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Babies as we see them [Logged in view]
2006-09-28 18:43:39
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Banner created by [
moira hawthorne]

A contest of
The Art Store run by the [
Lady of Lore]
Closed and Winners Announced!
Everyone loves babies, from those cute pudgy toes to the happy little gurgles babies have been object of adoration since forever and now a contest to honor them but with a twist.

Whatever you draw must be a baby.
The baby cannot be normal average human, you must be creative with it and make them something different, ex Dragon baby, mixed breed baby, monster baby, etc.

All meduims allowed, photomanipulat
ions as well but please make them vert artistic and creative.
All work must be your own, collaberations is allowed but all parties must be credited.
Follow the Uploading Art rules.
The image must be uploaded to elftown!
Thumbnail your art, if you don't know how then say so and we'll gladly show you how.
Be creative with this. There will be several catagories for the winners but I'm not saying what they are so you'll have to wait and see.
You may have three entries (depending on how many people enter I may change this)
The deadline is August 1st 2006 I know it's not much time so get cracking!

Format for submitting;
Member Name: [Lady of Lore]
Work Title: Mama and Jr.
Medium Used:pencil, pen, and markers

Member Name: [Elwyne]
Work Title: Drakifelian Royal Ladies
Medium Used: Gel ink pen, markers, and color pencils

Member Name: [Elwyne]
Work Title: Infant Princess of Drakifel
Medium Used: Gel ink pen, markers, and color pencils

Member Name: [CelticDragon]
Work Title: Hatchling
Medium Used: Pencil, then inked.

Member Name: [dayah]
Work title: " baby hungry, feed me"
Medium: computer program Draw plus

Member Name: [Jitter]
Work title: "Look what I found!"
Medium: Photoshop6.0, Mouse. Done in 2004

Member Name: [Jitter]
Work title: "This is too big!"
Medium: Photoshop6.0, Mouse. Done in 2004

I will maybe change them later
Member Name: [moira hawthorne]
Work title: 'Dumoas and Chath' ...cute baby driders!
Medium: Photoshop 7 and pencil

Member Name: [moira hawthorne]
Work title: 'Newborn' ...centaur!
Medium: Photoshop 7 and pencil

Member name: [Cia_mar]
Work title: "the babysitter"-they definitely have a unique perspective on e "how we see babies"
Medium: pencil

Member name: [Dr.Mandarian]
Work title: 'little dragon human baby' ( I call him Yûmo )
Medium: graphite pencil work

Member name: [Thistlewood]
Work title: "taking a catnap"
Medium: prisma color pencils

Member Name: [Cia_mar]
Title: "Changling child with fairie"
Medium:background was watercolors, the people are done with GIMP!

Member name: [Li-Ga]
Title:"Newborn Baby Dragon (with his gentle mammy)" © G.L.
Medium: watersoluble pencils

Member Name: [Czestawa]
Title: "New born Kitten"
Medium: Colored pencils.

Member Name: [Jitter]
Title: "Little Mermaid"(girl)
Medium: Colored pencils, watercolour, oil pastels, indian ink, markers

Member Name: [Doomedraptor]
Title: "Demons"
Medium: Watercolor and Pen and Ink

Members Name: [WestFactor] & [Mom]
Medium: tablet photoshop

Members Name: [evil beavle]
Title: "the meeting of a little Catoblepas"
Medium: Metallic coloured pencils, coloured pencils & Charcoal pencils, Paint. Blood, sweat & tears.

Members Name: [evil beavle]
Title: "the meeting of a little Catoblepas at night"
Medium: Metallic coloured pencils, coloured pencils & Charcoal pencils, Paint. Blood, sweat & tears.

Members name: [Cia_mar]
Title: "its a baby, one eyed one horned flying purple people eater"

The lovely baby gifs were made by [dayah]
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