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2006-05-19 02:41:12
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Welcome to the Bush Supporters Association!

Edited by Owner

Hey guys, I've decided that I have waaay too little time to take care of this page and it isn't really serving its purpose anyway, so I'm shutting it down. I meant it to be mostly for members to chat and if an anti-Bush wanted to share their views, that'd be great. Instead it's either me or one of the very few members who want to talk defending our positions about Bush and frankly, I'm a bit sick of coming back to sort out the chaos. I'm still keeping the member sign-up page, so if people want to continue to chat with each other, please refer to that page. Also, those who want to join can still add their names to that page. Thank you for participating and sorry that I can't spare enough time.

[Ylaraniala Majere]

Here's the link to join: Bush Supporters Association Members

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2006-01-17 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Nah, actually there IS a difference. An act of terrorism is when the person doing the act means for people to become terrified. Also, where is your proof that Americans HAVE killed tens of thousands of civilians? You seem to require proof for your opponents but none for yourself.

2006-01-17 [KimoN]:,,2763,1338749,00.html These are surveys, that have been produced by the LANCET journal, as you know, very prestigious. This estimates were done about a year, and they show that since the war started (up till the time of collection of information) 100, 000 iraqis have been killed directly due to the invasion, half being women and children. I guess they selectively miss this stuff out in the rightwing controlled US media.

2006-01-19 [chasingpeace]: isn't that the point of this war? to have people become so terrified that they just give up? there doesn't seem to be any other point to it.

2006-01-20 [Dil*]: Proof?! my god! (or lack thereof), we've been spamming you guys links for such a long time.

2006-01-21 [chasingpeace]: proof for my statement? there doesn't seem to be any other explaination...

2006-01-21 [KimoN]: Dilandau was talking about Majere's statement :P

2006-01-22 [KimoN]: She has a statement 4 positions above this one :)

2006-01-23 [Dil*]: I've posted so many anti-bush links on this page it's not even funny.

2006-01-25 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Alkor. LEAVE ALREADY. Haven't you noticed that I've deleted every one of your posts? And yeah, I know Dilandau, I noticed you posting links. Not many other people though.

2006-04-17 [Maurer's conclusions]: This website gives evidence of every single body it has, citing various sources. Though they have stopped now. They do not count kills for which there appears to be no evidence.

2006-04-28 [tiragon]: Terrorism- "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. " This definition brought to you by

2006-05-09 [chasingpeace]: I'd have to say that the U.S. armed forces are commiting terrorism

2006-08-10 [Bumsoft]: A little like Israel. Oh the irony of the siutation.

2006-09-08 [elfboy]: Ouch. I'm in the Army, you know!

2006-09-09 [chasingpeace]: the use of violence or threats to intimidat eor coerce is the definition of terrorism...

2007-03-19 [earthkynd]: _>

2007-03-27 [lohawefniwubf]: You people are rediculous

2007-05-09 [Dil*]: you mean: 'ridiculous'.

2007-05-13 [lohawefniwubf]: That's the word.

2010-04-28 [Mortified Penguin]: ...*eats ramen*...

Bush rules!

2010-08-22 [lohawefniwubf]: *Nods in agreement, mouth full of taco*

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