Page name: Bush Supporters Association Members [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-09-09 22:44:43
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1.[Ylaraniala Majere]
2.[farfy girl]
4.[The Joe]
5.[twist and shout]
7.[Acomplished Exile]
9.[*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]
16.[Shadow of the Bat] Go Bush!!!
17.[The Scarlet Pumpernickle]Let Bush win!
18.[Sweet 6 6 6--H.I.M.] I support Bush!
20.[IMOUT]-Bush Rocks!!!!!
21.[Tiger Shark]
22.[Cat0132] I live in Mass, but NOT a liberal YAY!
23.[blueplayboytiger] bush is almost as cool as inuyasha.. heehee ^.^ which is a good thing... if you were wondering... o^.^o
24.[Ri'hala] just because Bush talks funneh doesn't make him dumb...he got us through 9/11 didn't he?
25.[lohawefniwubf] I am Australian, and Live in Australia, and I know that if Bush gets voted out, our country is rooted. He knows what he is doing.
26.[SerenityBug] He is a man with morals, our country was founded by men with morals, and should be led BY a man with morals in modern america.
27.[take me home and feed me]
28.[got r did]
30.[raiderxx] we finally get a good president... and everyone runs him down!! i dont get it...
31.[tomfucker] One of the Presidents United States Marines.
32.[ShadeRaven] I believe that he rocks and I know he isn't stupid because he got into one of the hardest schools ever that require brains a lot more then money =D
33.[Jinji-Chan] 100% Bush Supporter! Our president is a good man with sound morals and a good heart. And you have to be preeeeeeeeeeeeeetty smart to be the president of the *United States*!!! I mean, jeez people. If he's supposedly as dumb as some accuse him to be, why aren't THEY president yet...?
34.[sacredfault] he is a christian....a republican & a west texan...who could go wrong??
37.[Laidreal] BUSH 4EVER!!!!
38.[Combat Engineer] i suport bush because kerry's face looks like a horses ass
39.[ceddy] lol gremlin..nice comment. but yeah, bush is our only option.
40.[Vanalyn] Someone who cares more about people than keeping his job.
43.[Alice in Darkland]
44.[Death's Die-Ary]
45.[Chiladryn] I love the president, his favorite food is chocolate chip cookies for God's sake, that is pure americana for you!
46.[Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]
47.[if i followed you home would you keep me]
48.[Holy_Moley] I don't agree with everything he's doing, but he is the president.
49.[Cynne] he made our nation great again
50.[Angel of Ice]
51.[Misty Air]
52.[Darth Segas]
53. [Dasner] He is a GREAT President! My family will go with him all the way. He is VERy moral. *Can not say enough about the President of the United States of America, salutes*^_^
55. [_____________] I not only support Bush and his veiws, I support him as the leader of our country. I understand if others don't support what he does, but he is the representative of our country. It only makes our country weaker when others fire and rebel against the one who represents it, especially in this time.
56. [cobwebb] He didn't cause the war >.<
57. [Grey Eyes] My boyfriend is in the military...and he's leaving for Iraq in summer v.v
58. [GeshemYehod] wow, I can't be the first...(after [virus is unlished] destroyed the wiki again... -.-)
59. [Llevon] honor, religion, human decency, and freedom. if you don't like it, you can always leave the country. it's another of your freedoms.
60. [Son of Northern Darkness] if u dont like it here then please leave. and have a nice day.
61. [dfafadsfasdasf] bush is a noble leader
62. [AndrewJacobG] Bush is a great president.
63. [champagnebommer 77] As far as actually knowing all the small details, I don't. But I know the big issues, and I know he's handling them well, the same way I'd expect any Human to.
64.[Account No Longer Active] Good Lord above only knows what would've happened to our country had Kerry been elected.
65. [RaineDrop] I have been a Bush supporter all the way, (even if i don't fully agree with *everything* he does i respect our comander and chief greatly) I have been a conservative republican since i was born!
66. [-Je Veux Votre Amour-]
67. [Leelo]
68. [7seven7]
69. [Moonburn]
70. [KING T.I.M.]
71. [Oh, this is still active? Lol]
72. [Vlashneer]

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2004-09-27 [Cat0132]: squeeeeeeee yay for jon!

2005-04-11 [Account No Longer Active]: You know how some people say Bush looks like a monkey? Well, he kinda does, but Kerry looks like a banana. I honestly see the banana thing going on.

2005-06-03 [Ylaraniala Majere]: lol... please don't insult Kerry though, tis not that kinda wiki

2005-08-14 [7seven7]: would stating that i do not understand how one thing coming out of kerry's mouth is supposed to make any sense be considered insulting him?

2005-08-14 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Er, maybe, it's sorta on the line...

2005-09-06 [Ylaraniala Majere]: 70 members!!!!! ^^

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