Page name: CAC Members [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-11-27 05:24:06
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: Roxcie
# of watchers: 9
Fans: 0
D20: 5
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CAC Members


1.)<img:>[The Dizzy Raven]
2.) [Roxcie] Awesome, cool anime!! :D Amanda rocks! :D
3.) [*Sakura-chan*]- ex owner- hells yeah I luv this wiki ^_^
4.) [Natuka] :P
5.) [NightTheOwl]-Woohoo numer fiiiive!
6.) [Jace Beleren]
7.) [Araglas] Too many favorites to name! second boss
8.) [Hiro Kitaki] can't forget Bleach. third boss
9.)[XxTsomexX] Gotta love Naruto!!
10.) [Demon Epona] Go InuYasha!!! And Bleach! And Wolf's Rain! ...etc...
11.) [Frivalicious]
12.} [{*Suna's Kazekage*} Gaara]
13. [Duke Devlin] YUGIOH YUGIOH Yuugiou <3 LOVE!
14. [yamisango]
15. [~Crimson Angel~] Owner
16. [Alexi Ice] - Likes; Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok, Hellsing, Beastmaster (both of them), and Code Geass.
17. [twitchboy] "I'm only watching a dream I never awakened from." - Spike Spiegel
18. [Dasner] - I love anime, especially Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro and Hellsing. @_@ Their eyes are hypnotizing
19. [Fallen Child Athena] >.> Seto Kiaba from Yugioh....Im so in luff with him xD
20. [Eyden13] Kakashi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21. [shadow frost wolf] *poses* Im Here!!
22. [xX Doomed Vampire Doll Xx]
23. [Chishio] konichiwa! *bows* I love too many anime to list XD
24. [wicked fae mage] --Yuyu Hakusho, He is My Master?...sp many of them! (My reviews page- Anime and Manga Reviews- feel free to use it as a wiki if you'd like)

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2010-04-24 [The Dizzy Raven]: I'm not the owner anymore! ack! lol

2010-04-24 [Eyden13]: awww. Who is?

2010-04-24 [The Dizzy Raven]: Amebara :D
I forgot to change it. give meh a minute
(I gave the wiki away because I didn't have time for it anymore

2010-04-24 [Eyden13]: We'll miss you.

2010-04-25 [The Dizzy Raven]: but I'm helping out here as I can :D
anyways, I'll miss ya too!

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