Page name: CKY Fans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-05-27 20:32:27
Last author: Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea
Owner: None
# of watchers: 5
Fans: 0
D20: 12
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Hey, this Wiki is for all the fans of CKY


Feel free to add your name to the list and put the banner in your house page so that more CKY Fans will join.

^_^;  =D

If you have made a banner, put it in here. If you wish to get a banner to put in your House, also go here ^_^ : CKY Fans Banners

Take a glance, and hopefully do the new CKY Poll.. Enjoy..

~ Creator [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]-- If you wish to join, simply message me, and i'll add you as a member


~ Members


#1 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]
#2 [ALSN.]
#3 [gothic love]
#4 [DarkAngel3]
#5 [TeenageDirtbag]
#6 [AlLiSoN =)]
#7 [Forbidden Love]
#8 [Samurai Squirrel]
#9 [your666]
#10 [sing my sorrows]
#11 [Grrt]
#12 [Dark Sekret Love]--
  they kick much booty! They are underrated!
#13 [khjrikdurterk]--
  yea im number 13
#14 [O.N.E.pathetic TWISTED wReck]--
  i love cky!!!! o i love them so much i vant to do them all! and i love the music! to bad vern lefted!
#15 [Pirokenetic]--
  skeletor vs. beastman is the best
#16 [ElizabethBathory]--
  easy songs to play
#17 [Sombre]--
  <(^^<) Mustard Man (>^^)> Woo! CKY!
#18 [M e l i s s a]--
  woohoo bam margera :D music is good went to a gig of them....:D fave songggg ummmm probs escape from hellview (first CkY song i heard)
#19 [GEORGINA.]--
  CKY rule!!! Attached at the hip!!!!
#20 [h.i.m.gurl]--
  i luv cky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they rock and kick ass!
#21 [pumpkin king]--
  i love cky both the music and the dvds but the band are the best
#22 [Make Out Kid♥™!]--
  .... CKY... *dances*
#23 [VIVI1001]--
  Yay! CKY ^_^
#24 [Evil Faerie Feline]
#25 [ddsfsfdsfd]
#26 [Mercenes]
#27 [Typical Cracka Behavior]
#28 [Pitch_me_Please?]--
  Cherry Singing
#29 [Crazy Weird Thing]
#30 [realitylApse]
#31 [Christopher Andreasen]
#32 [Ambuhh.]
#33 [Xx_wiggatron_xX]
#34 [ForeverGoth]
#35 [RANCID Chick]


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      CKY Fans Banners
      CKY Poll

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2005-08-30 [Pitch_me_Please?]: Tell me bout it. i wanna move to italy

2005-08-30 [Pitch_me_Please?]: ALL THE TEH SEXY HOTTTTTTTIES

2005-08-30 [Sombre]: Hehe and what's this Italian kiss eh

2005-08-30 [Make Out Kid♥™!]: dirty:P

2005-08-30 [Pitch_me_Please?]: It wasnt dirty!!!!!.... it was the cute thing where they kiss you on each cheeeeeek

2005-08-30 [Pitch_me_Please?]: it was niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice

2005-08-30 [Make Out Kid♥™!]: hahahaha. my boyfriend kisses me on the cheak. i love it lotsy :)

2005-08-30 [Pitch_me_Please?]: YESH, BUT IS UR BOYF ITALIEN???

2005-08-30 [Pitch_me_Please?]: with the wuvly sexeh accent??

2005-08-30 [Make Out Kid♥™!]: ahahahaha nope. but he is lovely (check my profile)

2005-09-01 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: O.o

2005-09-02 [Pitch_me_Please?]: Yeah i agree with him

2005-10-04 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Uhm.. I was away again (Whoops XD)

2005-10-05 [Pitch_me_Please?]: I DONT THINK U DESERVE TO LOOK AFTER THIS PLACE ALONE!!!!!!!!! u should tell me the password, then i iwll be ur chum and look after it while u are away, but i wont change anything cos its already cooooooool

2005-10-06 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: >.> ....

2005-10-07 [Pitch_me_Please?]: and what is that supposed to mean>?!?!?!?!

2005-10-10 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Maybe.. '' no comment '' ?

2005-10-11 [Pitch_me_Please?]: OoOoOoH harsh words. U know u want to tell me the password. i would make a fabby owner

2005-10-12 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Yup..

2005-10-14 [Pitch_me_Please?]: So when are u gonna tell me?!

2005-10-19 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Hmmmm.....?

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