Page name: BotO De Lorme Condo Chapter Four [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2017-05-08 02:27:36
Last author: Synirria
Owner: Synirria
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The Condo of Risk De Lorme



The early morning sun called to Risk promptly. Despite his late night activities with Madison, Risk rose with the sun, and enjoyed the light, young air of the morning as he went for his run. Madison was still curled up sleeping on the pull-out couch bed when he returned. He smiled, admiring her sleeping for a moment as he drank water slowly to recover from his jog. He then went into the kitchen and started the coffee machine before he would disappear for his shower. The smell of coffee permeated the entire apartment in moments, and when it was done brewing the pot of hot elixir, the alarm beeped loudly three times. Perhaps it would be enough to rouse both of his guests.

"Mmm..that smells good." Lena mumbled as she rubbed her eyes and stumbled into the kitchen, before yawning loudly. She moved to grab some bread to make toast then glanced at Risk, waving a slice at him. "Breakfast?" She asked. "And would your friend on the couch like some?"

Risk laughed lightly as he emerged from his room again, wrapped in a towel, and glanced over at where Madison was still curled up sleeping in the pull-out bed. "I think she would love some breakfast and coffee. What are we making?" he asked, running a hand through his wet blonde hair.

Lena looked up at Risks voice and blinked at him, wrapped in a towel and his fingers running through his damp hair. Wow.. She thought before she held the bread up. "I was just going to make toast but if you'd like something to accompany it I could do that too..Eggs perhaps?"

"Eggs? That sounds delicious.." Madison yawned with a sleepy smile as she slowly sat up and stretched, making Lena frown jealously as she stood with her back to them. "Good morning.." Madison added as she looked at Risk before climbing from the bed. "I could treat us to breakfast at the diner if you like? I'm sure Lena wouldn't mind opening up for you.."

Risk gave Madison a charming smile, but shook his head. "I wouldn't dream of allowing a lady to spend money on me. Besides, Lena goes in when her boss does, and her boss wants a slow, late morning." he said with a wink in Lena's direction. "We have everything we need to make a perfectly good breakfast here." He looked down at himself and gave a bit of a sheepish chuckle. "Allow me to put on pants first, then I'll come out and help cook." He turned on his heel and headed back into his room with smooth strides, then closed his door over so he could dress.

Madison smiled as she watched him leave then turned and headed into the kitchen. "Please let me help.." She offered politely as she tucked a Strand of her hair behind her ear. Lena glanced at her and gave a small nod.

"OK thank you.. Go grab the eggs from the fridge.." Lena instructed and Madison nodded before turning and moving to do as she was told. Soon the two of them were busy preparing breakfast, a polite chatter going between them.

Risk returned a few moments later, dressed leisurely in jeans and a t-shirt. "Today can be a casual day," he told Lena with a smile. He moved into the kitchen, touching both ladies on the smalls of their backs with his hands. "Mm, that smells delicious. I'll set the table then." he smiled, and began to gather the plates and silverware.

Once the table was set Madison and Lena carried across dishes with toast, eggs and even some bacon they had found in the fridge. When they had finally set down a pot of coffee and a carton of orange juice the pair slid into their seats and waited for Risk to join them.

Risk slid into the seat directly between the two ladies and smiled at them both. He helped himself to his plate and hummed appreciatively. "My compliments to the chefs." he chuckled between bites. "Very wonderfully done." He ate a few more bites and said, "So when we're all done eating and ready to go, we'll drop Madison off at home and then head into work for a half day."

"Sounds good to me." Lena replied as Madison nodded with a smile. "Any special reason you want to finish early today?" Lena asked curiously before taking a small sip of coffee.

"We're not finishing early, m'dear, we're going in late." Risk said before taking another bite of bacon with a hum. "We are going to drop miss Madison off at home and then I have errands I want to see to with you."

"Oh.. Alright." Lena smiled as she picked up a piece of toast and began cut it in half. "What sort of errands?" She asked curiously.

"Just a bit of shopping." Risk shrugged. "I need food and some new clothes..." he said. "It helps to have a lady's opinion when shopping. And since miss Madison will be indisposed for the rest of the day, I figured you might not mind."

"Oh.." Lena answered as she looked at Risk with a half hearted smile at his words. So I wasn't even his first choice..I'm the back up. She thought then gave a small nod and a shrug. "Sure..whatever I don't mind." She continued then looked back down at her breakfast. After a moment she pushed the plate away then stood up. "I'm going to get ready..I won't be long." She managed another smile then turned and headed from the table and down towards the bathroom.

