Page name: BotO Elysium Park Chapter One [Logged in view] [RSS]
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Elysium Park Chapter One



Archer had only been home for a about twenty mineuts. He sat in the park trying to decide what to do. He needed to see his parents, he needed to see Jade, and he needed to see Adela. Who he was going to see first was the real question. Archer, and his father were on bad terms last time they talked, and it all had to do with the way he had divorced his mother leaving her for a younger 'More adventurous'... Well child. His father had a pretty way of saying he wanted a girl who was twenty and would put out for access to a man with money. Then his mother... She would be upset if she found out he was in town and saw anyone else first. Jade had not seen him in a long while, same with Adela... He didn't really know what to do. So he sat on the swings where he and the girls would go and talk... His first kiss was on the swings... He thought back to it closing his eyes. "She smelled sweeter than honey, and her lips were softer than silk..." Archer whispered rembering it.

"Well I'll be damned." said a woman's voice behind him, "When I got a call about a grown man sitting on a swing in the middle of the day I never expected to find Archer Mitchel." Adelheid Bjornesen stood on the sidewalk behind the swings in a police officer's uniform, red hair pulled back in a bun below her cap and a grin on her face.

Archer smirked and shook his head standing up and walking back to Adela. "What? A grown man sitting in a swing set thing about his past is a crime now?" He asked in a playful tone. "Next thing I know your going to tell me that hugging an officer of the law is a major crime!" Not to many people were in the park except a few stay as home moms with there kids out to play. So with out a care archer scooped up Adela in her body armor and belt as if she weighed nothing. Hugging her for a second then setting her down. "When did you graduate the Academe?"

She laughed when he picked her up, hugging him back, "No crime, but a suspicious individual in the park is a call I've got to check out." She grinned up at him, "I went in right after high school." she told him.

"That explains a lot." Archer responded before going on. "You know if Jade is still in town?" Archer knew the answer. She was, and was likly spending all her time in the water or at the stables. As archer looked at Adela the thought of the timed barley eighteen girl coming to spend Christmas with him was a bit cute. His mother, and father both said no, and Jade was at college so he didn't want her missing time with her family. He did buy her a ticket to come out on spring break though, and that turned out to be the best two weeks he had in a while leading up to it

"She's here," Adela confirmed with a nod, "I'm surprised you haven't been keeping up with her." most people in town were surprised he and Jade weren't married yet, even though they hadn't ever formally dated.

"Well we write back and forth mostly. You know that new thing that takes a long time to send and receive." Archer had the playful tone he had when he was being smart. "I only ever got a few letters from you though. Most of them felt like they were written in a hurry." Archer pointed out with that same playful smile he had in school.

She had always hidden it well, but that smile had always made her feel the way most girls acted talking about their celebrity crush. "Sorry about that." she said, glancing away, "I just never seemed to have much time with the academy and then work."

"It's understandable Adela, you were involved in your career." With that he then asked. "What time are you off today? Or maybe you have time for lunch?" Archer asked a bit excited to cratch up with her.

Her smile grew, "I was actually just about to go on lunch." she saif, "What do you say we head over to Sophie's?"

"Sure. Let's get going." He offered to let Adela lead the way but then spoke up a bit more. "By the way. It's not against the law for me to sit on a swing set as an adult is it?" He asked with a small smile.

She laughed, "No, it's not, but when you don't show your face around a place for years then people might get a little uncomfortable about a strange man in the park with their kids." she glanced at him, smirking as they crossed the street to BotO Sophie's Dinner

The morning was beautiful. It was late, almost noon now, and the sun was high and warm, and the breeze was soothing, haloed by the mist of the nearby ocean. Risk yawned, adjusted his suit jacket and combed his fingers through his brown, chopped hair. His phone buzzed a few times in his pocket and he pulled it out, giving a grin at the name on the screen. He flipped it open and said, "Becca! What's going on, beautiful? Oh, nothing, just heading into work... I know, I'm sorry, but someone has to perform business consultations for this city, and I'm the charming bastard who gets that privilege." he joked, hearing her giggles across the line. He walked down the sidewalk, through the park and towards the street his business office sat on, tucking his free hand into his pocket leisurely. "Well thank you for saying that, gorgeous. I had fun, too, for sure." he grinned.

