Page name: Argo: FAQs [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-05-22 08:09:58
Last author: CuteCommander
Owner: CuteCommander
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Aboard The Argo


Whenever a question regarding the game is asked of me, I'll add it here with an answer so that you can all gain some clarity. This is a universe conceived entirely from my imagination, and while I'll have all the answers, I might not realise there are questions! If you have a question, feel free to add it to the bottom of the list and I'll answer it as quickly as possible. - [CuteCommander]

Q: What is the purpose of the game?
A: The purpose of the RP is mostly to see where players go with it. There is a main plot that I have in mind, but I'm willing to change that if the story goes that way. I think with it being a sci-fi RP it gives players a lot of scope regarding experimentation, so other than it being fun I'd like it to be a place for players to develop their writing.

Q: Will the characters get to make their own planned side-plots?
A: Side-plots are encouraged, as there'll be numerous relationships going on, and each character might have their own machinations planned for the journey to Tau Ceti F.

Q: Is the ageing problem solved in this future?
A: Ageing still occurs, though generally the lifespan of humans has increased - you're looking at about a 400 year average lifespan. However, developmentally humans haven't changed much - puberty hits around the 12/13 year old stage and ends between the ages of 18-20. A human's middle years end up lasting from about 30 - 250 years, while old age is a slow process from 250 - 400 years.

Q: Are there biological replacements for human parts e.g. a kidney or finger or something grown from the person's own stem cells or some other biological material that doesn't cause rejection? Can these be decidely inhuman? Like tentacles instead of arms, or a tail added?
A: Organic components can be built to replace dying or lost parts of the body, but non-human components would be cybernetic by nature (though these could look and feel very real) due to them requiring cybernetic rewiring added to the brain.

Q: People can have nifty cybernetic implants, but can they also have similar kind of equipment as external aids?
A: While people can have advanced external aids, many have taken to simply sorting out their bodies to meet the needs required. Some exoskeletons and goggles are designed to meet the needs of people who still aren't augmented, and these types of equipment can be found aboard The Argo.

Q: How will disagreements (possibly even fights) between players (not characters) be handled?
A: This depends on the disagreements. If people play to the rules then we shouldn't have any issues. However, players who have gone out of their way to start a disagreement may face sanctions - game bans, character deletions, or short suspensions. In the end, we don't want this to happen. Any problems or worries, always contact [CuteCommander] first.

Q: If some actions in the game contradict each other, how will they be solved?
A: If a post is placed by a player that contradicts another then the player will be notified in the comments to fix it, along with why. This might be a case of actions contradicting the plot, or perhaps a character's actions not reflecting their personality. Either way, we're here to help you along.

Q: If a scientist-role character has augmentations that work as sensors in the skin, is it more typical for the results to be shown in the eyes, connected to the brain directly, show on some sort of "skin grid", or perhaps some sort of implanted or connected screen? (There's probably a better way to phrase that...)
A: This is entirely up to the player when creating the character - is the information their gathering for only their benefit? Does it want to be more like a spidey-sense type of sensing? The possibilities are there to be explored.

Q: How effective is healing? Will people be incapacitated for some time after surgeries and will wounds leave scars or are those easy to fix?
A: This will all depend on the wounds. Due to the technological advancement of the age, I'd say people could lose an arm and be up and about after only a few minutes. If anybody ever has a question regarding what they need to do in a medical situation, feel free to ask [CuteCommander] and he'll tell you!

Q: How many characters are the players allowed and recommended to create and control?
A: For players who I know can roleplay well, I'm willing for them to have more than one character - after all, it is a ship with capacity for 75 members! It's really down to what you think you can handle, and whether the characters are any good.

Q: People with cybernetic limbs aren't probably expected to wear the jumpsuit over those body parts, right? Since the suit might hinder their function but offers no use to be worn over the cybernetics.
A: This is a good point. I would say that if a character has decided to mod their jumpsuit to reveal some cybernetic augs, then that's fine - some people might not. If a character wants to leave an augmented body part free from their jumpsuit, I recommend noting this in their character profile.

Q: Have 3D-printers advanced to Star Trek's replicator level or are they not quite that good yet? That is, can people create just about any kind of item in the Argo, provided that they don't run out of material (which probably means creating stuff is very regulated)?
A: Damned good question. I think that pretty much anything could be replicated, and that, yes, resources would then be limited. I think that separate components of items would need to be built separately and then later assembled.

Q: What units do they use on the ship? I have a feeling they wouldn't use the imperial system, but some players might think that would be simpler (though of course I wouldn't, cough).
A: For measurements of weight, length, and volume they would use the metric system - more scientifically recognised. For temperature they'd use centigrade/celsius and time is measured in Earth time.

Q: Can the people on board contact Earth or vice versa?
A: Yes, though it wouldn't be instant messaging - messages either text or video can be recorded and sent back and forth to Earth - at their current distance, you'd be looking at about 2 years for messages to make their way between the ship and Earth, since they're 2 light years from the planet.



* Aboard The Argo * Argo Characters * Argo Rules * Argo Background Info *

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2013-05-18 [CuteCommander]: All good questions, most of them completely taking me by surprise!

2013-05-22 [Lord Josmar]: I don't know metric. So I may be asking for conversions in comments...or just guessing how much distance that is.

2013-05-22 [ancienteye]: Metric is actually easier. It's always divisible by tens.

2013-05-22 [Veltzeh]: Google can convert it pretty easily, you just write in the search field something like 10 km in miles. One thing it doesn't do well is when there's feet and inches (it wants just feet or just inches).

And it's possible that each of us uses the units that are comfortable and we just assume that the characters are doing metric. X)

2013-05-22 [CuteCommander]: I'd recommend going with [Veltzeh]'s idea. I said my characters height in feet and inches, but in the ship's systems it'd be logged in centimetres.

2013-05-22 [Lord Josmar]: Ok. I forgot about google (God only knows how).

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