Madison watched her go, hands clasped round her mug of coffee. "I'm not sure she likes me very much.." She said after a moment when she looked back at Risk.

Risk watched Lena go as well. She had smiled, but he had seen that smile all too many times to know what it meant. "No, dear Madison, it's not you she dislikes. I fear I have hurt her feelings." he explained. She finished his breakfast and stood from the table. "I'll go talk with her while you get ready to go." He paused to kiss the top of her head, then headed after Lena and knocked on her door. "Lena?"

Lena looked up from where she sat on her bed and quickly swiped away the tears that sat dotted along her eyes."I'll be out in a minute.. Just getting ready." She called in an overly cheery voice.

"Are you decent? I would like to talk to you in private a moment..." Risk called through the door gently. "Please?"

Lena sighed and glanced down at herself. She was fully dressed in a skirt and blouse so she couldn't hold him off."Just a moment.." She said softly as she stood up and pushed her glasses back up her nose then stepped towards the door, opening it only a fraction. "Are you alright?" She asked as she did her best to smile.

"No, I'm afraid I'm not," Risk said with a small frown in at her through the crack of her door, "because you are not, and I'm not okay with having been the one to cause it." He leaned against her door frame and tilted his head at her. "I upset you. How?"

Lena bit her lip then shook her head."I don't know what you're talking about Risk. I'm perfectly fine. You should really get back to Madison, it would be rude to leave her alone."

"She's a grown woman and she's busy getting ready to go. I think she'll be alright by herself for a moment." Risk said, a bit stubbornly, frowning at Lena. "Lena, I have spent most of my life around women and interacting with them. You think I cannot tell when one is upset? Nonetheless one who is dear to me?"

"You don't know me." Lena replied softly as she looked up at Risk. "How can I be dear to you?" She tucked a Strand of hair behind her ear then cleared her throat. "We should really get going.."

Risk tilted his head at her again and smiled a little charmingly. "How could you not be? You live with me now, you work for me... It may have only been a couple of days, but I like you." he shrugged. "It hurts to know I've offended you or upset you somehow."

Lena bit her lip before bowing her head."And it hurts to always feel second best.. The back up when the person you want to be with is unavailable." She replied before looking back up at Risk. "Since miss Madison will be indisposed for the rest of the day, I figured you might not mind." She repeated his words softly then shook her head. "Madison isnt available so I suppose Lena will have to do.." She mumbled before her hand slid up the door. "Maybe this isn't a good idea.. Us living and working together. I'll find somewhere else to live.."

Risk watched her in guilty silence a moment, then shook his head. "Please don't." He reached out and placed his hand on hers. "I did not mean it that way. You are not second best. I am so sorry." he said quietly. "Please accompany me today?"

Lena had almost pulled her hand back from his but stopped as she listened to his words."I didn't know I had a choice.. You are my boss after all." She answered with a small shrug and a weak smile. "I guess if you need help fetching things I can't say no.."

Risk's smile returned genuinely and he nodded. "You always have a choice, my Lena, but I appreciate your saying yes." He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles, then let her go and headed back out to fetch his shoes and socks and check on Madison.

"Everything OK?" Madison asked as she looked over her shoulder at Risk from the kitchen as she tidied away their breakfast dishes. She was dressed in her outfit from the night before but her hair was pinned messily atop her head.

"Oh yes," Risk assured her as he came up beside her and kissed her cheek. "I just have an innate ability to put my foot in my mouth sometimes." He smiled and helped her finish tidying up while they waited on Lena.

"Oh that's not good..I'll have to see if I can help you with that." Madison replied with a small smile and a playful nudge of her elbow. "I'm glad you got it sorted with her. I thought she hated me because she had feelings for you or something." She chuckled then dried her hands off as Lena appeared from her room, fastening up the last buttons of her yellow jumper.

Risk blinked at Madison and opened his mouth to retort this theory when Lena appeared. Deciding now was perhaps not the best time to speak about Lena not having feelings for him, he closed his mouth again and smiled at them both. "Shall we?" he asked, motioning to the front door.

Lena and Madison both nodded before they grabbed up the rest of their belongings and headed for the door. They moved to Risks car and once opened slid into their seats, Madison in the front and Lena in the back.