This box needs to go to the market down the street then I need to take another to the restaurant in town.. Luke was lost in thought as he made his way through the park, a large box of vegetables in his arms. His brow was beaded with sweat and there was a smudge of dirt across his cheek and down his jeans showing he had been hard at work out in the fields already. He huffed slightly as he readjusted the box in his arms then suddenly stopped with a heavy frown when he saw who was approaching. "Great.." He whispered sarcastically before he moved forwards, his eyes locked straight ahead hoping he could get past Risk with no words spoken.
Risk laughed into his phone again as he walked leisurely forward, then stopped a moment when he recognized the face coming at him behind a box of fresh vegetables. "Hey, Becca, I gotta go, beautiful. Uh-huh, save me a kiss." he smirked into the phone and then hung up, tucking it into his pocket. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Luke! As I live and breathe, how are you, farm boy?" he smiled, not unkindly. "Hard at work, I see. You never cease to amaze me." As Luke continued walking past him, Risk turned on his heel and followed him a couple of steps. "Have you considered our offer about your land? I'm willing to come out to take a closer look at the property--maybe we can up the value by another, I dunno, few thousand dollars? What'ya say?"

Luke had chosen to ignore Risk as he followed after him but at the mention of his land he stopped and turned with a heavy frown. There was a thousand things he wished to say in response to what Risk had said but as usual Luke couldn't find the voice to speak them. "No.." He finally mumbled as he fixed Risk with an unhappy glare. "I don't care about the money.."

"Oh, well if you don't care about the money, we can pay you in other ways, Luke. My company is very flexible," Risk said with a shrug, not removing his hands from his pockets. He tilted his head and smiled professionally, but it was clear he almost kind of enjoyed Luke's moodiness. Luke had always tried to cause him a ton of trouble ever since school, and he had never really understood why.

"There is nothing you can offer me Risk that could equal what that farm means to me.." Luke replied with a small shake of his head. "Now I'm sure you have other people to bother.." His words were quiet but his frown stayed strong as he shifted his grip on the box, trying to stop it from falling.

Risk's smile weakened, then became a bit strained, but he kept it on. He shrugged and nodded. "Fine, whatever you say, farm boy," he said, combing his hand through his hair. He reached out and plucked a carrot from the open top of the box and dropped a few dollars into its place. He winked and tipped the carrot at Luke and took a bite off of it as he turned and walked off.

"That wasn't for sale.." Luke whispered unhappily before sighing and turning back in the direction he had originally been heading. He thinks he can just charm me the way he charms everyone else and I'll let him have my land.. He thought with an eye roll as he wandered on down the path, heading for the market to deliver his food.

Risk turned briefly to glance back at Luke as they went separate ways, still munching on the end of the carrot. He frowned indignantly. Why can't I ever get him to agree with me...? Everyone agrees with me. He's, like, the only person who doesn't like me. he thought begrudgingly. He turned on his heel and continued to work.

Jace had been going for his jog when he happened by Risk and Luke. They were pretty close to the Dojo so he slowed down to a walked and began drinking, taking a "break" to listen in on their conversation. Furrowing his eyebrows together he turned around like he was stretching. They'd been asking Luck to sell? I wonder if Jade knows. Glancing over his shoulder he watched as Risk took a carrot and walked away, sure he paid for it but really? Shaking his head he hurried into the Dojo and waved at his assistant Lois. Heading through to his mini garden he went to his already picked and washed crops. Searching through his carrots he picked out the best ones and hurried back out the door. "Luck! Hey Luck!"

Luke paused and sighed, expecting when he turned to see Risk returning to have one last go at convincing him to sell. At the sight of Jace he visibly relaxed and even managed the smallest hint of a smile, albeit a tired one. "Oh hey Jace." He replied in polite greeting.

Jace smiled kindly and held his carrot out to Luke. "It's obviously not as good as yours but at least it'll replace the on Risk took." Winking, playing Jace placed the carrot in the crate and nodded his head in the direction Luke had been headed in. "Come on I'll walk with you." Jace's flip flops clapped against the pavement as he began walking. "Have you told Jade what they are trying to do? I'm sure she could help."

"No, she's got enough to be thinking about. Really it's OK, I can handle it." Luke replied softly as he started walking on again towards the market. "I worked hard to build that farm to what it is..I'm not giving it up for nothing." He shook his head then glanced at Jace before quickly looking forwards again. "Have you seen Jade this morning?"

