the floor. Though the rooms containing dwarves she didnt have to lean so close to know they were inside. After that she headed downstairs and proceeded to check each member of her old group. Finally she made her way into the large dining room.

Xibix was now completely disgusted with the succubus, curses were supposed to do something horrible to someone. All this one seemed to do was make her get up early and check on everyone, where was the obsession or the boils or turning into a mouse? He quickly hurried off to get some sleep then after breakfast he'd catch up to little Sirrian.

Conner had woke at his usual time and got ready for the day, today he would quickly go over the missives and then practice some. Then he might miss court and prepare everything for the trip to the north and then work with Grell's people and get their new living arraingment off the ground. Of course he'd need to get Vex's approval, and he smiled when he walked into the dining room and saw her having breakfast already.

Vex's eyes flicked up to Conner's form in the doorway and she stiffened just a little. She quickly finished her food watching him, "Morning..." She said as she watched him take his seat, she was looking him over like something was different about him.

Conner requested his usual two eggs, bacon, toast and coffee which he had been happy was no longer banned. "Good morning Vex, did you sleep well?" he asked nodding to various brothers and sisters coming down for breakfast. "I plan on going over the missives after breakfast then a little training and after deciding on things for our trip I was going to work on Grell's new living space. God, knows they must be bored living with our chaos." he said with a slight smile and nod to Moira and her husband.

"I suppose... I'll just keep an eye on you today then." Vex said, however each person that entered she gave a nod of her head too and a careful look over. She stood them to give her seat to Moira and Geoff, she was so glad the dwarf priestess could heal everyone.

"Only one unscheduled stop. To my brother Darryl's house and then Grell is going to meet us at their new home to begin planning." His plate came out and Conner began to eat but spoke at length with Moira and Geoff. He wanted to run a couple plans past them before suggesting them to Grell, in truth he wanted all of them to be relatively happy in their new home.

Vex stands off to the side and just watches over everyone eating breakfast, especially Conner. She followed the conversation between them where Moira explained everyone's talents and what would be most useful in a housing situation for them all.

Conner smiled broadly a the two of them, "Wonderful, with all this new information I'm sure everyone will be very happy." He got up and handed his dirty dishes to a maid and then exited the dining room. Lyriel and some of the others weren't up yet and that was strange, Lucas and Tani should have eaten and left for the temple by now.

Vex was following Conner, she too thought it odd not everyone had come down for breakfast just yet but she had other worries on her mind at the moment.

As they reached the top of the stairs they heard Lucas cry out in alarm from his and Tani's room. "Great less than eight hours after our meeting about the safety of the house" Conner muttered and hurried to his brother's room and opened the door.

Vex had her blade drawn and shoved Conner to the side and out of the doorway, it was her job to protect him still and whatever was in the room was dangerous if the Paladin was afraid. However when the room was looked into all she saw was Lucas against the wall and the broken window.

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