Once they returned home, Risk hurried to scurry Lena into the condo, one hand occupied by a bag of takeout boxes full of pasta from an italian restaurant down the road. He huffed and shook himself out as though he had been soaked by the drizzle outside, but really it had not touched them once they'd been under the safety of the garage. Mostly he was just chilled. "I'm going to start a fire in the mantle and get us that wine. Will you please find us some silverware for this delicious-smelling takeout?" he asked Lena.

Lena nodded with a smile. "Just let me go and grab my spare glasses.." She chuckled then turned and carefully found her way back to her room, where after a few minutes she returned from, wearing an old pair of glasses. "Ok silverware.." She said as she moved to the kitchen, grabbing up some forks and things. "Ok got them." She said with a smile as she returned to Risk. "How are you getting on with the fire?"

"Almost done," Risk said as he stacked one more log in the fire place, bundled and placed some newspaper for kindling, and used his long matches to light the combination. He watched it grow and pop with life, then closed the gate and returned to Lena with a smile. "There we are. Are we eating this at the table, or on the couch with the television on?"

"Oh..the couch I think. We don't need the formality of the table do we?" Lena replied with a smile before she moved to start unpacking the food. "Go ahead and pick something to watch."

Risk gave a single nod of agreement and understanding, then turned and headed to the TV and the cabinet of movies underneath it. He skimmed through the items there briefly, then settled on a romantic comedy of considerable age. He put in the movie, and the music for There's Something About Mary started on the screen. He smiled and returned to help Lena carry the takeout to the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Oh good choice." Lena smiled as she kicked off her shoes then moved to sit on the couch, pulling her dinner to her. "This smells delicious, thank you." She said with a smile before patting the spot beside her for Risk to join her.

Risk chuckled and happily sat next to her. He leaned back into the cushions, kicked off his shoes and socks, and propped his feet on the coffee table. He relaxed with his bowl of pasta in his lap and took a hearty bite with a hum. He then seemed to remember the wine and sat forward, opening the bottle and pouring them each a glass. He offered Lena hers.

"Thank you." Lena smiled as she took her glass before carefully tapping it against his. She took a small sip then set it down, settling back next to Risk as she started to eat her pasta and watch the movie. About half way through once her bowl had been discarded she straightened up and stretched. "Bathroom break." She said with a chuckle before standing and moving down the hall, missing the knock at the front door that came a minute later.

Risk paused the movie for Lena's intermission with a smile and started to clean up their trash when he heard the knock. He straightened, frowned at the clock, then set everything down and headed for the door. "Who is out and about in this awful weather?" he wondered. He peered through the peep hole in the door, but the hallway was just dim enough for him to be unable to tell who was on the other side. He unlocked the bolt and slowly opened the door a bit, and asked, "who is it?"

"Madison." She answered in a flat tone as she stood outside, arms folded tightly over her chest. "Don't worry I don't want to come in..I just need a moment."

"Madison?" Risk echoed in surprised confusion, though no less friendly. He opened the door wider to her and smiled. "Welcome back. Did you forget something here? Please, come in. What are you doing out in such gloomy weather?"

"I told you I don't want to come in." Madison replied as she frowned up at Risk. "I just came to tell you that neither I, nor Jace will be at your little party tomorrow. If you care, he was involved in an accident earlier and is in the hospital, though I'm going to guess you don't." She huffed as she lowered her arms. "Don't bother trying to show up and pretend you're concerned for him. My brother won't want to see you and neither will I. You see Risk..he filled me in on why he hates you so much.." She continued her tone even but sharp.

Very slowly, as Risk listened to Madison speak, his expression changed from that of his normal, charming cheer into something confused, then sad and worried. "Oh?" he asked softly, "what did he tell you?" He kept a hand on the door, but still looked like he wanted to welcome Madison inside.
"He told me how you betrayed him. That you were the reason behind his divorce. How could you do that?" Madison replied still frowning. "I really thought it was over something foolish because you felt like a really great guy. I mean you broke it off because you didn't want to come between Jace and I but.." Her voice trailed off as she heard Lena inside.

" I was thinking I should give your shoulders another rub. You still seemed pretty tense really need to relax." Lena paused when she came into view and she stared wide eyed when she spotted Madison at the door.

Madison's eyes narrowed on Lena before she slowly looked back up at Risk. "Wow..what a great assistant." She growled sarcastically. "So is she the real reason?"

