Page name: BotO Adela's Apartment Chapter Three [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2016-12-20 23:06:41
Last author: ~Valkyrie~
Owner: ~Valkyrie~
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Adela's Apartment

When you first come in to Adela's apartment the kitchen is on the left. On the right is a short hall with the master and spare bedrooms on either side of a bathroom. From there, the apartment opens up into the living room. Adela doesn't have a whole lot of furniture, just a comfortable black leather couch, a coffee table, and a small TV stand with a mid-sized TV and an XBox. The walls are decorated with replica weapons from all eras and cultures, from Spartan Hot Plates to Norse Bearded Axes. Hanging above the TV is a photo of herself at the beach with Jade and Archer in high school. Her bedroom is decorated in black and red and holds the same nondescript full size bed and dresser it did in her parents' house in high school. The spare room holds only a futon and a small desk and chair.


Wednesday's and Thursdays were Adela's days off so it was 7 in the morning before she woke up. She pulled on her robe and went into the bathroom to shower. When she reappeared she was wearing jeans and a black tank top, her red hair still damp as she went into the kitchen and pulled sausage and a bag of hash browns from the freezer started making pancakes from a boxed mix.

Archer went into the bathroom after Adela went to making breakfast. He showered quick, and the made his way out of Adela's bedroom as he pulled on his T-shirt. The smell of pan cakes filling his nose. He walked up behind Adela, and put his hands on her hips, and kissed Adela's neck. "Morning beautiful." He said before kissing her again.

Adela closed her eyes and leaned her head back against his shoulder for a moment while he kissed her. When she opened her eyes she took the lid off the sausage pan, "Good morning." She said as she began to roll the sausages over to brown the other side, "Sausage, hash browns, and pancakes sound good?"

"Sounds great to me." Archer said with a smile and watched the ochen throught the glass door. "Do you got to go to work today?"

"I've got today and tomorrow off." she said, turning to lean her hip against the counter, "So I'm all yours For as long as you want." she winked at him, "But I did promise my parents I'd be at dinner tomorrow, they would love to have you over too if you want."

"I think that sounds like fun." Archer said with a boyish smile that started when Adela said she was "all his" for two days.archer smiled a bit and shook his head. "You know. I think I'd like to take you along when I go to the bank to find out what happened to my investment." Archer explained.

Adela smirked at him, "Why, if you find out you're rich, you want me to be there to show it off to?" she asked playfully, "You know you don't have to impress me, right?"

"Well. If I am rich. Then I want someone to go out and spend a lot of money on.0 archer smiled playfully. "Honestly. I don't think I'm rich." Archer added with a hint of a smirk.

"Well," Adela said, pulling two plates out of the cupboard, "There's only one way to find out." She turned the stove off and handed him a plate the spatula to serve himself with.

"True," Archer smiled and set a few glasses and table settings down with the RST of the food and smiled. "If I am rich... I should hire a finance advisor."

"I don't know if we have one in town, you may have to find one in the city." Adela said as she helped him set the table

"I guess. I have been to busy to remember to check to see if any of this investing is going good, or bad, or what ever it may be doing now. So I'm probably just barely broke even with my luck." Archer knew he also needed to go see Kade at some point, but maybe after the bank stop.

Adela smiled as she sat down and began to put food on Archer's plate, "After you run your errands maybe we should stop by the marina," she said a bit tentatively, "You could ask Jade if she wants to join us on the beach." Adela figured she could walk down to the beach and let Archer try to work things out with Jade.

"I guess." Archer shrugged as he pored coffee into two septet mugs and then smiled at Adela. "I don't think she wants to see me so soon Adela."

"I think the less time the two of you spend avoiding each other, the less likely you are to start stewing and wondering how much the other one hates you." Adela said, using her fork to point a sausage link at him before taking a bite. Though she wasn't going to say any more unless he did. He was a big boy, he could make his own decisions and maintain his own relationships.

"Yeah I guess your right." Archer laughed a bit and started enjoying his meal. He hopped she would understand why he did what he did last night.

Adela thoroughly enjoyed having someone to enjoy breakfast with, and the fact that it was Archer made it all the better. When she finished, she sat back in her chair and sifhed, smiling, "Do you need to go by your mom's to get anything?"

"I should get a change of cloths, but I think it would be best if I apologized to Jade first." Archer explained. "After all my mother did try to rip me a new one over that." Archer joked as he cleared the table.

"I'm surprised she didnt call you again and rip into you for hanging up on her." Adela smirked as she began to rinse dishes and set them in the dishwasher

Archer sighed "I put her number on ignore." He admitted with a bit of a smile. "I'm a grown man, and I don't need her in my business every time something happens... That's half the reason I enlisted in the first place."

"That's terrible, Archer." Adela was smiling though, "I can't really say I blame you though."

"I say its justice." Archer said with a smile. Then started to help with the dishes. "So I guess I see what the bank has to say about my finances. Talk to, Jade. Then apologize to my mother." Archer then looked at Adela. "Would you like to do anything today?"

Adela shook her head, "I'm up for just about anything. Dinner and drinks tonight sounds good, but other than that..." she shrugged

"Well I guess in that case we should see what we are going to be having for dinner tonight." Archer said with a smile.

"You could take me out." Adela said with a smirk, "There's a steak house that went in while you were gone, their drinks are reasonably priced and we can walk." It was one of her favorite places to go for dinner, especially for a date.

"Sounds great to me!" Archer said with a grin. "So i guess last night went well if you want to go out to dinner with me." He added with a wink.

"Just as well as Christmas." She said, still smirking, "So do you want to drive, or shall I?" She asked. If she was honest, she kind of wanted to show off her car.

"Oh. That's a good sign then." Archer said with a huge smile. "Well I drove yesterday. So your good to drive today right? After all I'm buying."

"Sounds good." she grinned, grabbing her keys and sunglasses from the counter

"good. Let's get going." Archer confermed his smile was bright.

Adela lead him out to her red charger. It wasn't new, nor was it a sought after year, but she had put a fair amount of her spending money into fixing it up. She got behind the wheel and took to the boto streets of Athens Harbor

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

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