"No one should expect you to give up your farm, especially for nothing. That company is crazy." Jace was growing angrier by the minute and was having a hard time raining in his anger. Taking in a deep a few deep breaths he glanced over at Luke. When he shifted the topic over to Jade Jace calmed slightly, smiled softly and shook his head. "Hmmm, no one sees Jade in the morning, except her crew that is. She was out on the water hours ago. Why what's up?"

"Nothing." Luke answered a little too quickly before clearing his throat and shaking his head. "Just curious.." He glanced at Jace again. "I haven't seen her in a while.." He continued as he shifted his grip on the box.

Jace gave him a slightly funny look but shrugged it off. Looking at his watched he frowned. "Ive gotta head back to the dojo. Stop by Jade's tonight she'd love to see you. Maybe you can convince her to get some rest. Well see you later." With that he waved and jogged away.

Luke watched him go then turned and headed on to make his deliveries, first to the market then to the restaurant on the corner of the street. Once he was finished he gave a tired stretch then turned and headed for boto Sophie's dinner to grab some coffee and head back to work.

"I swear she said the announcement board was this way.." Lena grumbled as she trundled through the park, looking somewhat like a slow tortoise with her large bag upon her back. Finally she stopped beside one of the empty benches and shrugged the bag from off her shoulders before collapsing with a loud groan onto the seat. She stayed still for a few moments, her arms and legs splayed out as she rested her head back and stared up at the cloudless sky before finally sighing and sitting up straighter, grabbing for her map, which she smoothed out across her knee and sat studying it with a look of deep concentration.

Tilly Gelson parked right beside the park before untying her hair, combing her fingers through it to make sure it covered as much of her scar as possible, and finally stepping out of her Cadillac to check up on the bench she made in her senior year of high school--which ended up being donated to Elysium park due to a lack of room at her parents' house. While Tilly hardly regretted the decision, she did put a lot of effort into the bench and liked to make sure that it was maintained. Upon actually approaching the bench, however, she stilled. While it should hardly be considered unusual for people to sit on a public piece of furniture in a public location, it still bothered Tilly when she had planned to inspect the bench for signs of wear and vandalism. And, not five feet from her, was a bespectacled woman. On the bench. Right in front of one of the carved fish, actually.

"So I was here yesterday.." Lena mumbled as she jabbed the map with her finger then tilted her head slightly in confusion. "I got on a bus but then got off here without really thinking..not knowing where here is.." She huffed a deep sigh as she adjusted her glasses then suddenly blinked and turned her head to the side when she realised she was being watched. Instead of looking alarmed though when she spotted Tilly, a wide and relieved grin spread across her face. "Oh! Maybe you can help me!" She exclaimed then with a wave of her hand motioned for her to join her, not caring that she was a complete stranger. "See..I need a little help in locating where I am.." She continued quickly before Tilly could make any kind of response. 

Rather than say anything--no surprise there--Tilly raised an eyebrow at the exuberant young woman before hesitantly stepping closer to where she was standing inches from the bench's arm and peering over Lena's shoulder to see the map. Maybe, if she could help the apparent-tourist, she would leave so that Tilly may inspect the bench in peace.

"So..where am I?" Lena asked curiously as her eyes darted back and forth between the map and Tilly. "I just can't figure out where I am. I guess that's what I get for deciding to be spontaneous.." She finished with a chuckle.

Just how lost was this tourist? "Athens Harbor. Elysium Park." Tilly supplied with her usual monotone drawl. There. Two answers. That should be enough.

"Athens Harbour... Athens Harbour.." Lena whispered over and over as her eyes scanned the map before she suddenly let out a shout and pointed at the map. "Aha! There it is!" She exclaimed then looked up at Tilly with a grin. "Hey thanks!" She said then pulled her phone from her pocket and quickly typed Athens Harbour in a note so she would remember for later. "That's a relief, I thought I was gonna be lost forever!" She joked when she was finally done then seemed to shift and move towards her bag, looking like she was going to get up and leave but moments later she returned to her seat, lunch bag in hand. "You hungry? I'll share my sandwich.." She asked with a friendly smile over her shoulder at Tilly.

"You should know better than to offer your food to starving artists." Risk had been strolling back through the park on his way from his office to a consultation appointment when he spotted the pair. Normally he would have taken a company car, but this appointment was not too far from his building, and it was a nice day out. He was glad he'd opted to walk. He had one hand tucked aloofly into the pocket of his slacks, and the other arm lax by his side and holding a briefcase full of files and contracts. He smiled charmingly at Lena and Tilly. "Well if it isn't Tilly Gelson! Just the woman I was going to see!" he said and made his way to the two women. "Good afternoon, ladies," he nodded at them both.