Risk felt an uneasy chill run up his spine. This was not an ideal situation in any form. He looked at Lena and politely requested, "excuse us," as he stepped outside with Madison. He closed the door gently and sighed, closing his eyes and just trying to get his thoughts together. "Madison, I didn't break up with you because of Lena. I really did end it Because I didn't want to come between you and your brother. But whatever he told you about his divorce is... Misunderstood. I can't disprove what he thinks happened, because I have tried... All I can do is try to explain my side." he said and frowned. "I never betrayed Jace, Madison. I believe in the institution of marriage--of love--too much to do that. His wife--ex wife--was a friend of mine, too. She came to me for support because i, too, had been divorced before, and she wanted advice and comfort... But nothing intimate ever happened between us, Madison, I swear."

Madison frowned and shook her head as she took a step back from Risk to keep a space between them. "What sort of advice and comfort did you offer then? Did you advise her to leave my brother? To have her break his heart?"

"Of course not," Risk insisted, as if insulted she would even ask such a thing. That being said, he hadn't told his friend to stay with Jace either. "I told her that she has a right to be happy and in love, same as everyone. Even if it's not with Jace. Would you and Jace have preferred she stayed with him and remained miserable?" he asked with a tilted head. "Would you wish that on her? On yourself, were you in her position?" he asked gently. "She wasn't happy, Madison. The flame had died for her and it broke her apart from the inside out."

Madison listened to him then huffed slightly. "No of course I wouldn't expect someone to stay in a relationship if they were miserable." She grumbled. "Jace really believes you did this Risk. He's really hurt by it..You need to find a way to resolve this. I don't want to see him getting in a fight with you..for his sake.." She said pointedly before frowning. "Now about the assistant.."

Risk's lips pressed together thinly as he contemplated his response. "I'll try to talk to Jace about it. I'll go to his dojo soon. I am still very sad that you won't be at the party, but I am glad he survived his accident. I hope he recovers quickly." When she mentioned Lena, he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, "lena," he corrected her, and sighed, "to be honest, I don't want to talk about her with you, Madison. You're already worked up about the whole Jace thing, I don't want you to get hurt unintenionally."

"It's too late to say that." Madison frowned before shaking her head. "It doesn't matter..I don't care. It was only one date after all." She took a step back and pulled up her hood against the cold. "I should go. I have to take care of some things."

"Madison," Risk said in soft insistence as his hand closed around her elbow. "I still think you're a lovely woman... I want you to be happy. I'll try to talk to Jace soon, if he'll make time for me."

Madison yanked her elbow from his grip and looked at him seriously. "My happiness isn't something you need to concern yourself with. As for Jace I'll let you know when he's feeling well enough for visitors. I'll try to schedule it while he's still healing, less chance of him hitting you then." She said before motioning to the door. "You should go back inside. Don't want to miss your shoulder rub do you?" She finished sharply then without a word of goodbye turned and headed away from the condo, wrapping her arms round herself as she did.

Risk didn't grab her again, even though he wanted to. He watched her go with a saddened expression, and only once he couldn't see her in his hallway anymore did he go back inside to Lena. He moved back to the couch and flopped down onto it with a heavy sigh, leaning his head back against the cushions and closing his eyes.

Lena watched him from she sat on the armchair, chewing her lip nervously. "I'm sorry if I caused problems back there." She said after a moment. "I didn't realise she was there..I bet she was mad."

"She was... But she'll be alright. I think she's more upset about her brother being injured. She'll be alright when she calms down." Risk said, more to assure himself than Lena. He opened his eyes towards the ceiling again, then rolled his head to look at her. After a moment, he opened his arms and motioned for her to come sit with him.

After a moment Lena slowly stood up and moved to sit next to him, still watching him with concern. "Are you ok?" She asked quietly. "You want some tea?" She finished trying to think of something helpful to do.

"I'm okay," he said, both as reassurance and as a declination of her proffered tea. "I just want to feel some love. Can I kiss you? Maybe a hug? It would make me feel better." he said with another charming, albeit sad smile.

"A kiss and a hug? Who could turn that offer down?" Lena replied playfully as she smiled gently down at Risk before she leaned towards him and pressed her lips to his whilst hugging herself to him in a comforting embrace.

Risk was all too happy to accept her embrace. He looped his arms around her middle and kissed her back in a chaste but no less eager kiss. He then tightened his arms around her and shifted, pulling her easily forward so she was draped across his lap with both legs to one side. She was closer this way, more snug, and easier to kiss.

