Page name: Deseption [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-01 03:02:58
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
# of watchers: 1
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Karisuto waited, holding her mirror as the others had retreated to the opposite side of the island. Karisuto stared in satufaction at the ever shifting sea. Then something started to rise up from the sea. Then rise of water grew higher and higher. Until it burst open and Atamis appeared as he floated in the air. He floated down to the sand below and in frount of Karisuto. She knelt down, "I'm glade to see your well, my lord." "Who are you?" He commanded. "Why little ol' me? My name, is Nozomu." She made a rather suspicious smile. "Nozomu..." He studied her for a moment, "What do you want? Why are you here and waiting for me?" "I simply wish to follow the most powerful demon of the three worlds." Karisuto, or Nozomu, as she renamed herself, said. The young girls voice was sweet and enchanting. Though nothing like Karisuto's voice anymore. Again, he studied her, expecially noticing her mirror. "The mirror..." He said. "What about my mirror?" She asked, looking up. "What is it's purpose?" He asked. "It's purpose? It is a searching mirror. It can find the location of any item or person in any of the three worlds." Nozomu answered, "It can also find the location of Rika and her little foolish friends." She grinned in an evil way. Atamis' eyes widened and he grinned evily as well, "Very well then. You may follow." He began to walk away with her.

Atamis took her back to the mountain where he kept the orb. Placing it back on the pedistool, he turned to her, "If what you said earlyer is true, then find the location of the maiden Rika for me!" He commaned. "Very well, my lord." She nodded and sat down on the ground. Placing the mirror on the ground, face up, she placed her hand over it and said a chant. It was soft and repeditive for a moment as the mirror began to lightly glow. "Find me the maiden, Rika." she said into the mirror and the picture of the island in the mirror swirled and for a picture of Rika and the others. They were talking and looked rather happy at the time. "This fool doesn't suspect a thing. The image he sees in the mirror is fake." she thought. "Very good. Where is the location?" He asked. "On the south perimiter of the island." she said, placing both hands on her lap. "You stay here and gaurd this orb. I'll be back shortly." He said and exited through the cavern tunnals. When he reached the opening, he took of into the air and headed toward thier, suspected, location.

"The imbasil is walking right into an ambush, and he doesn't even know it." she thought. Then she got up and walked up to the orb. She reached for it and grabbed it, but a great energy begane to flow from it. Her hand burned, but she maintained her hold on it. Suddenly Rika fell down into the cavern from the top opening. She grasped the orb as well. Then, the energy burst and dissapeared, almost making the girls lose their balance. "I can see you succeeded in your task." Rika said to her. "It was simple. Atamis doesn't suspect a thing." Karisuto aka Nozomu, said. "Very good. I'll place a spell on the orb to stop the clouds. They'll slowly deteriorate into nothing within a day. This'll also make it so Atamis can't use it any longer." Rika said as she sent a powerful spell into the orb. "What about Atamis?" Karisuto asked. "Leave that fool to me." Rika grinned evily and her sapphire blue eyes turned crimson and her fanges shown. Suddenly the orb began to glow in her hands. She stared at it, as though in a trance. She began breathing harder. Her pupils began to shift to be cat-like. Karisuto noticed and snatched the orb form her hands. Rika turned back to normal and regained her sense again. Kari and Rika looked at each other.

[Kari is short for Karisuto.]

Meanwhile, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, and Saremu waited on the south end of the island. Waiting for Atamis. Yusuke, being as he is, was getting impatient, "Geeze! For a guy with all that power, he sure is slow when traveling!" "I'm sure he'll be here soon, Yusuke. Just remain calm." Kurama said. "Yeah, and when he get's here we can beat the crap outta that guy!" Kuwabara said. "I'd bet he'll kill you even before you get a chance to look at him." Hiei said. "AND WHAT MAKES YOU SAY THAT!? HUH SHORT STUFF!?" Kuwabara shouted in his face. "He's already beaten you before. I'm not surprised with your lack of power. Therefor it's a high possiblility that he'll kill you this time." Hiei finished and Kuwabara looked dumbfounded. "....BIT MY ANKLES HAMPSTER LEGS!!" Kuwabara yelled finally.

[ooo, there's a familiar quote.]

Atamis flew through the forest at high speeds, just barely touching the ground.
Yusuke looked forward with his arms crossed and he leaned against a tree. Saremu lie below the small cliff behind them. Although because of his size he still could be seen above it. "Saremu, go hid." Yusuke said and the dragon made a small roar-like sound. "When Atamis gets here, we'll distract him. At the right time you'll come up and attack him when he's off gaurd." Yusuke finished and the dragon nodded. Than he burrowed in the earth, closing the hole behind him.

The team got into postion, Kurama nearest to Atamis' current location. Kuwabara a few feet away. Hiei next in line, then Yusuke waiting by the tiny cliff.

Just as Atamis thought he was going to reach his target, A vine whipped out at him and slammed him into the ground. Atamis slid on the ground. When he pushed himself on his hands and knees, Kuwabara jumped out of the bushes with his sword and swung at Atamis. Atamis rolled out of the way just in time. Hiei appeared in a blur behind him and slashed his sword, but Atamis dodged and continued in the direction he was going, "It's an ambush!!" he thought. That's when he heard something, "SPIRIT GUN!!" before Atamis could move, a wave of energy hit him, full force. When it cleared, Atamis was lying on the ground, looking up he saw Yusuke. "Bulls eye." Yusuke said. "You...little..." Atamis staggered to his feet and charged Yusuke, "WORM! I'LL KILL YOU ALONG WITH ALL YOUR PATHETIC FRIENDS!!!" Atamis yelled. Yusuke didn't flinch, just had a stern look on his face and his hands in his pockets. Just as Atamis reached him, Kurama jumped in fround of Yusuke and punched Atamis, square in the nose. Then Kuwabara came up behind Atamis and kicked him in the back. As Atamis flew through the air, Hiei appeared above him and delivered a drop kick to his head. When Atamis stood he said, "ENOUGH!!" Then he hit the ground with his fist and a burt of energy flowed quickly through the ground and hit the team. Yusuke did a mid air flip and landed on his feet. Then he charged Atamis and locked hands with him, as they planted their feet firm on the ground to hold their ground. "Your just as pathetic as a normal human." Atamis said. "Maybe I like being human!!" Yusuke said and tossed Atamis over his shoulder. Then Hiei appeared in a blur above Atamis, "NOW YOU DIE!!" As Hiei came down for the attack with his sword drawn, Atamis put up a shield as Hiei slashed.

>> The Black Orb's power

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2005-06-24 [Lady Alaina]: Goood........^^

2005-06-24 [Kiristo]: lolXD

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