Page name: Are Dragons Warm or cold Blooded? [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-12-18 11:49:54
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<img:> Are Dragons Warm or cold Blooded? <img:>


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181) Are dragons warm-blooded or cold-blooded? (Administrator: [Shreya])

Number of voters: 59
* a) Warm
Number of votes: 16 (27%) Voters: [Penguinlord], [Yncke], [CelticDragon], [the anonymus], [carolinebradley], [nunt], [Atje], [Nienna Saralonde], [Shadewind], [zeldazebra], [zeale], [Dereckson], [pyrohottie], [Draymond], [Hedda], [Calays]

* b) Cold
Number of votes: 9 (15%) Voters: [psychoflea], [Phlea], [Prettyinpink2], [Bananana], [Erata], [The Latest Guy], [Glitter Is A Drug!0_o], [Middnight0star], [DragonChaser]

* c) Other / Depends / Half & Half
Number of votes: 34 (58%) Voters: [BlackDragon], [Angel Dreamer], [Shreya], [ArchangelGabriel], [IChester], [Angelic Fruitcake], [Ukia], [a clockwork orange], [SANSA], [Silver Storm], [bluewolfgirl], [Living to please Elizabeth], [J'roin], [greyhart], [GriffinDWolf], [Shadowsoul], [Pinkdonkey], [SpiralDragon], [AnubisX32], [werewolf grrrrl], [Lady of Lore], [Disko-tecka], [~The~Souless~], [innolongerhere], [The Monochrome Rainbow], [moonscale], [*~`Lady of Avalon`~*], [thebloodyrose], [xido], [lonelywolf], [ForeverNothing], [Aura Darklight], [dragon_tooth], [Tizza]

Warm Argument
[carolinebradley]: Dragons are creatures of mythology so they can be what ever you want them to be... although in my imagination they are warmblooded as they can produce fire and only warm blooded creatures can produce their own energy and heat with out having to sit in the sun all day :)
[Ukia]: Arceologists (sp) have discovered that dinosaurs had many blood veins running through their bones to keep them warm. This points to the fact that they were warm-blooded, because only warm-blooded creatures have large amounts of blood veins flowing through their bones. Cood-blooded creatures have very few blood veins running through their bones.

Cold Argument
[psychoflea]: They are lizards! BIG LIZARDS! *Cold blooded*

Other Argument
[ArchangelGabriel]: Dragons are cold-blooded like all reptiles. But due to volumeous amounts of flesh and so on they are quit able to keep them selves warm. In conclusion i would like to clasify them as *Semi-Cold-Blooded*. This is because they do not activly try to keep themselves warm through metabalism ETC.


.: Dracology :: Dragon Handbook :: Dragon Biology :.

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2005-04-22 [Shadewind]: Dragons aren't reptiles, they are closer related to birds like dinosaurs are. They are actually a warm blooded creature. Even ice dragons.

2005-04-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: There are no ice dragons. Ice dragons are an invention of writers. There are no stories about ice dragons from before the creation of high fantasy writing....

2005-12-13 [moonscale]: They may be mythological but that does not deny their existence. I think it depends on the species and habitat. In the polar regions they are most certainly warm blooded, in the tropics maybe not. And why shouldn´t there be ice dragons? Just because humans discovered them later, like the laws of motion, or gravity, or electricity, does not mean ice dragons dont exist. Also, Flying dragons cant have so much fat. Imagine a brontosaurus trying to lift off! Dragons (that fly) need to be relatively light.

2006-01-20 [Dereckson]: Dragons are very active creatures. How can you imagine a quick-tempered cold blooded creature ? So there are warm blooded, with no doubt.

2006-01-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: But have you ever seen a snke? Their fast little cold blooded demons they are.

2006-01-27 [BlackDragon]: Cold blooded creatures gain energy from the sun or any other heat sources. A dragon that lives in a warm climate could possible be cold blooded. And maybe even survive a cold winter at the same way the snakes do.

