Page name: BotO Luke's Farm Chapter Three [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2016-12-20 23:11:22
Last author: ~Valkyrie~
Owner: ~Valkyrie~
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Luke's Farm


An old farmhouse on the outskirts of town. Luke lovingly restored it and now uses the vast land to produce his own fruit and vegetables. There is a large barn out the back that houses his livestock, including horses, cows and chickens. You can usually hear them as you drive by mixed with the barks of Luke's two dogs.

"Corn and salad sounds good to me. I don't need hotdogs." Luke replied over his shoulder as he opened the door to his house and stepped inside before holding the door open for Haidee. "Lets make up the salad then we can head out and BBQ the corn. Then we cam just relax. We got a lot of work done this morning." He finished with a smile.

"Taking it easy on a farm the size of yours sounds more difficult than going out and working it," Haidee replied with a smile as she joined him inside and went to the sink in the kitchen to wash her hands first. The sound of his dogs barking in another room set her on edge but she tried not to show it. Exposure therapy right? She had learned about that. Maybe she'd just get used to them if she acclimated in small doses. "S-so," she added. "Everything we're using it's from your farm?"

Luke gave a nod and smiled over his shoulder as he moved to gather the things for their lunch. "Yeah. I always make sure to grow enough to feed myself. What's fresher than taking it out of your own back yard?" He chuckled then started working on the salad. "You know..if you wanted I could dig you up your own patch out here. You could start growing whatever you wanted."

Haidee felt herself blush a little. Growing things took time, often a lot of time, and yet Luke was offering to let her grow things here. That must me he liked having her around, and would like to have her around more often. How flattering. "That's really kind of you," she replied. "But if I were to take you up on the offer, I would like to graduate first, and tend the land myself... I wouldn't want you to waste space just for me." Ah but the idea of having the grocery business with Luke, selling their own goods, a collaborative effort between the two of them, broadening the selection with twice as many people, since they would be able to complete twice as much work. Maybe even build their own roadside stand... She shook her head at the idea, shut off the water, and dried her hands on a towel before turning her gentle smile on Luke again. "Thank you very kindly for the offer. I really do appreciate it."

"Well the offer will always be open for you..I'm always happy to help a fellow farmer." Luke joked with a smile before he returned to preparing their lunch. Once he had finished the salad he grabbed the corn and waved for Haidee to follow him outside to the bbq where he got to work grilling the corn. "So how much longer have you got before you graduate?" He asked me to curiously.

"It'll be another year. I'll graduate next spring. I'll miss the greenhouses so much," Haidee admitted as she carefully took up a seat in one of Luke's outdoor chairs near the BBQ so they could continue chatting while they rested. It was probably for the best she give her heart a rest after so much physical labor anyway. Dr. Panas wouldn't appreciate her pushing it too much. "Hopefully by then I'll find my own home with a yard where I can grow more than strawberries and a few window boxes."

"I'm sure you'll find somewhere just right and if you need any help setting up, just give me a call. I know how hard it is at the beginning.." Luke replied as he busied himself grilling the corn. Once it was ready he set it on the table next to the chairs Haidee was seated in along with the salad and fresh lemonade he had made earlier. "Dig in." He said with a smile as he plated up a small amount for himself then seated himself next to Haidee with a contented sigh.

Haidee smiled and nodded her thanks before enjoying the meal appreciatively, glad for the distraction from Luke being so nice. Why was he doing that anyway? She had come here to practice and study, and she greatly appreciated his help, but she had not expected him to go so far out of his way to offer her so much help- and space on his own farm! He was above and beyond what she had expected or hoped for. All that said, she felt it was probably best to remain on her own. What if something happened? What if her heart truly did give out? She didn't want him to feel guilty. She wanted to work hard and enjoy life and not worry about prolonging it after all. It was what it was, it would be as long as it would be, and she had a feeling that would be a good deal less than Jake's was bound to be. He was strong and healthy from what she could see, and although embarrassing she had to admit she HAD been looking... a lot. She could see him as a family man and was very surprised he didn't at least have a young bride of his own by now. But they were still both young, there was time for him. Once her meal was finished she demurely wiped her mouth with the little cloth handkerchief provided as a napkin before she simply leaned back in her chair to admire the view of his farm. Crops basking in the sunlight, cheerily waving a bit in the breeze as if beckoning her to tend to them. A few fruit trees seemed almost to dance in the corner of her eye and she found herself smiling fondly at the entirety of the sight before she noticed her expression changing. It was very peaceful here. It was good for her heart to rest after such labor. Dr. Panas would be happy for that much at least.