Tilly had visibly relaxed when Lena reached for her bag...although the momentary feeling of relief was quickly replaced with annoyance. Just as she opened her mouth to reply with a blunt "no", yet another annoyance distraction person arrived to make the quiet woman's day even noisier. Oh, joy. The corner of Tilly's lips twitched downward for a fraction of a second at the term "starving artist" and she just barely turned her head to show her awareness of Risk's presence. Whatever he wanted to talk about, she just wanted to get it over with. Or he could forget about it and leave her in peace. That would be nice.

"Ladies.." Lena snorted as she laughed at how he addressed her and Tilly before she looked at Risk properly and her mouth dropped open in a gape. "Well good afternoon to you too sir.." She grinned then held her food up to him. "Sandwich?" She asked politely. "I have plenty to share."

Risk quirked an eyebrow at Lena's offer, but his smile stayed on. He dismissed it with a small wave of his hand and a shake of his head. "No, thank you, I just had a carrot a bit ago." he said, laughing at his personal joke and thinking of Luke. He produced a business card and offered it to Lena. "I'm Risk De Lorme, with Athens Consultations. Nice to meet you. Tilly!" he said, looking at her and seeming to remember why he needed to see her. "My company has a project they would like to hire you for. Are you free to do some freelance work for the next month? It'll be great pay."

While Lena and Risk momentarily distracted each other, Tilly took the opportunity to walk around the bench to at least get started on inspecting the back. Lightly running her calloused hands over the wood to check for scratches, she did not even look up when responding to Risk's offer: "What kind of project?"

Lena took the card and studied it carefully, turning it over several times curiously before carefully slipping it into her pocket. As Tilly and Risk spoke she turned her attention to her lunch bag where she slipped one of her sandwiches free and took a hungry bite. She looked up at Risk again and smiled almost dreamily. Cute face.. She thought before taking another bite and pushing her glasses back up her nose once more.

Risk smiled at Tilly. She was never one to turn down "great pay". He shrugged. "It's a design project for a new exhibition at the pier. The city has commissioned a new awning for the boardwalk and I threw your name in there. You're the best I know at welding and just generally putting things together. You're the right kind of talent for the job," he said with a motion towards her bench as an example, "so what do you say?" Risk was not oblivious to Lena's stares either, however, and graced her with a confident smirk and a wink of his blue eyes.

If Tilly was in any way flattered by Risk's little speech, her face did not show it. Nor did her voice. "Alright." Still not looking away from her bench, Tilly nodded once and left the subject at that. Knowing the company Risk worked for, she was certain the details would be further discussed later. Preferably by mail, but probably not. Now...was that discoloration always there?

At his wink, Lena almost dropped her sandwich before quickly averting her gaze with a cough and a blush. She dropped her sandwich back in the bag then glanced back at Tilly, noticing how she was inspecting the bench. "Am I in the way?" She whispered to the other woman.

Risk chuckled at Tilly's curt, but positive response. "Excellent. I'll just have you sign this contract while I'm here then," he said and lightly, carefully, placed his briefcase on the bench beside Lena and opened it, pulling out the contract he'd expected Tilly to sign for this job. He offered it to her with a pen and smirked at her again.

"Yes." Tilly responded bluntly to the other woman as she squinted at what was definitely a scuff mark from a sneaker. Was someone kicking her bench?! Whipping her head around, she made eye-contact with Risk for the first time since he arrived. Then her gaze went to the pen, then finally the contract which--ever the cautious woman--she immediately took and began reading.

"Oh..ok.." Lena replied as her cheery demeanour seemed to slip slightly as her smile weakened. "I guess I'll move. I didn't mean to get in the way." She gathered up her things then moved to kneel in front of her bag to pack them into it, too embarrassed to look at Risk now.

Risk let Tilly have the contract from his hands, and as she busied herself with reading it, he turned his attention to the blonde with big glasses and brightly colored clothes. "Pay Tilly no mind, she suffers from perpetual grouchiness," he said to her and smiled that charming smile. "I don't believe I got your name, beautiful."

