Since I haven't uploaded a picture in a while. :P
I'm pleased with the colors on this one. If this particular harpy attacked me, I don't think the experience would be entirely unpleasant ... lol.

MaSheena's Workshop
The audience is listening...
I'm not very active on Elftown these days. Anyone looking to stay in touch with me and/or see my artwork should visit the links above this. :)
There was a time when Elftown was a lot of fun. But you learn that friendships on here don't last (with very few exceptions).
WestFactor Groupie Page - ([
Chaos Sun] made this for me!)
Anthro Lovers
Adnama Fans - Hoohah! >] (I'm so mad at you for leaving! *HUG* )
-- Goodies for WestFactor --

Thank you, [

Mom] gave me this, but I think she's the special one!
Tribute Section (ongoing)

prisoner#81378] - My first and main tribute, Prisoner is an awesome artist, twisted mind, and funny (closet) dyke (lol), but above all else is the fact that she has ALWAYS been there when others couldn't care less. So here is my little tribute to you, Pris, for still being there after all this time. =D
Bad Investments (this should be fun)
--Contest Stuff--
Current Art Contests:
Contest history (Trophy Case) :
(I removed the entries because of the image cap on pages and I always displayed the victory badge with the contest I won. Pssh...
Elftownworldmap missing.