Lena shifted so she could drape an arm around his shoulder, keeping her lips locked on his. After a moment she pulled back slightly and smiled. "Feeling better yet?" She asked softly.

"Mmm, a little... But I think I need just a bit more," he said softly and smiled up at her. He kissed her again, looping his fingers into her pretty blonde hair. His other hand squeezed her hip and wandered a bit lower on her thigh.

"Are you sure you don't want that shoulder rub now?" Lena whispered against Risks lips as she smiled at him. "You've had a rough day."

Risk took a breath and then hummed thoughtfully. "Hmmmm.... I would love your hands all over me, my dear Lena. Very much." he admitted with a pinkish blush to his cheeks. "But there are other parts of you I want all over me, too, and I'm afraid of pushing you too far should you get me out of my shirt."

Lena raised her eyebrow at Risks words then smiled softly."Well then I guess I'll just have to leave the shoulder rub for another night then won't I?" She said before kissing him again.

Risk gave a pout, as if he had been hoping for a different response, but kissed her back anyway and said, "yes... Another night." He moved his hands so they were more chastely centered on her back rather than on her thigh and in her hair and broke the kiss with a smile. "Dessert?" he offered.

"What? Am I not sweet enough?" Lena asked playfully before chuckling and straightening up. "What did you have in mind?"

"I think I have something chocolatey and delicious in the fridge. I'll grab it." Risk said. He helped her slide off of his lap and made sure she was seated comfortably on the couch again with the movie once again playing on the TV. He went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door, leaning into the chilly air inside and just closing his eyes a moment. The interaction with Madison had been abrupt and his heart was still thudding from the panic. Jace had told her that Risk had corrupted their relationship. His insides hurt. Jace had been his closest friend at one point. He took a few deep breaths, as quietly as possible so as not to alarm Lena, then pulled out a plate of leftover chocolate cake from some work function a few days prior. He grabbed two forks, warmed the cake up in the microwave for a few seconds, and carried the plate to the coffee table.

"Wow that looks good." Lena smiled when she looked up and spied the cake. She watched as he carried it to the table and set it down then stood and moved to him before he could sit down, wrapping her arms round him in another hug. "Everything's going to be OK. You aren't to blame for anything. It'll be fixed soon. Just wait and see.." She spoke softly as if sensing his true feelings.

Risk was caught off guard, both by her words and her embrace, and it took him a moment to get over the shock of it. He laughed uneasily and wrapped his arms around her in return though. "Thank you.. but I think it might need more work than just waiting..." he whispered. "Whether or not I'm actually to blame for anything means nothing if Jace genuinely believes I am."

"Well we'll just have to find a way to make him see the truth." Lena replied with a smile. "You're a nice guy Risk, you don't deserve to be treated as the villain. And I'm not going to let it happen. I can fix anything when I put my mind to it." She smiled again then leaned up and have him a small kiss before pulling away and plopping down next to the coffee table. "OK let's eat some cake." She said as she scooped a piece off with a fork then held it out towards Risk.

Risk gave her a crooked smile that was both charming and tired. He knelt beside her on the ground between the coffee table and the couch and took her proffered bite of cake with his lips. He chewed slowly and sighed, watching her with that same smile. "Thank you, Lena. You certainly have a talent for making me feel better."

"I'm glad, if you're happy then so am I." Lena replied before she took a bite of the cake and gave an appreciative hum. "We'll finish this and then I think you should go to bed." She told him once she had finished the bite.

"Yes," Risk acquiesced with another bite of his own of the cake, "I think you're right..." He chewed thoughtfully for a moment before he glanced at her. "Tomorrow morning while I'm out on my fishing trip with my friends, I would like you to take the time to go into town... buy yourself something cute to wear for the party, maybe get your hair and nails done... just relax." he smiled. "You can take my credit card."

"Something.. Cute?" Lena replied slowly before glancing down at her yellow blouse and bright red skirt. "Shoppings not really something I'm good at Risk.. And I usually cut my own hair and do my own nails.." She said as she looked at her hands and quickly hid them when she noticed the chipped blue nail polish.

Risk quirked a brow at her with a good-natured smile. He reached for her hand and inspected her nails passively and commented, "And they're very beautiful. But every now and again a girl deserves to be pampered. They have stylists at the shops... Just go have fun, Lena. Relax. Take advantage of this gift." He smiled at her and then leaned in and kissed her cheek. "If you must, consider it a work-related thing... You'll need to make a good impression for our guests at the party tomorrow, you'll need to look your best." he winked.