Lena blinked up at Risk as if checking he was speaking to her when he said beautiful before blushing when she saw his eyes fixed on her. "Angelena..but everyone just calls me Lena." She replied before climbing to her feet and offering her hand. "I'm sure she's not grouchy, she just wants to check her work that's all." She said softly with a brief glance in Tilly's direction, hoping the other girl understood she wasn't mad at her. "You should be nice to her when you want her to sign that important looking document." Her smile strengthened as she looked back at Risk. "Now I'm looking for a place to stay for a few nights whist I'm in town..don't suppose you have a couch I could crash on?" She dared to ask as she raised an eyebrow at him and suddenly grinned.

Risk laughed at her comment about Tilly and the contract. It was a deep-chested laugh, the kind that brightened up a room. "Oh, don't worry about that. Tilly and I have a mutually founded respect for one another." he said playfully with a glance at Tilly as he shook Lena's hand. He turned back to her and at her question about a couch to crash on, his face brightened. "As a matter of fact, I do. You're in luck, Lena!" he smiled. "In fact, since I no longer have to go all the way down to the marina to deliver that contract to Tilly, I have some extra time. Why don't we stop by my place and let you get settled?"

Having read the contract twice and at one point brought the paper really close to her face to make sure that was not fine print she saw, Tilly finally accepted Risk's pen, signing the contract. Despite acting as though they were not there, Tilly had indeed heard Lena and Risk's conversation and did not hesitate before shoving the pen and contract back into Risk's hands so he and the tourist-who-is-apparently-staying-in-town-for-a-while could go away, followed by returning to her prior place behind the bench, slipping off one workboot, and using the rubber heel to remove the scuff mark she noticed earlier.

"Really?!" Lena spoke in disbelief when Risk offered her a place to stay. She had expected him to politely turn her down. "T-thanks this is really.." Her words trailed off as she glanced at Tilly and was momentarily distracted by her taking her shoe off and rubbing the heel on the bench. She tilted her head curiously then suddenly seemed to catch herself as she looked back at Risk quickly. "That would be amazing, thank you! I really was starting to worry about where I was going to stay tonight!"

Risk grunted as Tully shoved his paperwork and pen at him, hugging it to his chest with only a slightly strained yet somehow still politely sincere, "thank you!" He tucked the paperwork back into his suitcase and closed it up with a snap of the clips, then turned back to Lena. "Think nothing of it, Lena! I'm always happy to have company."

Once the scuff-mark was gone, Tilly replaced her boot with a look of self-satisfaction that only graced her face for the scant second before she continued her inspection. At least there was not any obvious damage, this time. Tilly mentally shuddered at the memory of what she found last time she did this--some smart-alek had used a sharpie to draw rather inappropriate appendages on the fish. She had to drive home and fetch supplies before she could scrub it off and repolish the wood.

"Well I'm truly grateful. Not many would be willing to allow a complete stranger to stay in their home." Lena smiled brightly then shifted to lift her large bag up once more. "But don't worry I'm a nice person. You've got nothing to worry about regarding me." She chuckled then looked at Tilly. "Thank you for your help. Maybe I'll see you around. Great bench by the way, looks incredible and its super comfortable." She gave a sharp confirming nod before she returned her gaze to Risk. "I'm ready when you are!"

Risk laughed lightly. "And not many would be willing to accept such an offer from a perfect stranger," he said, turning the point back on Lena. He smiled at her coolly and then looked at Tilly again. "Till? Any interest in joining us? I could make us lunch." he shrugged, giving her a perfectly platonic smile. 

Tilly did not visibly nor audibly responded to Lena's gratitude. The same went for the young woman's compliments. It was only at Risk's offer that the woman spoke up, giving a disinterested response nearly identical to that she gave to Dorian that morning: "I can feed myself." Still she inspected the bench, tilting her head at one point--causing gravity to partially move her hair so the scar was more visible--to get a better look at one spot that she then discovered was just a reflection of light from Lena's glasses. Almost scoffing to herself at the realization, Tilly sat back on her heels, allowing her hair to return to its usual place.

Risk have another good-natured chuckle and shrugged. "Suit yourself." He turned back to Lena and smiled kindly, motioning for her to walk with him back down the sidewalk and into the city streets towards BotO De Lorme Condo.

"Goodbye, have a nice day!" Lena said cheerfully to Tilly then turned and hurried after Risk as fast as her large rucksack would allow.

