Page name: Arianova [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-08-03 13:57:31
Last author: Lady_Elowyn
Owner: Lady_Elowyn
# of watchers: 7
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Welcome to the continent of Arianova. This beautiful land is renowned for its universal musical talent and eternal peace- it's a place for weary travelers to find rest. Never once has war stirred in the lush country. Its many races have always lived as allies. They had no enemies. Until now.

War is brewing, for the first time in seven millenia. There is a group of rebels known as The Kerrigons, small in number but nonetheless dangerous, who believe eternal peace is unnatural and must be destroyed. They are completely convinced they must wreak havoc upon the small haven, overthrowing its balance and destroying the only safe place left in the world. They believe war is a nessecary part of life, and are intent upon bringing it about. And they know that once a war is started, the continent will be helpless, falling into a state of ruin. For the world of Arianova has known nothing but peace for so long. If they met war, they would be incapable of protecting them selves. The entire population would be slaughtered by these rebels.

Thus another group, even smaller in number, is secretly rising to protect their homeland. The Sabrellans, as they call themselves, have known nothing but peace for their lives, as is the case with all citizens. But they have found out about the Kerrigons, and plan to stop them. If that means they must go to war, they are willing, and they will be ready. They train themselves in the art of weaponry and battle magic. They gather as many as they can to add to their numbers, despite the fact that nearly everyone refuses to believe war is a possibility. It is this group that will lead in the War.

Which side are you on?

Arianova Rules Go here before anywhere else!
Arianova character page
Arianova History

We are currently on Arianova rp 1

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2006-06-28 [Synirria]: Could you please tell me when you leave the inn?

2006-06-28 [Lady_Elowyn]: We actually already left. Now we are in the main camp. If you'd like, I could have a scout inform Lerayel that some one is watching them.

2006-06-28 [Synirria]: Hmmm sure I guess that will do

2006-06-28 [Lady_Elowyn]: Done

2006-06-28 [Synirria]: If I could make a suggestion. As the page gets bigger you may want to place the posts in a different wiki. Take a look at Belatonas rp and see what I mean. Its at the very top.

2006-06-28 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yes, I know, and I did indeed plan to do so. If we rped in the same page forever, I think it would likely explode.

2006-06-30 [Ayame the Snake]: i wanna rp...*sniff sniff.* but noone is one...*cries*

2006-06-30 [Lady_Elowyn]: I'm on. I'm bored too.....

2006-07-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: Hello everyone. I am leaving for a week! I will be back Saturday. Powerplay my character if nessecary... which it probably will be....

2006-07-08 [Akayume]: O.O

2006-12-29 [Emporer Sensi]: Hmmmm. Not a bad place, really. Hello Lady Elowyn.

2006-12-29 [Lady_Elowyn]: Hello Emporer Sensi. Nice to see you... again... glad you like it.

2006-12-30 [Emporer Sensi]: *Nods* So what's the condition of the Story Line?

2006-12-31 [Lady_Elowyn]: What do you mean?

2006-12-31 [Emporer Sensi]: Is it steady moving, and progressive? Or is it a standstill, like Rhydin?

2006-12-31 [Lady_Elowyn]: oh it's still moving. Granted, no one has posted for a little while... but that can quickly be remedied.

2007-01-01 [Emporer Sensi]: Oh yea?
How about I do the honours?

2007-01-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: Sounds good to me

2007-01-02 [Emporer Sensi]: Point me in the proper direction

2007-01-02 [Lady_Elowyn]: Well... technically you are supposed to fill out the character sheet and message it to me...

2007-01-03 [Emporer Sensi]: I should be immune to such polocies.

2007-01-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: ... Maybe... but if I allow you to be immune, then other people would want to, and then the rule would be pointless. I'm sorry but I have to insist. It shouldn't be that hard, should it?

2007-01-04 [Emporer Sensi]: ................I'm insulted...but I applaud your....sterness, love. I shall do what is needed, in due time.

2007-01-05 [Lady_Elowyn]: Thanks. Seriously, don't take it as an insult, it has nothing to do with you and everything to dowith my attempt to keep things fair.

2007-02-11 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Seems intresting. I think I may join in the future.

2007-02-11 [Emporer Sensi]: Yea, but if you do, then I do, and then YOU become second best.

2007-02-11 [Demetrius Duvalt]: ...So that would make you third best since first best is the author of the rp?

2007-02-11 [Emporer Sensi]: That made no sense.

2007-02-11 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Only to someone insane like me lol

2007-02-14 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yeah really... *agrees with Deme* I'M first best, 'cause I made it. Then... apparently Sensi, cause he offered to join first? Then Deme... So yeah. Apparently I'm as insane as you because I understood that perfectly.