Lena knew Risk was only trying to do a nice thing but it didn't stop her heart sinking slightly at his words. Could she not make a good impression as she was? "Sure OK.." She said trying to muster up her brightest smile. "If it's for work I can't turn it down right? Don't want to let you down in front of your guests..Don't worry I'll be unrecognisable by the time of the party.. I'll definitely make a good impression. You don't need to worry about that." She finished then took another small bite before standing. "I couldn't eat another bite. So I guess it's time for bed." She said in the hopes of changing the subject.

Risk's own smile fell at her words. The realization that everything he'd said to her had been a horribly sexist idea dawned on him slowly. He stood with her and sighed, shaking his head. "Lena, I'm sorry.... I didn't- I didn't mean it like..." He growled in frustration. "Why can't I talk to you?" He wasn't angry, just baffled. No one had caused him to be so flustered like Lena. He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. "Look, you don't have to... go anywhere tomorrow, I just... I was just trying to be nice..." He sighed and rubbed his face with both hands, then threw them up in bewildered surrender. "Nevermind. Good night, Lena." he grumbled, angry with himself now. He cleaned up the cake and wine glasses and turned off the TV.

Lena had watched him with a blink, surprised by his behaviour. As he turned to switch the TV off she bit her lip then stepped up behind him, wrapping her arms round his chest and hugging him from behind. "I know you didn't mean to hurt me. That you were just trying to be nice.." She said softly. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who has trouble with my words." She added playfully. She hugged him a moment longer then let go and stepped back. "Can I.. Can I stay with you tonight?" She asked after a pause as she watched him.

Risk had let her hug him, feeling both surprise and relief wash through him. He let out a sigh of relief and turned to face her, a little surprised by her request. But he smiled and nodded. "Of course you can. I actually... would very much like that." he admitted. "Let me finish cleaning up out here and I'll see you in bed." He then realized that probably sounded like it held more implication than he'd meant and he stumbled a moment. "Just for sleep... I'll see you at bed time... Ugh..." he sighed and quickly moved into the kitchen.

Lena chuckled and shook her head as he retreated then turned and headed for her room. She changed quickly into a pair of sky blue pyjamas with bright flowers printed all over them then headed for his room, fingers combing through her blonde hair before she began to braid it.

Risk quickly cleaned the kitchen, washed their wine glasses and left them out to dry, and put away the remainder of cake. He turned off all the lights and made sure the front door was locked, and then headed into his room after Lena. As he went, he unbuttoned and peeled out of his shirt, then started working on his belt just as he stepped into his room.

Lena sat cross legged on the edge of the bed, smiling up at him as he entered the room. "So which side of the bed do you prefer?" She asked playfully.

He stopped and blinked at her. "Um... To be honest, I usually take the whole thing. I sleep in the middle." he said with a crooked smile. "Which side to you prefer?" He went back to undressing as he listened to her response, disappearing into his attached master bathroom to change out his slacks for a pair of pajama pants.

"I guess great minds do think alike." Lena chuckled. "I'm a middle sleeper too, so I guess we'll just have to share." She called to him.

"Well I'm alright with that," Risk chuckled. He emerged, shirtless, and wearing knee- length cotton pajama bottoms navy blue in color. He finished tying the drawstring as he approached the bed, then paused and smiled at her. He leaned down and kissed her lips lightly, hands leaning on the edge of the mattress on either side of her.

Lena gladly accepted the kiss before smiling up at Risk. "I like your look, but it makes me feel a tad overdressed." She said playfully. "I'll have to pick up something more suitable tomorrow I think."

Risk smiled at her gently and whispered, "you wear whatever you damn please; you would look beautiful in anything." He kissed her again, then crawled around her and into the bed. He clicked off the lamp and settled into the pillow with a heavy sigh.

Lena followed after him, curling into him as she muzzled her head against his chest. "I'll go shopping tomorrow but not because you told me to. But because I want to." She said quietly. "You were right, I deserve to be pampered." She chuckled playfully as she looked up at him before smiling and settling back down. "It'll be a good day tomorrow."

"Yes, it will be," Risk agreed quietly behind a yawn. He hugged an arm around her shoulders and nuzzled her hair. She smelled so good; like sandal wood and flowers. He kissed her hair after taking a deep breath of it, and squeezed her briefly before whispering, "good night, my dear Lena. Sleep sweet."


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