Page name: CatchMy-Drift [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-04 17:09:24
Last author: Chimes
Owner: Chimes
# of watchers: 5
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Under Construction - [Chimes]&[Duke Devlin]


'Have you ever been ignored because of your age? Have you ever been discriminated against because of what you wear or what you listen to? Have you ever been stereotyped in to something that you aren't? Does it annoy you? If so then you are welcome here, and you will probably find yourself intrigued by what you find here as you are like us. We look forward to seeing your responses.'

CatchMy-Drift is a E-Zine in progress, it is no where near complete in any way, but we feel that it is complete enough to be shown. We deal with issues that affect us as well as things we enjoy or like. We see it as a way to get our views noticed and hopefully grab the attention of others. We can't say that it will be everyones cup of tea but it is there for those who want it.

Though we do write for others entertainment and/or enjoyment we also write for ourselves, a number of the articles are things we feel we need to write about. Some of them can be very personal to us. Some of them may not be appreciated, but - again - we right for ourselves.

We are always on the look out for new talent, be it in graphic design or writing, or maybe something different altogether. If you are interested please feel free to fill in one of the application forms, we would love to make this a universal project, instead of having it just come from our relatively small town.

To visit the site:

- The CMD Staff.
Current Staff:
[Duke Devlin], [Chimes], [Sombre], [Mortified Penguin]


Username (or number or email):


[Rice]: I love how i am removed from the website, it's a most fantastic turn of events, a more than delightful resolution to your obvious dislike of me ^^. Makes me feel all warm and gooey inside, tell me, what caused this. Was it the fact i deleted you from my friends on here, or does it run deeper, please say it runs deeper?

[Chimes]: No it's the fact you made no contribution what-so-ever. I couldn't really care less that you deleted me from your friends on here.

[Rice]: Not from what i've heard, apparantly you had a good old moan about it.
I did, i wrote reviews on movies.

[Chimes]: I didn't moan I was amused by it.
That wasn't the E-Zine that was the forum, you didn't show an active interest.

[Rice]: I offered when you started, but then i don't really now how to do all the funky graphics stuff so i would of messed it up if i helped in that department. But you have removed me from the forum also.

You were amused by it, so you did care then?

[Chimes]: I haven't removed you from the forum, you are still a member there. If you have been removed completely it wasn't my doing.

Well not really if I found you randomly deleting me funny.

[Rice]: Who else would do it, no one else can delete me? If it wasn't you then you will have no problem in reinstating me since i did contribute to it.

Glad you got the joke.

[Chimes]: You are still on the forum I just looked. I did not delete you from the forum.

[Rice]: I am a fetus? That means my entire thing has been deleted and i technically have no role on the forum.

[Chimes]: You have a role as a member.

[Rice]: Why was i demoted then?

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