As is her nature, Tilly Gelson did not respond to either farewell. Aside from a subtle loosening of her shoulders, that is. With no more distractions present--and no looming responsibilities for the rest of the day--Tilly took her time in examining her beloved bench, thoroughly inspecting every inch and even stepping back to observe different angles as though some flaw would suddenly become visible from a distance. Satisfied with the bench's current state, she stood at her full height and--after a moment of deliberation--started the short walk towards BotO Sophie's Dinner.

With quick, purposeful steps, Tilly approached her car before balancing the to-go boxes in one hand to fish her keys out of her pocket with the other. Once the keys were retrieved and the door was open, she placed the boxes on the passenger seat, set herself in the driver's seat and headed back home to BotO Kasen/Gelson Duplex.

Archer went Stright to the swing and pulled out his phone. He opened up the contact list as he sat down and started to ask an old friend if he might still have a job opening for a contractor in the less than hospitable parts of the world.

Adela followed Archer through the park, keeping an eye on him and trying to decide if she should talk to him or let him cool off. When he sat down on a swing she silently came up and sat on the swing next to him. She didn't look at him, just stared off out toward the ocean, allowing him to talk in his own time.

Archer finished texting his friend and looked up at the waves. "You don't hide well when you walk... It sounded like a bear was getting ready to jump on me." He tone was playful, but he sighed and went on. "I'm a bit to used to telling the people I care bout the most how to live there life. I'm used to talking to the ones that act like ass holes like there less than filth... I'm also not used to having to explain myself... After a few deployments. They just know your a hard ass." Archer sighed again. "I was a bit out of hand back there?" He asked.

"I wasn't hiding." Adela sighed as well, "it deffinately could have gone better." she admitted, "But if it makes you feel any better, I can't say I really disagree with most of what you said. But you really should have kept most of it to yourself."

"I left the army to soon." Archer said with a sad tone. "I should have just stayed in. Instead I got made about some things that was no ones fault, and then blamed the command." Archers phone vibrated and he opened a message and began to read it. "I was so happy to come home, but now that I'm here I feel like my home was where my platoon is at..."

Adela frowned, "Everyone was so happy to see you. We've all missed you so much, Archer. I get the attachment you feel to your platoon, I worked in Columbia for a few years out of the academy. It's far from a war zone, but you still have to rely on the other men and women around you. can think of this as a new duty station, there are new people here who will need you if you let them rely on you."

As archer finished reading the message and was getting ready to speak another message came through. He looked down to see his mother calling. He answer. "Mom?" He ask. Listening to her yelling. His face looked impashent. And he nodded. Then put it on speaker but muted there end of the line. "I raised you better than this! Your yelling at Jade because she chooses to date a man? It's not like you were there for her! You left every one and ran off the play soldier." Archer hung up the phone and put it in his pocket. "Well... It looks like I'm in trouble tonight..."

Adela let out a low whistle, "Sounds like fun." she said dryly, "You know, you can crash at my place if you want. I think everyone needs a chance to calm down."

Archer smiled. "I think I'll have to take you up on that Dela." Archer smiled at her and shook his head a bit. "You and I should run away to New Zeland." He joked a bit Ashe offered Adela his hand.

She laughed, "Why New Zealand?" Adela laughed

"Because it is a fary tail land with magic and whimsy..." Archer said with a matter of fact tone. "Also... A military that wants to pay me a lot of money to train there soldiers." He then started to swing. "Let's just run away togather."

She shook her head, smiling, "That's sweet and all, but I have a carear and we both have family and friends here." she pointed out.

"True. It seems I lost a few tonight, but that's fine I guess." Archer smiled a bit. He was good at making people hate him after all. With that he looked at Adela. "Almost reminds me of Christmas."

A hint of a blush crept into her cheeks as she remembered the Christmas she spent with him in Colorado. She sighed and stood up, offering him her hand more as a friendly gesture than to really help him stand, "Its not fine, not really. But it's Jade so if you go see her after you've both cooled off then maybe you two can work it out."

"True. Let's go then." Archer took her hand only as a gesture and stood up. Then sighed. "I'm still hungry..." A smile crupt on his face. "If you want I'll go buy stakes and cook them for us." He offered with a childish grin on his face.

"That sounds great." Adela said with a smile, "The store is even on the way to my apartment and I have a little charcoal grill on my patio"

"Let's get going then." Archer said with a smile as he walked towards his truck.

Adela hopped up into his truck. They made a quick stop at the local grocer and then she directed him to boto Adela's Appartment

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians
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