2006-06-24 [Draymond]: I firmly retain the thought that dragons are homioexothermic organisms. (Warm blooded). Dragons 'usually' make their abodes in caves. If this were the case, they could not really receive the solar energy needed to keep them warm if they were indeed cold blooded. Dragons are more of a separate species than what they are closely related to (reptiles). It is a possiblity that dragons appear more raptillian or snakelike becuase their mythology began with snakes and other reptiles. Also, most dragons live in northern areas of Europe, and high elevation areas around China and Mangolia. These areas would have a lower average temperature per year and receive less direct solar energy. 

2006-06-24 [Draymond]: To finish off, dragons in these areas (which seem highly populated with them) would be unlikely places for cold blooded organisms wishing to maintain their body temperatures through the meager heat and solar energy. (As stated above) In addition, I've never heard of two members of the same species having totally different metabollic processes, (warm blooded or cold). NEVER

2006-07-06 [BlackDragon]: Sounds good. Now we just need to find a draggie and prove it.. =)

2006-07-06 [Draymond]: Draggie? What are they? Drag queens? I don't think so. But until then we can only spectulate...

2006-07-07 [BlackDragon]: Dragon, hehe..

2006-07-07 [Draymond]: Reminds me of a picture of a dragon that was a bad joke really. (seriously...titled "puff the magic drag queen")...Totally demeaning to dragons

2006-07-08 [BlackDragon]: hehehe.. and what you just said makes me think of a picture I saw on the internet. It was a huge green dragon who was standing right beneath a cliff. In one hand it was holding a doll of itself and in the other a thingy you kill flies with. Soldiers were running towards the dragon doll with their swords drawn. Wish I could show it to you.. =/

2006-07-09 [Draymond]: *has pity for fellow green dragon kin*...sounds interesting.

2006-07-09 [BlackDragon]: Mm.. *smiles* =)

2008-04-24 [Aura Darklight]: i believe that it depends on the type of dragonand how they interact with their environment on wether they are cold blood or hot or wether its both. though if you want my opion dragons are not like most creatures on earth and there are so many types of dragon that it therefore really makes this poll stupid. now do not miss understand me the pollitself isnot stupid. its just that there are so many types of dragons that no one can really be sure wether a dragon is cold or warm blooded. i guess that its just how you chose to look at it so i really can not say that one is right or wrong

2008-04-24 [Draymond]: *eyebrow* Well now, if we actually had a draggie to stick a thermometer into, that would solve all the wordly issues on it wouldn't it? XD Though, many things could describe what a dragon's thermal equilibrium is. Labeling them as reptiles, however, seems a bit "inside the box" as they're quite a bit more complex than your caged gecko. However, cold blooded seems more advantageous in water settings, while warm blooded makes better sense for flying and chasing down prey (added stanima). Then again, tuna and swordfish are warmblooded, as well as some species of sharks. 

Would somebody count the mitochondria in a dragon cell?? That'd be helpful!! LoL

Some say they consume plenty, others say they consume sparingly...sparingly would play on the side of cold blooded while pleny would of course be the remaining option, warm blooded. BUT we know not of their eating does seem reasonable that they'd need stanima to catch warm blooded prey, and their wings would provide enough surface area to dissipate excess heat.

Warm blooded seems more advantageous for a beast primarily designed for hunting.

Any takers for a counter arguement?

2008-05-09 [BlackDragon]: Draygun, that sounds quite good.. warm blooded like that would mean they're capable of living in cold, icy areas as well.. right?

2008-05-11 [Draymond]: Mmm, yes. Dragons in icy environments may evolve to grow insulating fur possibly, or perhaps have insulating scales. Basically dragons can be whatever we want them to be, the argument is to which is more efficient given their lifestyle.

2008-05-11 [BlackDragon]: Yes.. that's true. That's what I love so much about dragons <3

2008-06-02 [Aura Darklight]: i agree

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