2007-02-14 [Demetrius Duvalt]: See Sen its not so hard to understand lol...unless were all going crazy...Don't judge me...

2007-02-14 [Emporer Sensi]: Demetrius: ...So that would make you third best

See, it dosen't make sense at all.

2007-02-14 [Demetrius Duvalt]: I guess your right, so I guess I get the gold lol...sorry had some cupcakes

2007-02-16 [Demetrius Duvalt]: ...wait a second *rereads comments* you already said I;m second best...

2007-02-16 [Emporer Sensi]: God I'm lost....

2007-02-16 [Demetrius Duvalt]: I'm sorry...I'll stop now.

2007-04-25 [Lady_Elowyn]: Poor wiki page. Wiki page is dead. We should mourn for wiki page. Even better... WE NEED TO BRING THIS PLACE BACK TO LIFE!!!!

2007-04-25 [Artsy]: oh yeah... THIS is the wiki i wasn't thinking about rping in yesterday.... i just forgot the name and got caught up in others and forgot which one i remembered ^^''

2007-04-25 [Lady_Elowyn]: Lol that's so totally happened to me before... anyway I think you were the last one to post... buuut off I go to skip ahead.

2007-05-09 [Emporer Sensi]: Yea...*pokes wiki* dead as a doornail.

2007-05-09 [Artsy]: is not! it started again!

2008-05-11 [Lady_Elowyn]: Oh look, it died. Again. =|

I really liked this... and I would love to bring it back. But I don't think we'll be able to pick up where we left off. What do you guys think of starting it over?

2008-05-11 [Artsy]: i'm ok with that, isn't this the rp where I first killed off a chary? *looks around* if it is, i loved this place, a lot of learning about rping took place here...

2008-05-11 [Akayume]: *nods* Starting over is a decent idea.

2008-05-12 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yep, you killed off... I don't remember his name, but I remember being upset, even if he was a bad guy. So that's two votes for starting over?

2008-05-12 [Akayume]: *nods excitedly* Ahuh!

2008-05-18 [~Valkyrie~]: I'd love for it to start over! :)
But Elowyn already knows that. :p

2008-05-19 [Lady_Elowyn]: Ok, we'll just say that's a majority. Now, we have two options:

1) I can start it over now, but in about a month I'll be separated from the computer for four weeks and won't be able to do anything... in which case I'll hand control to some one I trust


2) we wait till I get back from those four weeks and I restart it then. What do you all think?

2008-05-19 [Artsy]: I say wait. I really hate for an rp to go anywhere without the people able to post, and knowing we can post but having to wait for you could cause people to lose interest in the rp... I say wait.

2008-05-19 [Akayume]: I agree. We can wait, and perhaps, like... brainstorm ideas til then?

2008-05-19 [Lady_Elowyn]: Awesome. I was hoping you would say that. Brainstorming ideas is good. Looking at the plot... it's acceptable, but it was the first one I came up with. Do you think it could be improved at all?

2008-05-19 [Akayume]: I think we could make it more... detailed?
I love the original, don't get me wrong, but I do love the good, juicy details. (:
And this is also a good chance for us players to perfect our characters (I love mine, but I wanna improve, ya know?)

2008-05-21 [~Valkyrie~]: I have a character I've been writing about for over a year now, I'm just dieing to try her here :)
But I would have to agree to wait.

2008-05-27 [Artsy]: Wait.. do i have to kill Alec again?

2008-05-27 [Akayume]: Pwease no.

2008-05-27 [Artsy]: it was the saddest moment i've ever had in an rp... i hope he makes it through this time

2008-05-27 [Akayume]: *nods*
And I hope if one of my girls gets pregnant her sister won't come and eat the baby's face. o.O

2008-05-28 [Lady_Elowyn]: yeah, both those events were incredibly depressing. Wasn't it one of my characters who killed Alec> >.>

I think we will need deaths to make it more realistic... but no, you needn't kill Alec off.

2008-05-28 [Artsy]: not that i mind, it was like destiny when it came around... but it was so sad *sniffles at the memory*

2008-05-28 [Akayume]: I can't think of this any longer. DX Is too sad. ;__;

2008-07-23 [~Valkyrie~]: Lady_Elowyn is back...does that mean that this RP will start up again soon? ...Sorry Lady, I know, I'm impatient and eager. :D

2008-07-23 [Lady_Elowyn]: LOL yes, it should be re-starting fairly soon. Probably not for the next two weeks (sorry) because I have a ton of summer homework to do and then I'm going to another camp, but after that, definitely.