"Can I get you anything else?" Luke asked once he had finished his own lunch and relaxed back into his seat. He looked over at Haidee and smiled softly, watching as she admired the farm. As nervous and shy as he had been when he had first met Haidee, her presence now made him feel at ease and happier now that he had someone to share his love for farming.

Haidee's eyelids fluttered slightly in surprise when Luke's voice broke the peaceful serenity of the farm. It took half a moment to process what he said but she shook her head to decline, turning her calm little smile on him again. "No, you've been more than generous. This has been a lovely experience, thank you. I don't want to overstay my welcome so I really should return actually... I have some homework I should be doing. My other classes just aren't as interesting as the greenhouses though unfortunately." She chuckled quietly and sat up carefully from her chair. Her heart was still beating a little heavily but if she took the trip home slowly she should be ok. She stood and held out a hand to Jake to accept his dishes to take inside. "Thank you, Jake, for allowing me to help with your work today. I really appreciate it."

"Oh please think nothing of it.." Luke replied feeling a little disappointed that she had to leave but he wasn't going to come between Haidee and her schoolwork. He stood up and shook his head with a smile when she reached out for his dishes. "Don't worry, I can take care of these." He said politely. "And thank you for your help, I wouldn't be anywhere near to finishing if you hadn't been here. Lunch and dinner usually are a combined meal for me because it takes so long." He chuckled as he scratched the back of his head before motioning her back towards the house to show her the exit. "Please feel free to return anytime..I'm always here."

"I'd like that..." Haidee replied softly, glad for the offer to return. "I'd enjoy being able to help you again, and that I was useful to you." She gave him another smile before carefully placing her dishes in the sink, running some water over them to make them easier to wash later. Only then did she turn to meet his eyes again. They were like warm earth, the smell of him from the farm only accentuated the illusion. His hugs were probably amazing. "Can I get your number? So I can confirm coming again. I would't want to just show up unannounced."

"My number.." Luke repeated slowly then suddenly his cheeks blazed red as his expression turned to embarrassment. "Actually..I..uh..I don't have a phone. Never really, you know cared for people calling me. B-but if you give me your number then I'll go get a phone and when I have a number I'll forward it to you!" He added quickly. He hadn't cared for people calling him but the thought of missing a chance to speak with Haidee made his heart sink. He turned quickly and dug around in a drawer for a bit before producing a pen and some paper which he offered to her with a smile.

Haidee blinked at him a couple of times, her eyebrows raised a little in surprise. His face had been awfully red, and he was awfully rushed now. Ah. Her expression relaxed back into her gentle smile as she accepted the pen and paper and scribbled on it for a few minutes longer than necessary for just a phone number, then held it out for Luke to take again. "All that sounded like a bother. I added my home address, or you could stop by the university, if you don't see me at the shop, but I go pretty regularly, for your produce, as I said. That way you can just come tell me your number in person, ok?" Her smile widened a bit encouragingly. "Or if you just want to come say hello, I'd like that too."

"Of course I'll come say hi. I'd really like that." Luke replied with more enthusiasm than he had intended which only made his cheeks redden further. He cleared his throat bashfully as he glanced down at the paper before looking back at Haidee with a smile. "Thank you. For everything you've done today. I'll be in touch soon." He turned and stepped towards the front door and opened it for her. "Please come back any time you feel like it.."

"I look forward to it," Haidee replied as she stepped out onto his porch, turning just to give him another farewell smile. "And to seeing you again soon, Luke." Too uncertain to overstep any bounds, she simply raised her hand and gave him the littlest of waves. It was difficult to create that perfect moment to leave, when it was clearly time to part. Maybe another day she could work longer, or maybe multiple days in a row. Ah, it sounded like a dream... She would need to schedule a physical soon, to make sure she was up to the task, but her heart felt strong, and so, with that comfort in mind, she was finally able to turn away and start up the road the short distance to where she'd left her bike, then headed home for some homework and likely an early bed. As much as she'd enjoyed the day, she wasn't used to that amount of labor so it was probably best to take it easy.

Luke watched her go then turned back into the farmhouse, his smile brighter than ever. He hurried to the kitchen and cleaned up their dishes, seeming distracted as he kept glancing at the clock. After ten minutes or so he couldn't take it anymore and hurried to grab his keys and jacket before moving out to his truck. I'll get my new phone.. He thought to himself as he started up the engine then roared off away from his farm and off into the town.

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

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