# of watchers: 5
Fans: 0
| D20: 5 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Number of voters: 43
a) 1.Drakifelian Royal Ladies
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
b) 2. Infant Princess of Drakifel
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
c) 3.Hatchling
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
d) 4." baby hungry, feed me"
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
f) 5."Look what I found!"
Number of votes: 1 (2%) Voters: [Cia_mar]
g) 6. "This is too big!"
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [VeraAda], [iippo]
h) 7.'Dumoas and Chath'
Number of votes: 4 (9%) Voters: [Thistlewood], [dragonslammer], [Dragn], [geirrekr]
i) 8."'Newborn' ...centaur"
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
j) 9. "the babysitter"-th
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [Jitter], [nokaredes]
k) 10.'little dragon human baby' ( I call him Yƻmo
Number of votes: 16 (37%) Voters: [moira hawthorne], [ZOMBIE x ZOMBIE], [toycar], [drummer 101], [deeterhi], [Chrysilla], [Asrun], [The Scarlet Pumpernickle], [Charybdis], [Vampire Akis], [Sunrose], [CherryBlonde], [Katie Staines], [Plunderbunny], [Elwyne], [It Was a Pleasure to Burn]
l) 11."taking a catnap"
Number of votes: 6 (14%) Voters: [shotokan_gal], [Lothuriel], [Chaos Sun], [shirono], [SATAN229], [elwing]
m) 12."Changling child with fairie"
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [merihevonen], [BlackDragon]
n) 13."Newborn Baby Dragon (with his gentle mammy)"
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
o) 14."New born Kitten"
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
p) 15."Little Mermaid"
Number of votes: 1 (2%) Voters: [dayah]
q) 16."Demons"
Number of votes: 4 (9%) Voters: [CelticDragon], [Doomedraptor], [beautiful _ darkness], [evil beavle]
r) 17.
Number of votes: 3 (7%) Voters: [Dr.Mandarian], [Kyrinn], [Yuriona]
s) 18."the meeting of a little Catoblepas"
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
t) 19."the meeting of a little Catoblepas at night"
Number of votes: 1 (2%) Voters: [Tingis]
u) 20."its a baby, one eyed one horned flying people people eater"
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
Number of votes: 1 (2%) Voters: [nunt]
2006-08-03 [Jitter]: Thank you cia ^_^
2006-08-04 [Dr.Mandarian]: Most un-cuddly... Would that rather be an honouring - or rather something bad? * is unsure *
2006-08-04 [Lady of Lore]: un cuddly would be the baby you don't want to snuggle with, you can still love just not want to have clinging on you all the time ^_^ It's an honouring of an originality that they decided not to stick entirely to the conventional baby ^_^
2006-08-04 [Dr.Mandarian]: * dragon baby makes pleased squeaking noise, suddenly feeling loved, still *
2006-08-04 [Dr.Mandarian]: Oh, and what is actually wrong with choice q) by the way? There is a link, but still no picture - at least on my screen! * wrinkles forehead *
2006-08-04 [Lady of Lore]: Oh! Thanks for pointing that out! ^_^ Fixed it
2006-08-07 [iippo]: I don't see an image in d ("Baby hungry, feed me") o.O
2006-08-07 [Lady of Lore]: odd i just noticed that.....fixin
2006-08-07 [Lady of Lore]: there we go, verry sorry about that Daya!
2006-08-08 [Lerune]: Hmm...too many to choose from, impossible to choose only one, so I can't vote. =o(
2006-09-05 [Lady of Lore]: Voting for this poll will close on Wednsday Sept 6th
2006-09-18 [Cia_mar]: is it closed now? if so the status needs to be changed at art contests
2006-09-19 [Lady of Lore]: hmmm yes it needs to be closed, I'll get to it soon...I've been really sick these past few days though...infec
2006-09-19 [Lady of Lore]: I hope so too soon...I woke up today and am worse off, been throwing up....hopefull
2006-09-19 [moira hawthorne]: vomitying isnt good... do go see a docter!
2006-09-19 [Lady of Lore]: I will, i'm waiting for my sweetheart to get here to take me (i don't have a car but he does), thanks
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