2008-07-24 [~Valkyrie~]: Ok, cool :D

2008-07-27 [Akayume]: Nice! :D

2008-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: Ok, so I'm back for the rest of the summer and it's time to re-start! I'll be doing a bunch of archiving and whatnot and sending a PM out to all former members inviting them back. We should be up and running by the end of the week.

2008-08-03 [~Valkyrie~]: Awesome! :D

2008-08-04 [The Blood Angel]: Definatly going to join again, just that I'll right a sheet later.

2008-08-22 [Talos Cyrion]: So when is this going to start?

2008-08-23 [Artsy]: When Lady gets her butt in gear I guess...

2008-08-23 [Talos Cyrion]: I that case we may be here for a long time :p

2008-08-27 [Lady_Elowyn]: ...Well I just fail.

I'm really sorry, guys. The last few days have been insanely busy, with getting ready for school and whatnot. The result being my total absense from here. Buuut I'm back now and determined to do better. So that means I'm off to get it started!

2008-08-27 [Lady_Elowyn]: Aaaaand the RP is officially OPEN!

2008-08-27 [Talos Cyrion]:, where to begin?

2008-08-28 [Lady_Elowyn]: .... on the RP page, which there is a link to up there. *points*

Oooor because I'm nice, right here: arianova rp 1

2008-08-28 [~Valkyrie~]: YAAAY!!! :D

2008-09-05 [Artsy]: I forget. Who's the leader of the Kerrigons?

2008-09-05 [Talos Cyrion]: I believe his name is Matthew (?) if not then look at the character page.

2008-09-05 [Lady_Elowyn]: there isn't one right now, I don't think. The Kerrigon leader was played by some one who isn't here any more.

2008-09-06 [Talos Cyrion]: so what do you mean by battle magic???....that's new...or i haven't been paying attention (which...unfortunately at the moment is very possible...give me a break though i'm going through a tone right now...and im really starting to learn the meaning of the words "bitter sweet" and "double edged sword") Magic as in firearms...or mind control and lightning bolts?...

2008-09-06 [Artsy]: Uh.. what are you talking about Zaharaiel?

2008-09-06 [Talos Cyrion]: "They train themselves in weaponry and battle magic" Third paragraph 5th sentance...that's what i mean...and am curious to know what it Lady_Elowyn means by that

2008-09-06 [Artsy]: I think it just means like.. magic that does damage. Not like... telepathy, or transportation, or healing...

2008-09-06 [Talos Cyrion]: ook...still psychic, dark, chaotic, necromatic, or...what???? -_-...that one sentance leaves alot to be deisred

2008-09-06 [Artsy]: Must you people always think into this? Does it HAVE to be so specific, so confined? No. All of that is included as long as it does damage, ok?

2008-09-06 [Talos Cyrion]: you know what, honestly just back off....really im not at all in the mood for your bantering, nor was the question even meant for you....and no im not thinking to much into it at's completly legitimate, honestly Living Armour i don't know what problem you have with me, all that i ask is that you keep it to yourself because it is quite tiring.

2008-09-06 [kay-chan]: My thoughts on the matter (feel free to ignore me) is that the vagueness is both there so that the basic background to the story isn't overloaded with detail, and to preserve the possibility of future variety in the types of magic specialization.

2008-09-06 [Talos Cyrion]: that works

2010-01-17 [~Valkyrie~]: Elowyn, are you planning on getting this going again? I can help if you want, just message me.

2010-01-19 [Lady_Elowyn]: I'm hoping to at some point. Is anyone else interested in continuing it? I want to make sure we'll have people to be active if I jump-start it again.

2010-01-19 [Talos Cyrion]: yeah that'd be cool, i'd use a different character though if that's alright

2010-01-19 [Artsy]: oo! oo! mememememememememememememe!!!!!!!!! Though... I feel bad, killing my chary again and again >.>

2010-01-19 [~Valkyrie~]: I'd really like to continue from where we were, just my two-bits worth.

2010-01-19 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yay! Interest!

Alright, I say we start it up again! We have one vote for picking up where we left off... what say the rest of ye? Re-start or just continue?

2010-01-19 [Talos Cyrion]: well i was hoping to use an entirely new character so i'd be nice to start from the beggining

2010-01-19 [Artsy]: Well I'm all for helping so... I vote to re-start.

2010-01-19 [~Valkyrie~]: Either way is ok with me, that's just my preference.

2010-01-23 [Akayume]: Is this the third time? o.o

2010-01-23 [Lady_Elowyn]: Something like that, yeah... *fails at keeping these things going*

2010-01-23 [Talos Cyrion]: lol

2010-01-24 [~Valkyrie~]: I have some ideas that should help it to keep going, I'll PM you quick.

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